
时间:2021-01-03 09:58:11

I get this error


Element INSTANCE is undefined in VARIABLES.


I do not see the reason for the error!


This is my factory


<cfcomponent output="true" displayname="ObjectFactory">

 <cffunction name="init" access="public" output="true" returntype="ObjectFactory">
  <cfset variables.instance = structNew() />
  <cfreturn this />

 <cffunction name="createObj" access="public" output="false" returntype="any">
  <cfargument name="objName" type="string" required="true" />
  <cfswitch expression="#arguments.objName#">
   <cfcase value="abstractCollection">
    <cfreturn createObject('component',"AbstractCollection").init() />
    <cfbreak />
   <cfcase value="assignmentCollection">
    <cfreturn createObject('component',"AssignmentCollection").init() />
    <cfbreak />
   <cfcase value="salesmanBean">
    <cfreturn createObject('component',"SalesmanBean").init(
     salesmanHasThisDecorations = this.getInstance("assignmentCollection")) />
    <cfbreak />

 <cffunction name="getInstance" access="public" output="false" returntype="any">
  <cfargument name="objName" type="string" required="true" />
 <!--- Error occurs in the line below --->
  <cfif not structKeyExists(variables.instance, arguments.objName)>
   <cfset variables.instance[arguments.objName] = this.createObj(arguments.objName) />
  <cfreturn variables.instance[arguments.objName] />

2 个解决方案


Make sure you call init() when you instantiate ObjectFactory:


<cfset objectFactory = CreateObject("component","ObjectFactory").init()>

FYI, init() and <cfcomponent> should have output='false'

FYI,init()和 应该有output ='false'

FYI, you should call your own function without "this.", because if for some reason the function is later declared as private, it won't find it in 'this' scope.



Agree that you are likely not calling .init() so are not creating the variable before accessing it.


You also may want to initialize (create) the VARIABLES scoped variables outside of init(). The init() should be used more for passing in values to your internal CFC-scope (VARIABLES scope) than for creating variables within it.

您还可能希望在init()之外初始化(创建)VARIABLES范围的变量。 init()应该更多地用于将值传递到内部CFC范围(VARIABLES范围),而不是在其中创建变量。

<cfcomponent displayname="ObjectFactory">
<cfset variables.instance = structNew() />

 <cffunction name="init" access="public" returntype="ObjectFactory">
  <cfargument name="name" required="yes" type="string">
  <cfset variables.instance.name = arguments.name>
  <cfreturn this />



Make sure you call init() when you instantiate ObjectFactory:


<cfset objectFactory = CreateObject("component","ObjectFactory").init()>

FYI, init() and <cfcomponent> should have output='false'

FYI,init()和 应该有output ='false'

FYI, you should call your own function without "this.", because if for some reason the function is later declared as private, it won't find it in 'this' scope.



Agree that you are likely not calling .init() so are not creating the variable before accessing it.


You also may want to initialize (create) the VARIABLES scoped variables outside of init(). The init() should be used more for passing in values to your internal CFC-scope (VARIABLES scope) than for creating variables within it.

您还可能希望在init()之外初始化(创建)VARIABLES范围的变量。 init()应该更多地用于将值传递到内部CFC范围(VARIABLES范围),而不是在其中创建变量。

<cfcomponent displayname="ObjectFactory">
<cfset variables.instance = structNew() />

 <cffunction name="init" access="public" returntype="ObjectFactory">
  <cfargument name="name" required="yes" type="string">
  <cfset variables.instance.name = arguments.name>
  <cfreturn this />
