替换Reporting Services RDLC报告的DataSource

时间:2021-03-30 08:18:00

I am making some changes and need to change the DataSource for my report. How can I do that without losing all of the work I have done? Assume the field names are the same.


Update: The reports are still in Visual Studio and I need to change from a TableAdapter to a DataTable which I will fill through a class.

更新:报告仍在Visual Studio中,我需要从TableAdapter更改为DataTable,我将通过类填充。

Update 2: Currently it is using fields in CustomerService_report_vw_ServiceRequest, I want to change that to CustomerService_ServiceRequest. I am seeing this in the expression editor. So when I select the Fields option in the Expression Editor, I want to see the fields in CustomerService_ServiceRequest.


Does that make more sense?


Update 3: So if you add a field from the other DataTable, you can switch your DataSetName to the new one. Now, how do I remove the old one?


2 个解决方案


I manually edited the *rldc file in a text editor and edited the XML therein to removed the DataSet.

我在文本编辑器中手动编辑了* rldc文件,并在其中编辑了XML以删除DataSet。


If you already have the reports uploaded to the report server, the simplest thing would be to go into the properties of your report and then configure the data source information in there.


More information: Setting Data Source Properties in Reporting Services

更多信息:在Reporting Services中设置数据源属性


I manually edited the *rldc file in a text editor and edited the XML therein to removed the DataSet.

我在文本编辑器中手动编辑了* rldc文件,并在其中编辑了XML以删除DataSet。


If you already have the reports uploaded to the report server, the simplest thing would be to go into the properties of your report and then configure the data source information in there.


More information: Setting Data Source Properties in Reporting Services

更多信息:在Reporting Services中设置数据源属性