如何设置sql profiler以分析SQL 2005报告服务

时间:2022-02-12 08:20:19

I'm trying to profile SQL reporting services, used from ASP.NET application. In SQL profiler all the SQL run by ASP.NET shows up. It looks like the reporting SQL (from the RDL) doesn't show. Is there some setting or filter I'm missing?


3 个解决方案



Application name column = Reporting Services (or similar) usually.

应用程序名称列通常是Reporting Services(或类似)。

You may need to trace SQL batch complete and RPC call complete I've been bitten with this before...




When you get that big ball of mess, you can search it. I would search for an sp or sql statement that you know could only be used by SSRS. (If this doesn't exist, then force something in there just for testing purposes). Look at all the columns. There may be a column that jumps out at you as unique to reporting services that you could use as a filter.

当你得到那个混乱的大球时,你可以搜索它。我会搜索一个你知道只能被SSRS使用的sp或sql语句。 (如果这不存在,那么只是出于测试目的强制某些东西)。查看所有列。对于您可以用作过滤器的报告服务,可能会有一个向您跳出的列。



So there's a few ways I profile that could help you.


  1. Add the column named "HostName" and you'll get the server name appearing as the computer running the report.
  2. 添加名为“HostName”的列,您将获得服务器名称显示为运行报告的计算机。

  3. Add a reporting login name to the database and use that name on the reporting service's Shared Data Source, and then filter by LoginName.
  4. 将报告登录名添加到数据库,并在报告服务的共享数据源上使用该名称,然后按LoginName进行筛选。

  5. If you add a comment to the report, then you will see that comment and the sql of the report appear in the Data window.
  6. 如果向报表添加注释,则会看到该注释和报表的sql出现在“数据”窗口中。

For the third one, what I mean is do this:


-- Get Products Report

- 获取产品报告

select productid, productname from products


And the comment line will appear in the window along with the SQL, which makes it very easy to track to a report when you're noticing one of them is causing issues, further on down the track.


Hope that helps.




Application name column = Reporting Services (or similar) usually.

应用程序名称列通常是Reporting Services(或类似)。

You may need to trace SQL batch complete and RPC call complete I've been bitten with this before...




When you get that big ball of mess, you can search it. I would search for an sp or sql statement that you know could only be used by SSRS. (If this doesn't exist, then force something in there just for testing purposes). Look at all the columns. There may be a column that jumps out at you as unique to reporting services that you could use as a filter.

当你得到那个混乱的大球时,你可以搜索它。我会搜索一个你知道只能被SSRS使用的sp或sql语句。 (如果这不存在,那么只是出于测试目的强制某些东西)。查看所有列。对于您可以用作过滤器的报告服务,可能会有一个向您跳出的列。



So there's a few ways I profile that could help you.


  1. Add the column named "HostName" and you'll get the server name appearing as the computer running the report.
  2. 添加名为“HostName”的列,您将获得服务器名称显示为运行报告的计算机。

  3. Add a reporting login name to the database and use that name on the reporting service's Shared Data Source, and then filter by LoginName.
  4. 将报告登录名添加到数据库,并在报告服务的共享数据源上使用该名称,然后按LoginName进行筛选。

  5. If you add a comment to the report, then you will see that comment and the sql of the report appear in the Data window.
  6. 如果向报表添加注释,则会看到该注释和报表的sql出现在“数据”窗口中。

For the third one, what I mean is do this:


-- Get Products Report

- 获取产品报告

select productid, productname from products


And the comment line will appear in the window along with the SQL, which makes it very easy to track to a report when you're noticing one of them is causing issues, further on down the track.


Hope that helps.
