
时间:2022-02-12 08:20:25

This might be a stupid question, but I was wondering whether or not you can use the Core Data libraries on Linux at all? I'm planning how to build the server side of an iPhone app that I'm working on, and have found that you can use PyObjC to get access to Core Data in a Python environment, e.g. use Core Data in a TurboGears web application.

这可能是一个愚蠢的问题,但我想知道您是否可以在Linux上使用核心数据库?我正在计划如何构建我正在开发的iPhone应用程序的服务器端,并发现可以使用PyObjC在Python环境中访问核心数据,例如在TurboGears web应用程序中使用核心数据。

At this point I'm thinking that you would have to run the web server on Mac OSX, because I can't find any evidence on the internet that you can access the Objective-C libraries on Linux. I've always written webapps on Linux but will obviously make the jump to an OSX server if it allows me to use the same datastore implementation on the iPhone and the server, the only job remaining being the Core Data <-> Web Services XML translation that has to happen on the wire.

此时,我认为您必须在Mac OSX上运行web服务器,因为我在internet上找不到任何可以访问Linux上的Objective-C库的证据。我总是写在Linux上webapps但显然会跳转到一个OSX服务器如果它允许我在iPhone上使用相同的数据存储的实现和服务器,剩下的只有工作是核心数据< - > Web服务XML转换发生在电线上。

1 个解决方案



Core Data is part of Cocoa, and Linux does not have Cocoa. Use SQLAlchemy instead.

Core Data是Cocoa的一部分,Linux没有Cocoa。使用SQLAlchemy代替。



Core Data is part of Cocoa, and Linux does not have Cocoa. Use SQLAlchemy instead.

Core Data是Cocoa的一部分,Linux没有Cocoa。使用SQLAlchemy代替。