
时间:2021-07-18 08:52:20

I'm working in Rails 3.1 as a relative noob, and have managed to extract user Transaction amounts from the db into a date-ordered array using this code (where date and amount_cents are db attributes):

我在Rails 3.1中作为相对noob工​​作,并设法使用此代码将db中的用户事务量提取到日期排序的数组中(其中date和amount_cents是db属性):

@user_trans = User.transactions.order("date").map {|t| t.amount_cents}

@user_trans = User.transactions.order(“date”)。map {| t | t.amount_cents}

=> [1000, -350, -250, 600, 750, -450]

=> [1000,-350,-250,600,750,-450]

I easily get a total of the array with:


@user_trans.sum => 1300

@ user_trans.sum => 1300

But what I just can't figure out is an elegant way to iterate over each element of the array and add the first element to the second, second to third, etc., resulting in running totals:


[1000, 650, 400, 1000, 1750, 1300]


It seems that .each or .inject would be the method used, but outside of a clunky multi-line hack, I haven't found the magic syntax to do this, but it seems there should be a streamlined approach. Order IS important. Maybe regress off the total, then reverse?


I sit at your feet with hopeful expectation... :)

我满怀期待地坐在你的脚边...... :)

1 个解决方案



Here's a one-liner. The to_i is necessary to handle the first element where the result array is empty (nil.to_i will evaluate to 0).

这是一个单行。 to_i是处理结果数组为空的第一个元素所必需的(nil.to_i将计算为0)。

@user_trans.inject([]) { |result, element| result << result.last.to_i + element }



Here's a one-liner. The to_i is necessary to handle the first element where the result array is empty (nil.to_i will evaluate to 0).

这是一个单行。 to_i是处理结果数组为空的第一个元素所必需的(nil.to_i将计算为0)。

@user_trans.inject([]) { |result, element| result << result.last.to_i + element }