
时间:2022-08-31 08:45:36

I put together an assembly descriptor


            ... some more ...

nothing special, but now my dependencies are included within the zip file multiple times (the exact same files). Why does this happen, and how can I prevent this? (I thought maybe the use of useTransitiveFiltering would prevent it, but no)

没有什么特别的,但现在我的依赖项被多次包含在zip文件中(完全相同的文件)。为什么会发生这种情况,我该如何防止这种情况发生? (我想也许使用useTransitiveFiltering会阻止它,但是没有)

To illustrate how it looks within the zip file here a illustration:


Screenshot Zip File http://www.openscada.org/AtlantisMavenBuild?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=multiple-deps.png


1 个解决方案


That is a bug in the assembly plugin. I also noticed that about a year ago. The latest version of the assembly plugin does not have the problem. I would recommend updating the version of the assembly plugin you are using to 2.2 beta 3. It should resolve your issue.

这是程序集插件中的一个错误。大约一年前我也注意到了。最新版本的程序集插件没有问题。我建议您将正在使用的程序集插件的版本更新为2.2 beta 3.它应该可以解决您的问题。



That is a bug in the assembly plugin. I also noticed that about a year ago. The latest version of the assembly plugin does not have the problem. I would recommend updating the version of the assembly plugin you are using to 2.2 beta 3. It should resolve your issue.

这是程序集插件中的一个错误。大约一年前我也注意到了。最新版本的程序集插件没有问题。我建议您将正在使用的程序集插件的版本更新为2.2 beta 3.它应该可以解决您的问题。
