
时间:2021-03-03 08:19:21

Is it possible to perform a web service call inside a reporting services report? (i.e. use a WS call for a data source)

是否可以在报告服务报告中执行Web服务调用? (即使用WS调用数据源)

2 个解决方案





This white paper will give you information on using both webservices and other XML based sources as a datasource for your reports.




This answer might be somehow off topic, but could still contain some useful information. :)

这个答案可能会以某种方式脱离主题,但仍可能包含一些有用的信息。 :)

Yes, you can connect to a web service. I'm using that for feeding Reporting Services with data from a Web Service based ERP-system. The ERP-system is built on SQL Server and ASP.NET and are using SSRS for its reporting.

是的,您可以连接到Web服务。我正在使用它来为Reporting Services提供来自基于Web Service的ERP系统的数据。 ERP系统建立在SQL Server和ASP.NET之上,并使用SSRS进行报告。

They have recently upgraded both the database as well as the reporting server to 2008 and since then I actually have had several problems with the web service based connection.


I don't know if it's just BIDS 2008 that are buggy, or if it is my automatically converted report projects from BIDS 2005 that are to blame, or if something is wrongly configured on the server side.

我不知道这只是BIDS 2008是否有错误,或者是否是我自动转换的BIDS 2005报告项目的责任,或者是否在服务器端配置错误。

But for example I am not able to update the query fields in my datasets. I'm forced to manually add new query fields. I'm also not able to make a query with the query designer which were possible in BIDS 2005 on the Data tab (which I really miss in BIDS 2008 by the way).

但是,例如,我无法更新数据集中的查询字段。我*手动添加新的查询字段。我也无法使用查询设计器在数据选项卡上的BIDS 2005中进行查询(顺便说一下,我在BIDS 2008中真的很想念)。

There also seem to be alot of other things that doesn't really work as expected compared to the 2005 environment.


To be honest I haven't tried to build a new report from scratch, so that may solve some of my problems.


Though, the preview mode in BIDS 2008 and the published reports works great. :)

但是,BIDS 2008中的预览模式和已发布的报告非常有效。 :)





This white paper will give you information on using both webservices and other XML based sources as a datasource for your reports.




This answer might be somehow off topic, but could still contain some useful information. :)

这个答案可能会以某种方式脱离主题,但仍可能包含一些有用的信息。 :)

Yes, you can connect to a web service. I'm using that for feeding Reporting Services with data from a Web Service based ERP-system. The ERP-system is built on SQL Server and ASP.NET and are using SSRS for its reporting.

是的,您可以连接到Web服务。我正在使用它来为Reporting Services提供来自基于Web Service的ERP系统的数据。 ERP系统建立在SQL Server和ASP.NET之上,并使用SSRS进行报告。

They have recently upgraded both the database as well as the reporting server to 2008 and since then I actually have had several problems with the web service based connection.


I don't know if it's just BIDS 2008 that are buggy, or if it is my automatically converted report projects from BIDS 2005 that are to blame, or if something is wrongly configured on the server side.

我不知道这只是BIDS 2008是否有错误,或者是否是我自动转换的BIDS 2005报告项目的责任,或者是否在服务器端配置错误。

But for example I am not able to update the query fields in my datasets. I'm forced to manually add new query fields. I'm also not able to make a query with the query designer which were possible in BIDS 2005 on the Data tab (which I really miss in BIDS 2008 by the way).

但是,例如,我无法更新数据集中的查询字段。我*手动添加新的查询字段。我也无法使用查询设计器在数据选项卡上的BIDS 2005中进行查询(顺便说一下,我在BIDS 2008中真的很想念)。

There also seem to be alot of other things that doesn't really work as expected compared to the 2005 environment.


To be honest I haven't tried to build a new report from scratch, so that may solve some of my problems.


Though, the preview mode in BIDS 2008 and the published reports works great. :)

但是,BIDS 2008中的预览模式和已发布的报告非常有效。 :)