
时间:2021-03-30 08:17:54

I have just written a report using the Matrix control in SSRS 2005. I have coloured the rows and columns and when I preview the report the colouring is applied. Same with export to pdf.

我刚刚在SSRS 2005中使用Matrix控件编写了一个报表。我对行和列进行了着色,当我预览报表时,会应用着色。与导出到pdf相同。

Only when I view the exported report in Excel do I get a problem.


The report colours are rendered properly other than the Matrix controls. (they are rendered as Grey)

除Matrix控件之外,报表颜色的呈现方式也正确。 (它们呈现为灰色)

Is there anything I can do solve this?


I am using SSRS2005 and viewing the xls in Excel 2003.

我正在使用SSRS2005并在Excel 2003中查看xls。

1 个解决方案


Are you using a colour that is valid in Excel to colur the rows and column?



Are you using a colour that is valid in Excel to colur the rows and column?
