将SQL Server Reporting Services与Crystal Reports进行比较

时间:2021-10-09 08:13:14

Which of Crystal Reports and SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) is better to use?

哪个Crystal Reports和SSRS(SQL Server Reporting Services)更好用?

18 个解决方案



On the one-hand, Crystal Reports is a steaming pile of expensive and overhyped donkey poo, and on the other hand SSRS actually fulfils all the promises that CR marketing makes - and it's free.

一方面,Crystal Reports是一堆昂贵且过于夸张的驴屎,而另一方面,SSRS实际上履行了CR营销所做的所有承诺 - 而且它是免费的。

My contempt for CR stems from many years of being obliged to use the horrible thing. There's really no point in detailing the utter odiousness of CR when I can give you references like Clubbing the Crystal Dodo or Crystal Reports Sucks Donkey Dork (not as funny but rather more literate and substantiated with technical details).

我对CR的蔑视源于多年来不得不使用这件可怕的事情。如果我能给你像水晶渡渡鸟俱乐部或Crystal Reports Sucks Donkey Dork这样的参考文献(不是很有趣,而是更有文化,并且有技术细节证实),那么详细说明CR的彻底恶劣就没有意义了。

Free?! Yup. You don't even have to buy MS SQL Server to get it - you can install SQL Express with Advanced Services. This is available as a download that includes SQL Server Reporting Services. While SQL Express is limited in the number of concurrent users it can support, the following observations are salient:

*?!对。您甚至不必购买MS SQL Server来获取它 - 您可以使用高级服务安装SQL Express。这可以下载包含SQL Server Reporting Services。虽然SQL Express在它可以支持的并发用户数量方面受到限制,但以下观察结果非常突出:

  • The licence for SSRS obtained as part of SQL Express only requires that it be deployed as part of SQL Express. There is nothing forbidding connection to other data sources or requiring that a report obtain data from SQL Server.

    作为SQL Express的一部分获得的SSRS许可证仅要求将其部署为SQL Express的一部分。没有任何禁止与其他数据源的连接或要求报表从SQL Server获取数据。

  • The abovementioned version of SSRS has no intrinsic restrictions on user connections. All limitations are imposed on the SQL Express database engine.

    上述SSRS版本对用户连接没有内在限制。所有限制都强加于SQL Express数据库引擎。

  • SSRS uses ADO.NET, which includes, out of the box, drivers for Oracle, Jet (Access), OLEDB and ODBC


Thus you can connect the free version of SSRS to any back-end to which you can connect ADO.NET, which includes (for example) MySQL. I am told by Rory in a comment below that this is "not supported". That's true but I can't find anything in the licence that forbids it and while the drivers are not supplied by SSExpress they certainly are supplied by most versions of Visual Studio and you can ship them in your setup kit. This may not be an expressly supported configuration but so what? Even if you did have a full MSSQL licence it would be asking a bit much to expect Microsoft to help you talk to some third party database (not to mention a bit weird).

因此,您可以将免费版本的SSRS连接到可以连接ADO.NET的任何后端,其中包括(例如)MySQL。 Rory在下面的评论中告诉我,这是“不支持”。这是真的,但我在许可证中找不到禁止它的任何内容,虽然驱动程序不是由SSExpress提供的,但它们肯定是由大多数版本的Visual Studio提供的,您可以在安装工具包中发送它们。这可能不是一个明确支持的配置,但那么呢?即使您确实拥有完整的MSSQL许可证,也可能会要求微软帮助您与某些第三方数据库进行通信(更不用说有点奇怪了)。

I use SSRS extensively at work both for inward facing reports and for outward facing reports embedded in ASP.NET applications that provide bureau services to large numbers of paying customers. In our case it happens that the backing store is a licensed copy of Microsoft SQL Server 2008, but this is incidental to the technical merits of our reporting solution.

我在工作中广泛使用SSRS,既可用于面向内部的报告,也可用于嵌入在ASP.NET应用程序中的向外报告,这些报告可为大量付费客户提供局服务。在我们的例子中,支持商店是Microsoft SQL Server 2008的许可副本,但这是我们的报告解决方案的技术优点的附带条件。

There is a long list of capabilities that Crystal Reports claims to support but which either don't work or which require a staggeringly expensive licence if you want more than five users. You can't even trust CR to do SQL correctly. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SOMETABLE WHERE 1=0 should produce a result of zero but it it produces one. The built-in query engine is defective, and a team that screws up something a bunch of amateurs can do for free (eg MySQL) has no hope of getting anything you'd describe as performance out of their code.

Crystal Reports声称支持一系列功能,但如果您需要超过五个用户,这些功能要么不起作用,要么需要昂贵的许可证。您甚至不能信任CR正确执行SQL。 SELECT COUNT(*)FROM SOMETABLE WHERE 1 = 0应该产生零结果,但它产生一个结果。内置的查询引擎是有缺陷的,并且一个团队可以解决许多业余爱好者可以免费做的事情(例如MySQL)没有希望从代码中获得任何你描述的性能。

And they don't. The evil thing leaks memory like a bucket with no bottom, and if you use SQL profiling tools you will find it is spectacularly inefficient.


As for the alleged support, I can personally attest that dialog resize bugs have gone uncorrected for decades after they were first publicly documented. If you get out your credit card and pay the extortionate ransoms demanded (I too would want handsome pay to support such a horror) you will find yourself talking to someone who claims his name is David, but inexplicably pronounces it "Dah-feet", and who doesn't even understand your question, much less have an answer.


The SSRS support situation is fairly similar, but it actually works so you don't really need much.


SSRS, on the other hand, does everything that CR claims to. It is not without bugs, but they are delightfully few, and they seldom survive more than one release cycle.


The SSRS designer UI is hosted within the Visual Studio IDE. It is attractively presented in typical Microsoft style, but more than this it is quite well thought out, incorporating several simple but fundamental departures from traditional report designers. For example, to present tabular data you define a table rather than fiddling about with individual text boxes. As a result you don't have to screw around trying to line them up, and putting borders on them is a trivial stylesheet exercise.

SSRS设计器UI托管在Visual Studio IDE中。它以典型的微软风格呈现,但不仅如此,它还经过深思熟虑,结合了传统报表设计师的几个简单但根本的偏离。例如,要显示表格数据,您需要定义一个表,而不是摆弄单个文本框。因此,您不必一直试图将它们排成一行,并将边框放在它们上面是一个简单的样式表练习。

SSRS actually does all the things CR claims to, it's inexpensive, there is extensive reliable technical documentation, it's designed to be extended (also documented) and you can connect it to anything for which you can get an ODBC driver. This is a no brainer.


Some shortcomings of SSRS

  • It is not obvious how to bind fields in page headers and footers.
  • 如何绑定页眉和页脚中的字段并不明显。

  • It is not possible (so far as I know) to position relative to the bottom of a page. This is a genuine problem for certain types of report, and one for which I can think of no workaround.
  • (据我所知),相对于页面底部的位置是不可能的。对于某些类型的报告来说,这是一个真正的问题,我可以想到没有解决方法。

  • There's no support for expando horizontal rollups in cross-tabulations.
  • 交叉表中不支持expando水平汇总。

  • There's no direct support for report headers and footers. Use Rectangle objects at top and bottom of the report layout, with pagebreaking properties set appropriately. Or use subreports. The people who complain about this obviously haven't tried very hard.
  • 报表页眉和页脚没有直接支持。在报表布局的顶部和底部使用Rectangle对象,并适当设置分页符属性。或使用子报告。抱怨这个的人显然没有非常努力。

  • Lack of support for overlapping group intervals (the CR grouping system can do this) UPDATE SSRS 2008 R2 now supports this. It's buried in the grouping edit dialog. Look up "group variables" and read this.
  • 缺乏对重叠组间隔的支持(CR分组系统可以执行此操作)UPDATE SSRS 2008 R2现在支持此功能。它隐藏在分组编辑对话框中。查找“组变量”并阅读此内容。

It actually looks like overlapping groups can be done with SSRS2005 too, although I never knew that. I wonder did anyone ever crack the bottom-relative positioning issue?




I've been using Crystal report till version 10 and was always doing stuff i wanted successfully along with ASP.NET applications. Its output on web is really good like WYSIWYG and exports to Excel and PDF are also accurate. Printing is also marvellously correct.


Recently, i've been working on SSRS 2005 for around an year and have been living to witness so many lackings that must have been provided out-of-the-box too. SSRS web output varies greatly with different browsers and diff resolutions and would easily make a developer sick. Moreover, the scrolling issues with report viewer would make an end-user mad quite early as it is based on HTML using an IFRAME. (Note: Crystal 13 uses an IFRAME in the web-viewer which suffers from sporadic text-wrapping and overlapping issues). The exports are not good at all. You cannot align images left or center in cells and cannot specify background colors for images. You cannot center align complete report body. For possibility, i've played with the rendered HTML for hours and figured out exact replacements to make that works, but these simple fixes were not known to SSRS developers i guess because probably, they never used SSRS for themselves.

最近,我已经在SSRS 2005上工作了大约一年,并且一直活着见证了许多必须提供开箱即用的缺点。 SSRS Web输出随着浏览器和差异分辨率的不同而变化很大,很容易让开发人员生病。此外,报表查看器的滚动问题会使最终用户很早就疯狂,因为它基于使用IFRAME的HTML。 (注意:Crystal 13在Web查看器中使用IFRAME,它遭受零星的文本包装和重叠问题)。出口并不好。您无法将图像左对齐或居中放置在单元格中,也无法指定图像的背景颜色。您无法居中对齐完整的报告正文。为了可能性,我已经使用渲染的HTML几个小时,并找出了确切的替换,以使其工作,但SSRS开发人员不知道这些简单的修复,因为可能,他们从未使用过SSRS。

Further, in web applications, you need to bear the bad UI for parameters out-of-the-box. I have simply removed it completely and the cost of creating it in ASPX pages made me think to design tabular reports in DataGrids instead using ObjectDataSource and database pagination technique. You cannot layout the parameters to your needs. Bugs in paramters sections postsback complete reports without any changes. Paging with grouping works with a trick, but than sorting fails on complete dataset. For every bit of medium to advanced level of UI requirement, SSRS costs so much of time figuring out that it is simply not possible. As there are less of SSRS users, online community has no good solutions for simple problems. Not to forget the good side of SSRS is its deployment, notifications built-in, caching and configuration side, but no UI to win.


BOTTOMLINE is that i've seen SSRS frustating you just due to the nonresponsiveness of Microsoft Support team when they have to say 'sorry! not now' after a month. SSRS 2008 also doesn't have many of these issues fixed rightaway. Moreover, moving to SSRS' 08 means a complete migration of back-end platforms as well. Keeping the equation in mind that the more you use a software, the more it gets mature over time, Crystal is anyways a much better choice because, SSRS soon accumulates costs for fixing their bugs by yourselve.

BOTTOMLINE是我见过SSRS让你感到沮丧的原因是微软支持小组在他们不得不说'对不起'时没有反应!现在不是'一个月后'。 SSRS 2008也没有立即修复这些问题。此外,转向SSRS'08也意味着后端平台的完全迁移。记住这个等式,你使用软件的次数越多,随着时间的推移就越成熟,Crystal无论如何都是更好的选择,因为SSRS很快就会累积修复错误的成本。



You can deploy an app using Reporting Services by including 3 DLL files. That's a huge benefit. (Note--you have to get one of the 3 DLL files from the GAC.)

您可以使用Reporting Services部署应用程序,方法是包含3个DLL文件。这是一个巨大的好处。 (注意 - 你必须从GAC获得3个DLL文件中的一个。)

With Crystal Reports, you have to install the runtime on each machine that will run the application (either a website or client app).

使用Crystal Reports,您必须在将运行应用程序(网站或客户端应用程序)的每台计算机上安装运行时。

Reporting Services has all of the features most people need, and the deployment is MUCH easier. I will never user Crystal Reports unless I have to.

Reporting Services具有大多数人需要的所有功能,部署更加轻松。除非必须,否则我绝不会使用Crystal Reports。



Since this thread has popped back open, I'll add my two cents. I had to use Crystal for about three years during the version 7 and 8 days. I hated every minute of it. I've seen a little bit of the newer versions and still don't like it.


I dislike it so much that it pains me to say this: from my experience Crystal's better suited than SSRS for complex reports. A coworker and I tried desperately to get a moderately complex report layout to work in SSRS and gave up. My impression of the product -- just my opinion, mind you -- is that it's not quite ready for prime time.

我非常不喜欢它,这让我很难说:从我的经验来看,Crystal比SSRS更适合复杂的报道。一位同事和我拼命想要一个适度复杂的报告布局在SSRS中工作并放弃了。我对产品的印象 - 只是我的意见,请注意 - 是它还没有为黄金时间做好准备。

Crystal will make you hate your life and look for another job, but there's a reason it's so pervasive: it works.




Reporting Services is much better in my experience. It is a better environment, but best of all the connections (data sources) are separate from the report and can be shared. This makes for much simpler deployment between environments.

根据我的经验,Reporting Services更好。这是一个更好的环境,但最好的所有连接(数据源)都与报告分开并且可以共享。这使得环境之间的部署更加简单。



I've used both, I'll add a couple of points to what's already been said:


  • For simple stuff, I'd recommend SSRS by default. Crystal is a bit bloated and quirky.


  • Crystal can easily export to MS Word format (.doc). Customers want this pretty often in my experience.

    Crystal可以轻松导出为MS Word格式(.doc)。根据我的经验,客户经常想要这个。

  • If formatting is important, Crystal may be better. For example, SSRS reports can't have more than one type of text in a single text box. Meaning that you can't have, say, a comment at the top of the report that has both italics and normal text. Crystal can do this:


Note: This report contains data from start date to end date inclusive of those dates.


SRSS can't (without multiple overlapping textboxes). I once had a 20 page word document given to me, to be converted to a report with data for the dozen or so graphs and tables in it. I started out in SSRS, but realised that in Crystal I could just copy and paste the hardcoded bits of the report straight from word, with coloured headings and all, and saved days of work. So Crystal does have a better "designer" in many respects.


Apparently both of these issues have been fixed in the current SRSS. Anyone care to comment further on this?




I agree with @Carlton partly for the reasons he describes. I also think that reporting services is a more mature product (even though Crystal Reports has been around longer). The Test and deploy model is pretty hearty, and the built-in ability to track report usage is very helpful.

我同意@Carlton部分原因是他描述的原因。我还认为报告服务是一种更成熟的产品(即使Crystal Reports已经存在更长时间)。测试和部署模型非常丰富,跟踪报告使用情况的内置功能非常有用。

I also find it much easier to design reports in Reporting Services - Microsoft has learned how to build a good IDE, whereas the Crystal IDE has always seemed like an after thought (though that's better than an afterbirth, which is what it used to be).

我还发现在Reporting Services中设计报表要容易得多 - 微软已经学会了如何构建一个好的IDE,而Crystal IDE似乎总是在思考之后(虽然这比以后更好,这就像以前一样) 。

Edit: Additional thoughts I also think that in a Windows shop, SSRS offers all kinds of sweet integrations with the OS and SQL Server. You can rely on SQL assemblies for built-in code reuse fairly easily in SSRS, and the integration with the Active Directory security model makes securing your reports very easy.

编辑:其他想法我也认为在Windows商店中,SSRS提供与OS和SQL Server的各种甜蜜集成。在SSRS中,您可以非常轻松地依赖SQL程序集进行内置代码重用,并且与Active Directory安全模型的集成使得保护报表非常容易。



Man...my company has sooo many crystal reports...and the company before that had lots too. From version 8.5 to 11.5. They kind of already have their foot in the door so to speak. I think the CrystalReportViewer is a steaming piece of crap but it does work(for the most part).


After reading some of these answers, I'm switching to SSRS for my next reporting project! The writing is on the wall...MS will drop Crystal from VS and replace with SSRS. The only thing that's going to suck is when MS starts charging for it.

在阅读了其中一些答案之后,我将转向使用SSRS进行下一个报告项目!写作就在墙上...... MS将从VS中删除Crystal并替换为SSRS。唯一令人沮丧的是MS开始收费的时候。

EDIT: Messing around with SSRS today and it looks quite promising. I must say the designer is taking some getting used to...CR Designer has it beat in ease of use. You can tell this is designed for programmers where as CR is geared toward report designers.

编辑:今天乱用SSRS,它看起来很有希望。我必须说设计师已经习惯了...... CR Designer在易用性方面有所优势。你可以说这是专为程序员设计的,因为CR面向报表设计师。

EDIT2: SSRS really fails to meet my reporting needs. Designing reports sucks when you want to preview and no parameter prompting available for standalone. Is there a better way to design them...preferably not in VS?




Did you think about an alternative? If you want to use the features of Crystal Reports but don't want to pay so much for it you could have a look at Crystal-Clear which is an Java based reporting tool supporting Crystal Reports templates too. It comes with a GUI-designer and data sources are also configurable per system. (Almost ODBC-like, you just set a name for the connection and the connection is configured on the system.)

你有没有考虑替代方案?如果您想使用Crystal Reports的功能但又不想为此付出太多代价,那么您可以查看Crystal-Clear,这是一个支持Crystal Reports模板的基于Java的报告工具。它配备了GUI设计器,每个系统也可配置数据源。 (几乎与ODBC类似,您只需为连接设置名称,并在系统上配置连接。)



I wonder why no-one mentioned one big issue with CR - that it just fails in source control or team environment. Correct me if I am wrong but I really looked very hard for any report diff tools. There's one (released about year ago) but it just doesn't do well - not because it's bad but (I guess) because CR just don't expose report structure correctly or something... I tried to export .rpt to XML but it's clunky and wrong. I even tried to write my own .rpt comparer.

我想知道为什么没有人提到CR的一个大问题 - 它只是在源代码控制或团队环境中失败了。如果我错了,请纠正我,但我真的很难找到任何报告差异工具。有一个(大约一年前发布)但它只是做得不好 - 不是因为它很糟糕但是(我猜)因为CR只是没有正确公开报告结构或者某些东西......我试图将.rpt导出到XML但是这是笨重的错误。我甚至试着写自己的.rpt比较器。

It's not about team development only; even if there's single developer it's a nightmare to maintain reports versions, and if your customer decided to add few things or to change few colors, you're now cursed to track every single textbox since there's absolutely no way to find out the changes.


RDL format is much more clean and open. And this can be a pretty major advantage.




I have used both for years. Crystal reports charges way too much and I try to use SSRS whenever possible. However, SSRS does not support firefox or any other browser, only IE, this is a problem. The reports in Crystal look nicer and the exports are more powerful, users want good exporting to Word. If you are a java programmer, I would use Jasper Reports, it is free and uses Java language for functions.

我已经使用了两年多。 Crystal报告收费过多,我尽可能使用SSRS。但是,SSRS不支持firefox或任何其他浏览器,只有IE,这是一个问题。 Crystal中的报告看起来更好,导出更强大,用户希望良好的导出到Word。如果您是一名java程序员,我会使用Jasper Reports,它是免费的,并且使用Java语言来实现功能。



I've used both (Crystal Reports 2008 and SSRS 2008) because I did not notice this thread in time.

我已经使用过两者(Crystal Reports 2008和SSRS 2008)因为我没有及时注意到这个帖子。

Apart from the setup which was a bit easier with CR, I could not notice a single feature where CR is at least on par with SSRS. Yes, Crystal Reports is really that bad.

除了使用CR更容易的设置之外,我还没有注意到CR至少与SSRS相同的单一功能。是的,Crystal Reports非常糟糕。

In my opinion the absoultely worst part in CR is the IDE. But there are also other killer features, such as poor SQL performance and horribly looking graphs (at least in the CR version that comes with VS 2008) are also notable "killer" features.

在我看来,CR中最糟糕的部分是IDE。但是还有其他杀手级功能,例如糟糕的SQL性能和可怕的图形(至少在VS 2008附带的CR版本中)也是值得注意的“杀手级”功能。



I have worked with both CR and SSRS and this what i found.


Crystal Reports runs in its own memory while SSRS runs in the limited SQL Server memory.

Crystal Reports在自己的内存中运行,而SSRS在有限的SQL Server内存中运行。

Crystal report is way too expensive. Recently they have slashed their price to 250$ i think as a response to SSRS 2008 release.

水晶报告太贵了。最近,他们将价格降至250美元,我认为这是对SSRS 2008发布的回应。

SSRS is free.


The biggest reason why Crystal report thrives :


You can design 80% of reports in a project using SSRS. But for the remaining 20% you have to use some other reporting tool. These 20% reports are used by none other than top level managers , directors & CEO. Their requirement can never be undermined and CR does a wonderfull job there.


Crystal report is still COM based. which is a pain in the a**.


Crystal report is not lacking capabilities or features. It is the work horse of SAP. But lot of its classes are protected and dont provide access to programmers. This is by intention. The SAP people are so greedy they want to keep every feature under control and charge extra fortune for exposing the claases and objects to the developers under special license arrangement. Just debug and quick watch the ReportDocument object in VS you will know inspite of everything available in the object you can hardly use them in your code !!

Crystal报告不缺乏功能或功能。它是SAP的工作之马。但它的许多类都受到保护,并且不提供对程序员的访问。这是故意的。 SAP人员非常贪婪,他们希望控制每个功能,并根据特殊许可安排向开发人员公开条款和对象,从而收取额外的财富。只需在VS中调试并快速查看ReportDocument对象即可了解对象中的所有内容,您很难在代码中使用它们!

As far as GUI & CSS issues are concerned expecting a COM object which is designed for precision printing , to render correctly in every browser is a moot point as even a simple div renders differently in different browsers.


I have been working with Crystal reports since 7 years and cursing it all the time while actively exploring all other alternatives. But i am yet to come across something as flexible as Cystal Report. For bulk of the work SSRS is good. But for Dashboards , Complex Reports with subreports, Balance sheets, trial balances i shall never waste my time in SSRS.


Just try a Google Trend search on Crystal Report. It has been steadily declining since last 6 years. surely the future does not look good for CR.

只需在Crystal Report上尝试Google趋势搜索。自过去6年以来,它一直在稳步下降。对于CR来说,未来看起来并不好看。

But Hey ! MS, SAP and ORACLE still endorse Crystal Report at the core of their applications !! and no BI product comes cheap.

但是嘿! MS,SAP和ORACLE仍然支持Crystal Report作为其应用程序的核心!没有BI产品便宜。



I feel like a martian having an extensive and positive (but sometimes complex) experience with Crystal Reports, which is now completely integrated in our user interface (VBA), where requested reports parameters and filters are transparently inherited from the user interface ...

我觉得自己像是一个拥有广泛而积极(但有时很复杂)的Crystal Reports的火星人,现在它完全集成在我们的用户界面(VBA)中,其中请求的报告参数和过滤器从用户界面透明地继承...



If you're considering SSRS and are concerned about the fact that it's "free" but you need to either buy and additional SQL Server license or distribute SQL Express, then you might be interested in Data Dynamics Reports

如果您正在考虑SSRS并担心它是“免费”但您需要购买和额外的SQL Server许可证或分发SQL Express,那么您可能对Data Dynamics Reports感兴趣

It offers all that is in SSRS and adds Master Reports, Themes, Calendar data region, Data Visualization (Databar, Sparkline, Iconset, ColorScale, ...), complete object model for maximum programming flexibility, royalty free end user report designer, barcode report item, excel template export and data merging, and much more. You can download a trial from Data Dynamics (now GrapeCity) and try it with few reports, you will not be disappointed.

它提供了SSRS中的所有内容,并添加了主报告,主题,日历数据区域,数据可视化(Databar,Sparkline,Iconset,ColorScale,...),完整的对象模型以实现最大的编程灵活性,免版税的最终用户报告设计器,条形码报告项目,Excel模板导出和数据合并等等。您可以从Data Dynamics(现在是GrapeCity)下载试用版并使用少量报告进行试用,您不会感到失望。



I've worked with both now and have seen them side by side. Crystal has been good, but expensice over the years. Its clunky, but we've gron accustomed to it and familiar with the interface. I don't work in the LAMP environment, This house works with MS Dynamics and MAS with some pretty large clients.

我现在和两个人一起工作,并且看到了它们。水晶一直很好,但多年来一直是费用。它很笨重,但我们已经习惯了它,熟悉界面。我不在LAMP环境中工作,这个房子与MS Dynamics和MAS一起工作,有一些非常大的客户。

I love not having to worry about the client install for SSRS. Distributions is far easier and sharing data sources and report models is working out well.


AS far as broweser go, I've seen perfectly rendered SSRS 2008 gauges in Firefox. I have exported those gauges to Excel without issue. I have deployed reports with and without MOSS to phones. The ability to use windows authentication to deploy reports as well as hide them is fantastic. The report viewer object in VS 2005 and later is sweet.

至于浏览器,我已经看到在Firefox中完美呈现SSRS 2008仪表。我已将这些仪表导出到Excel而没有问题。我已经将带有和不带MOSS的报告部署到手机上。使用Windows身份验证来部署报告以及隐藏它们的能力非常棒。 VS 2005及更高版本中的报表查看器对象很可爱。



People, please refer to version of which you are talking about!


For example, the VS2008 built-in free RDLC reporting (the same as SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services) doesn't support binding fields in header and footer, and it is a basic feature!

例如,VS2008内置的免费RDLC报告(与SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services相同)不支持页眉和页脚中的绑定字段,这是一个基本功能!

Now I'm converting a huge report from this VS2008 Reporting / RDLC 2005 to Crystal Report 2008 Basic (which comes with VS2008) because it doesn't have this basic feature.

现在我将这个VS2008报告/ RDLC 2005的大型报告转换为Crystal Report 2008 Basic(VS2008附带),因为它没有这个基本功能。

I am confident that Reporting Services 2.0 / RDLC 2008 (which comes with Visual Studio 2010) and better yet, the newest Reporting Services 3.0 / RDLC 2010 (which comes for FREE in SQL Server 2008 R2 Express With Advanced Services) are better SSRS solutions.

我相信Reporting Services 2.0 / RDLC 2008(随Visual Studio 2010提供)更好,最新的Reporting Services 3.0 / RDLC 2010(在带有高级服务的SQL Server 2008 R2 Express中免费提供)是更好的SSRS解决方案。

SQL Server R2 Express with Advanced Services (FREE) http://www.microsoft.com/express/Database/InstallOptions.aspx

带高级服务的SQL Server R2 Express(免费)http://www.microsoft.com/express/Database/InstallOptions.aspx

Right now I am making a Proof of Concept for Reporting Services 3.0 / RDLC 2010, and will post the results.

现在我正在为Reporting Services 3.0 / RDLC 2010制作一个概念证明,并将发布结果。

Reporting Services (SSRS/RDLC) is always more easy to work, but easy comes with a price. For simple reports, always choose SSRS/RDLC. For complex reports with master-detail, page control and so on, please make a PoC of these scenarios with newest SSRS/RDLC versions (2008,2010) and also with Crystal Reports.

报告服务(SSRS / RDLC)总是更容易上班,但是价格便宜。对于简单报告,请始终选择SSRS / RDLC。对于具有主从细节,页面控制等的复杂报告,请使用最新的SSRS / RDLC版本(2008,2010)以及Crystal Reports制作这些场景的PoC。



For those who are comparing the old Crystal Reports XI and Reporting Service 1.0 please see this 2005 post:

对于那些比较旧的Crystal Reports XI和Reporting Service 1.0的人,请参阅2005年的帖子:

SQL Server Reporting Services and Crystal Reports: A Competitive Analysis http://www.crystalreportsbook.com/SSRSandCR_Conclusion.asp

SQL Server Reporting Services和Crystal Reports:竞争分析http://www.crystalreportsbook.com/SSRSandCR_Conclusion.asp



On the one-hand, Crystal Reports is a steaming pile of expensive and overhyped donkey poo, and on the other hand SSRS actually fulfils all the promises that CR marketing makes - and it's free.

一方面,Crystal Reports是一堆昂贵且过于夸张的驴屎,而另一方面,SSRS实际上履行了CR营销所做的所有承诺 - 而且它是免费的。

My contempt for CR stems from many years of being obliged to use the horrible thing. There's really no point in detailing the utter odiousness of CR when I can give you references like Clubbing the Crystal Dodo or Crystal Reports Sucks Donkey Dork (not as funny but rather more literate and substantiated with technical details).

我对CR的蔑视源于多年来不得不使用这件可怕的事情。如果我能给你像水晶渡渡鸟俱乐部或Crystal Reports Sucks Donkey Dork这样的参考文献(不是很有趣,而是更有文化,并且有技术细节证实),那么详细说明CR的彻底恶劣就没有意义了。

Free?! Yup. You don't even have to buy MS SQL Server to get it - you can install SQL Express with Advanced Services. This is available as a download that includes SQL Server Reporting Services. While SQL Express is limited in the number of concurrent users it can support, the following observations are salient:

*?!对。您甚至不必购买MS SQL Server来获取它 - 您可以使用高级服务安装SQL Express。这可以下载包含SQL Server Reporting Services。虽然SQL Express在它可以支持的并发用户数量方面受到限制,但以下观察结果非常突出:

  • The licence for SSRS obtained as part of SQL Express only requires that it be deployed as part of SQL Express. There is nothing forbidding connection to other data sources or requiring that a report obtain data from SQL Server.

    作为SQL Express的一部分获得的SSRS许可证仅要求将其部署为SQL Express的一部分。没有任何禁止与其他数据源的连接或要求报表从SQL Server获取数据。

  • The abovementioned version of SSRS has no intrinsic restrictions on user connections. All limitations are imposed on the SQL Express database engine.

    上述SSRS版本对用户连接没有内在限制。所有限制都强加于SQL Express数据库引擎。

  • SSRS uses ADO.NET, which includes, out of the box, drivers for Oracle, Jet (Access), OLEDB and ODBC


Thus you can connect the free version of SSRS to any back-end to which you can connect ADO.NET, which includes (for example) MySQL. I am told by Rory in a comment below that this is "not supported". That's true but I can't find anything in the licence that forbids it and while the drivers are not supplied by SSExpress they certainly are supplied by most versions of Visual Studio and you can ship them in your setup kit. This may not be an expressly supported configuration but so what? Even if you did have a full MSSQL licence it would be asking a bit much to expect Microsoft to help you talk to some third party database (not to mention a bit weird).

因此,您可以将免费版本的SSRS连接到可以连接ADO.NET的任何后端,其中包括(例如)MySQL。 Rory在下面的评论中告诉我,这是“不支持”。这是真的,但我在许可证中找不到禁止它的任何内容,虽然驱动程序不是由SSExpress提供的,但它们肯定是由大多数版本的Visual Studio提供的,您可以在安装工具包中发送它们。这可能不是一个明确支持的配置,但那么呢?即使您确实拥有完整的MSSQL许可证,也可能会要求微软帮助您与某些第三方数据库进行通信(更不用说有点奇怪了)。

I use SSRS extensively at work both for inward facing reports and for outward facing reports embedded in ASP.NET applications that provide bureau services to large numbers of paying customers. In our case it happens that the backing store is a licensed copy of Microsoft SQL Server 2008, but this is incidental to the technical merits of our reporting solution.

我在工作中广泛使用SSRS,既可用于面向内部的报告,也可用于嵌入在ASP.NET应用程序中的向外报告,这些报告可为大量付费客户提供局服务。在我们的例子中,支持商店是Microsoft SQL Server 2008的许可副本,但这是我们的报告解决方案的技术优点的附带条件。

There is a long list of capabilities that Crystal Reports claims to support but which either don't work or which require a staggeringly expensive licence if you want more than five users. You can't even trust CR to do SQL correctly. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SOMETABLE WHERE 1=0 should produce a result of zero but it it produces one. The built-in query engine is defective, and a team that screws up something a bunch of amateurs can do for free (eg MySQL) has no hope of getting anything you'd describe as performance out of their code.

Crystal Reports声称支持一系列功能,但如果您需要超过五个用户,这些功能要么不起作用,要么需要昂贵的许可证。您甚至不能信任CR正确执行SQL。 SELECT COUNT(*)FROM SOMETABLE WHERE 1 = 0应该产生零结果,但它产生一个结果。内置的查询引擎是有缺陷的,并且一个团队可以解决许多业余爱好者可以免费做的事情(例如MySQL)没有希望从代码中获得任何你描述的性能。

And they don't. The evil thing leaks memory like a bucket with no bottom, and if you use SQL profiling tools you will find it is spectacularly inefficient.


As for the alleged support, I can personally attest that dialog resize bugs have gone uncorrected for decades after they were first publicly documented. If you get out your credit card and pay the extortionate ransoms demanded (I too would want handsome pay to support such a horror) you will find yourself talking to someone who claims his name is David, but inexplicably pronounces it "Dah-feet", and who doesn't even understand your question, much less have an answer.


The SSRS support situation is fairly similar, but it actually works so you don't really need much.


SSRS, on the other hand, does everything that CR claims to. It is not without bugs, but they are delightfully few, and they seldom survive more than one release cycle.


The SSRS designer UI is hosted within the Visual Studio IDE. It is attractively presented in typical Microsoft style, but more than this it is quite well thought out, incorporating several simple but fundamental departures from traditional report designers. For example, to present tabular data you define a table rather than fiddling about with individual text boxes. As a result you don't have to screw around trying to line them up, and putting borders on them is a trivial stylesheet exercise.

SSRS设计器UI托管在Visual Studio IDE中。它以典型的微软风格呈现,但不仅如此,它还经过深思熟虑,结合了传统报表设计师的几个简单但根本的偏离。例如,要显示表格数据,您需要定义一个表,而不是摆弄单个文本框。因此,您不必一直试图将它们排成一行,并将边框放在它们上面是一个简单的样式表练习。

SSRS actually does all the things CR claims to, it's inexpensive, there is extensive reliable technical documentation, it's designed to be extended (also documented) and you can connect it to anything for which you can get an ODBC driver. This is a no brainer.


Some shortcomings of SSRS

  • It is not obvious how to bind fields in page headers and footers.
  • 如何绑定页眉和页脚中的字段并不明显。

  • It is not possible (so far as I know) to position relative to the bottom of a page. This is a genuine problem for certain types of report, and one for which I can think of no workaround.
  • (据我所知),相对于页面底部的位置是不可能的。对于某些类型的报告来说,这是一个真正的问题,我可以想到没有解决方法。

  • There's no support for expando horizontal rollups in cross-tabulations.
  • 交叉表中不支持expando水平汇总。

  • There's no direct support for report headers and footers. Use Rectangle objects at top and bottom of the report layout, with pagebreaking properties set appropriately. Or use subreports. The people who complain about this obviously haven't tried very hard.
  • 报表页眉和页脚没有直接支持。在报表布局的顶部和底部使用Rectangle对象,并适当设置分页符属性。或使用子报告。抱怨这个的人显然没有非常努力。

  • Lack of support for overlapping group intervals (the CR grouping system can do this) UPDATE SSRS 2008 R2 now supports this. It's buried in the grouping edit dialog. Look up "group variables" and read this.
  • 缺乏对重叠组间隔的支持(CR分组系统可以执行此操作)UPDATE SSRS 2008 R2现在支持此功能。它隐藏在分组编辑对话框中。查找“组变量”并阅读此内容。

It actually looks like overlapping groups can be done with SSRS2005 too, although I never knew that. I wonder did anyone ever crack the bottom-relative positioning issue?




I've been using Crystal report till version 10 and was always doing stuff i wanted successfully along with ASP.NET applications. Its output on web is really good like WYSIWYG and exports to Excel and PDF are also accurate. Printing is also marvellously correct.


Recently, i've been working on SSRS 2005 for around an year and have been living to witness so many lackings that must have been provided out-of-the-box too. SSRS web output varies greatly with different browsers and diff resolutions and would easily make a developer sick. Moreover, the scrolling issues with report viewer would make an end-user mad quite early as it is based on HTML using an IFRAME. (Note: Crystal 13 uses an IFRAME in the web-viewer which suffers from sporadic text-wrapping and overlapping issues). The exports are not good at all. You cannot align images left or center in cells and cannot specify background colors for images. You cannot center align complete report body. For possibility, i've played with the rendered HTML for hours and figured out exact replacements to make that works, but these simple fixes were not known to SSRS developers i guess because probably, they never used SSRS for themselves.

最近,我已经在SSRS 2005上工作了大约一年,并且一直活着见证了许多必须提供开箱即用的缺点。 SSRS Web输出随着浏览器和差异分辨率的不同而变化很大,很容易让开发人员生病。此外,报表查看器的滚动问题会使最终用户很早就疯狂,因为它基于使用IFRAME的HTML。 (注意:Crystal 13在Web查看器中使用IFRAME,它遭受零星的文本包装和重叠问题)。出口并不好。您无法将图像左对齐或居中放置在单元格中,也无法指定图像的背景颜色。您无法居中对齐完整的报告正文。为了可能性,我已经使用渲染的HTML几个小时,并找出了确切的替换,以使其工作,但SSRS开发人员不知道这些简单的修复,因为可能,他们从未使用过SSRS。

Further, in web applications, you need to bear the bad UI for parameters out-of-the-box. I have simply removed it completely and the cost of creating it in ASPX pages made me think to design tabular reports in DataGrids instead using ObjectDataSource and database pagination technique. You cannot layout the parameters to your needs. Bugs in paramters sections postsback complete reports without any changes. Paging with grouping works with a trick, but than sorting fails on complete dataset. For every bit of medium to advanced level of UI requirement, SSRS costs so much of time figuring out that it is simply not possible. As there are less of SSRS users, online community has no good solutions for simple problems. Not to forget the good side of SSRS is its deployment, notifications built-in, caching and configuration side, but no UI to win.


BOTTOMLINE is that i've seen SSRS frustating you just due to the nonresponsiveness of Microsoft Support team when they have to say 'sorry! not now' after a month. SSRS 2008 also doesn't have many of these issues fixed rightaway. Moreover, moving to SSRS' 08 means a complete migration of back-end platforms as well. Keeping the equation in mind that the more you use a software, the more it gets mature over time, Crystal is anyways a much better choice because, SSRS soon accumulates costs for fixing their bugs by yourselve.

BOTTOMLINE是我见过SSRS让你感到沮丧的原因是微软支持小组在他们不得不说'对不起'时没有反应!现在不是'一个月后'。 SSRS 2008也没有立即修复这些问题。此外,转向SSRS'08也意味着后端平台的完全迁移。记住这个等式,你使用软件的次数越多,随着时间的推移就越成熟,Crystal无论如何都是更好的选择,因为SSRS很快就会累积修复错误的成本。



You can deploy an app using Reporting Services by including 3 DLL files. That's a huge benefit. (Note--you have to get one of the 3 DLL files from the GAC.)

您可以使用Reporting Services部署应用程序,方法是包含3个DLL文件。这是一个巨大的好处。 (注意 - 你必须从GAC获得3个DLL文件中的一个。)

With Crystal Reports, you have to install the runtime on each machine that will run the application (either a website or client app).

使用Crystal Reports,您必须在将运行应用程序(网站或客户端应用程序)的每台计算机上安装运行时。

Reporting Services has all of the features most people need, and the deployment is MUCH easier. I will never user Crystal Reports unless I have to.

Reporting Services具有大多数人需要的所有功能,部署更加轻松。除非必须,否则我绝不会使用Crystal Reports。



Since this thread has popped back open, I'll add my two cents. I had to use Crystal for about three years during the version 7 and 8 days. I hated every minute of it. I've seen a little bit of the newer versions and still don't like it.


I dislike it so much that it pains me to say this: from my experience Crystal's better suited than SSRS for complex reports. A coworker and I tried desperately to get a moderately complex report layout to work in SSRS and gave up. My impression of the product -- just my opinion, mind you -- is that it's not quite ready for prime time.

我非常不喜欢它,这让我很难说:从我的经验来看,Crystal比SSRS更适合复杂的报道。一位同事和我拼命想要一个适度复杂的报告布局在SSRS中工作并放弃了。我对产品的印象 - 只是我的意见,请注意 - 是它还没有为黄金时间做好准备。

Crystal will make you hate your life and look for another job, but there's a reason it's so pervasive: it works.




Reporting Services is much better in my experience. It is a better environment, but best of all the connections (data sources) are separate from the report and can be shared. This makes for much simpler deployment between environments.

根据我的经验,Reporting Services更好。这是一个更好的环境,但最好的所有连接(数据源)都与报告分开并且可以共享。这使得环境之间的部署更加简单。



I've used both, I'll add a couple of points to what's already been said:


  • For simple stuff, I'd recommend SSRS by default. Crystal is a bit bloated and quirky.


  • Crystal can easily export to MS Word format (.doc). Customers want this pretty often in my experience.

    Crystal可以轻松导出为MS Word格式(.doc)。根据我的经验,客户经常想要这个。

  • If formatting is important, Crystal may be better. For example, SSRS reports can't have more than one type of text in a single text box. Meaning that you can't have, say, a comment at the top of the report that has both italics and normal text. Crystal can do this:


Note: This report contains data from start date to end date inclusive of those dates.


SRSS can't (without multiple overlapping textboxes). I once had a 20 page word document given to me, to be converted to a report with data for the dozen or so graphs and tables in it. I started out in SSRS, but realised that in Crystal I could just copy and paste the hardcoded bits of the report straight from word, with coloured headings and all, and saved days of work. So Crystal does have a better "designer" in many respects.


Apparently both of these issues have been fixed in the current SRSS. Anyone care to comment further on this?




I agree with @Carlton partly for the reasons he describes. I also think that reporting services is a more mature product (even though Crystal Reports has been around longer). The Test and deploy model is pretty hearty, and the built-in ability to track report usage is very helpful.

我同意@Carlton部分原因是他描述的原因。我还认为报告服务是一种更成熟的产品(即使Crystal Reports已经存在更长时间)。测试和部署模型非常丰富,跟踪报告使用情况的内置功能非常有用。

I also find it much easier to design reports in Reporting Services - Microsoft has learned how to build a good IDE, whereas the Crystal IDE has always seemed like an after thought (though that's better than an afterbirth, which is what it used to be).

我还发现在Reporting Services中设计报表要容易得多 - 微软已经学会了如何构建一个好的IDE,而Crystal IDE似乎总是在思考之后(虽然这比以后更好,这就像以前一样) 。

Edit: Additional thoughts I also think that in a Windows shop, SSRS offers all kinds of sweet integrations with the OS and SQL Server. You can rely on SQL assemblies for built-in code reuse fairly easily in SSRS, and the integration with the Active Directory security model makes securing your reports very easy.

编辑:其他想法我也认为在Windows商店中,SSRS提供与OS和SQL Server的各种甜蜜集成。在SSRS中,您可以非常轻松地依赖SQL程序集进行内置代码重用,并且与Active Directory安全模型的集成使得保护报表非常容易。



Man...my company has sooo many crystal reports...and the company before that had lots too. From version 8.5 to 11.5. They kind of already have their foot in the door so to speak. I think the CrystalReportViewer is a steaming piece of crap but it does work(for the most part).


After reading some of these answers, I'm switching to SSRS for my next reporting project! The writing is on the wall...MS will drop Crystal from VS and replace with SSRS. The only thing that's going to suck is when MS starts charging for it.

在阅读了其中一些答案之后,我将转向使用SSRS进行下一个报告项目!写作就在墙上...... MS将从VS中删除Crystal并替换为SSRS。唯一令人沮丧的是MS开始收费的时候。

EDIT: Messing around with SSRS today and it looks quite promising. I must say the designer is taking some getting used to...CR Designer has it beat in ease of use. You can tell this is designed for programmers where as CR is geared toward report designers.

编辑:今天乱用SSRS,它看起来很有希望。我必须说设计师已经习惯了...... CR Designer在易用性方面有所优势。你可以说这是专为程序员设计的,因为CR面向报表设计师。

EDIT2: SSRS really fails to meet my reporting needs. Designing reports sucks when you want to preview and no parameter prompting available for standalone. Is there a better way to design them...preferably not in VS?




Did you think about an alternative? If you want to use the features of Crystal Reports but don't want to pay so much for it you could have a look at Crystal-Clear which is an Java based reporting tool supporting Crystal Reports templates too. It comes with a GUI-designer and data sources are also configurable per system. (Almost ODBC-like, you just set a name for the connection and the connection is configured on the system.)

你有没有考虑替代方案?如果您想使用Crystal Reports的功能但又不想为此付出太多代价,那么您可以查看Crystal-Clear,这是一个支持Crystal Reports模板的基于Java的报告工具。它配备了GUI设计器,每个系统也可配置数据源。 (几乎与ODBC类似,您只需为连接设置名称,并在系统上配置连接。)



I wonder why no-one mentioned one big issue with CR - that it just fails in source control or team environment. Correct me if I am wrong but I really looked very hard for any report diff tools. There's one (released about year ago) but it just doesn't do well - not because it's bad but (I guess) because CR just don't expose report structure correctly or something... I tried to export .rpt to XML but it's clunky and wrong. I even tried to write my own .rpt comparer.

我想知道为什么没有人提到CR的一个大问题 - 它只是在源代码控制或团队环境中失败了。如果我错了,请纠正我,但我真的很难找到任何报告差异工具。有一个(大约一年前发布)但它只是做得不好 - 不是因为它很糟糕但是(我猜)因为CR只是没有正确公开报告结构或者某些东西......我试图将.rpt导出到XML但是这是笨重的错误。我甚至试着写自己的.rpt比较器。

It's not about team development only; even if there's single developer it's a nightmare to maintain reports versions, and if your customer decided to add few things or to change few colors, you're now cursed to track every single textbox since there's absolutely no way to find out the changes.


RDL format is much more clean and open. And this can be a pretty major advantage.




I have used both for years. Crystal reports charges way too much and I try to use SSRS whenever possible. However, SSRS does not support firefox or any other browser, only IE, this is a problem. The reports in Crystal look nicer and the exports are more powerful, users want good exporting to Word. If you are a java programmer, I would use Jasper Reports, it is free and uses Java language for functions.

我已经使用了两年多。 Crystal报告收费过多,我尽可能使用SSRS。但是,SSRS不支持firefox或任何其他浏览器,只有IE,这是一个问题。 Crystal中的报告看起来更好,导出更强大,用户希望良好的导出到Word。如果您是一名java程序员,我会使用Jasper Reports,它是免费的,并且使用Java语言来实现功能。



I've used both (Crystal Reports 2008 and SSRS 2008) because I did not notice this thread in time.

我已经使用过两者(Crystal Reports 2008和SSRS 2008)因为我没有及时注意到这个帖子。

Apart from the setup which was a bit easier with CR, I could not notice a single feature where CR is at least on par with SSRS. Yes, Crystal Reports is really that bad.

除了使用CR更容易的设置之外,我还没有注意到CR至少与SSRS相同的单一功能。是的,Crystal Reports非常糟糕。

In my opinion the absoultely worst part in CR is the IDE. But there are also other killer features, such as poor SQL performance and horribly looking graphs (at least in the CR version that comes with VS 2008) are also notable "killer" features.

在我看来,CR中最糟糕的部分是IDE。但是还有其他杀手级功能,例如糟糕的SQL性能和可怕的图形(至少在VS 2008附带的CR版本中)也是值得注意的“杀手级”功能。



I have worked with both CR and SSRS and this what i found.


Crystal Reports runs in its own memory while SSRS runs in the limited SQL Server memory.

Crystal Reports在自己的内存中运行,而SSRS在有限的SQL Server内存中运行。

Crystal report is way too expensive. Recently they have slashed their price to 250$ i think as a response to SSRS 2008 release.

水晶报告太贵了。最近,他们将价格降至250美元,我认为这是对SSRS 2008发布的回应。

SSRS is free.


The biggest reason why Crystal report thrives :


You can design 80% of reports in a project using SSRS. But for the remaining 20% you have to use some other reporting tool. These 20% reports are used by none other than top level managers , directors & CEO. Their requirement can never be undermined and CR does a wonderfull job there.


Crystal report is still COM based. which is a pain in the a**.


Crystal report is not lacking capabilities or features. It is the work horse of SAP. But lot of its classes are protected and dont provide access to programmers. This is by intention. The SAP people are so greedy they want to keep every feature under control and charge extra fortune for exposing the claases and objects to the developers under special license arrangement. Just debug and quick watch the ReportDocument object in VS you will know inspite of everything available in the object you can hardly use them in your code !!

Crystal报告不缺乏功能或功能。它是SAP的工作之马。但它的许多类都受到保护,并且不提供对程序员的访问。这是故意的。 SAP人员非常贪婪,他们希望控制每个功能,并根据特殊许可安排向开发人员公开条款和对象,从而收取额外的财富。只需在VS中调试并快速查看ReportDocument对象即可了解对象中的所有内容,您很难在代码中使用它们!

As far as GUI & CSS issues are concerned expecting a COM object which is designed for precision printing , to render correctly in every browser is a moot point as even a simple div renders differently in different browsers.


I have been working with Crystal reports since 7 years and cursing it all the time while actively exploring all other alternatives. But i am yet to come across something as flexible as Cystal Report. For bulk of the work SSRS is good. But for Dashboards , Complex Reports with subreports, Balance sheets, trial balances i shall never waste my time in SSRS.


Just try a Google Trend search on Crystal Report. It has been steadily declining since last 6 years. surely the future does not look good for CR.

只需在Crystal Report上尝试Google趋势搜索。自过去6年以来,它一直在稳步下降。对于CR来说,未来看起来并不好看。

But Hey ! MS, SAP and ORACLE still endorse Crystal Report at the core of their applications !! and no BI product comes cheap.

但是嘿! MS,SAP和ORACLE仍然支持Crystal Report作为其应用程序的核心!没有BI产品便宜。



I feel like a martian having an extensive and positive (but sometimes complex) experience with Crystal Reports, which is now completely integrated in our user interface (VBA), where requested reports parameters and filters are transparently inherited from the user interface ...

我觉得自己像是一个拥有广泛而积极(但有时很复杂)的Crystal Reports的火星人,现在它完全集成在我们的用户界面(VBA)中,其中请求的报告参数和过滤器从用户界面透明地继承...



If you're considering SSRS and are concerned about the fact that it's "free" but you need to either buy and additional SQL Server license or distribute SQL Express, then you might be interested in Data Dynamics Reports

如果您正在考虑SSRS并担心它是“免费”但您需要购买和额外的SQL Server许可证或分发SQL Express,那么您可能对Data Dynamics Reports感兴趣

It offers all that is in SSRS and adds Master Reports, Themes, Calendar data region, Data Visualization (Databar, Sparkline, Iconset, ColorScale, ...), complete object model for maximum programming flexibility, royalty free end user report designer, barcode report item, excel template export and data merging, and much more. You can download a trial from Data Dynamics (now GrapeCity) and try it with few reports, you will not be disappointed.

它提供了SSRS中的所有内容,并添加了主报告,主题,日历数据区域,数据可视化(Databar,Sparkline,Iconset,ColorScale,...),完整的对象模型以实现最大的编程灵活性,免版税的最终用户报告设计器,条形码报告项目,Excel模板导出和数据合并等等。您可以从Data Dynamics(现在是GrapeCity)下载试用版并使用少量报告进行试用,您不会感到失望。



I've worked with both now and have seen them side by side. Crystal has been good, but expensice over the years. Its clunky, but we've gron accustomed to it and familiar with the interface. I don't work in the LAMP environment, This house works with MS Dynamics and MAS with some pretty large clients.

我现在和两个人一起工作,并且看到了它们。水晶一直很好,但多年来一直是费用。它很笨重,但我们已经习惯了它,熟悉界面。我不在LAMP环境中工作,这个房子与MS Dynamics和MAS一起工作,有一些非常大的客户。

I love not having to worry about the client install for SSRS. Distributions is far easier and sharing data sources and report models is working out well.


AS far as broweser go, I've seen perfectly rendered SSRS 2008 gauges in Firefox. I have exported those gauges to Excel without issue. I have deployed reports with and without MOSS to phones. The ability to use windows authentication to deploy reports as well as hide them is fantastic. The report viewer object in VS 2005 and later is sweet.

至于浏览器,我已经看到在Firefox中完美呈现SSRS 2008仪表。我已将这些仪表导出到Excel而没有问题。我已经将带有和不带MOSS的报告部署到手机上。使用Windows身份验证来部署报告以及隐藏它们的能力非常棒。 VS 2005及更高版本中的报表查看器对象很可爱。



People, please refer to version of which you are talking about!


For example, the VS2008 built-in free RDLC reporting (the same as SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services) doesn't support binding fields in header and footer, and it is a basic feature!

例如,VS2008内置的免费RDLC报告(与SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services相同)不支持页眉和页脚中的绑定字段,这是一个基本功能!

Now I'm converting a huge report from this VS2008 Reporting / RDLC 2005 to Crystal Report 2008 Basic (which comes with VS2008) because it doesn't have this basic feature.

现在我将这个VS2008报告/ RDLC 2005的大型报告转换为Crystal Report 2008 Basic(VS2008附带),因为它没有这个基本功能。

I am confident that Reporting Services 2.0 / RDLC 2008 (which comes with Visual Studio 2010) and better yet, the newest Reporting Services 3.0 / RDLC 2010 (which comes for FREE in SQL Server 2008 R2 Express With Advanced Services) are better SSRS solutions.

我相信Reporting Services 2.0 / RDLC 2008(随Visual Studio 2010提供)更好,最新的Reporting Services 3.0 / RDLC 2010(在带有高级服务的SQL Server 2008 R2 Express中免费提供)是更好的SSRS解决方案。

SQL Server R2 Express with Advanced Services (FREE) http://www.microsoft.com/express/Database/InstallOptions.aspx

带高级服务的SQL Server R2 Express(免费)http://www.microsoft.com/express/Database/InstallOptions.aspx

Right now I am making a Proof of Concept for Reporting Services 3.0 / RDLC 2010, and will post the results.

现在我正在为Reporting Services 3.0 / RDLC 2010制作一个概念证明,并将发布结果。

Reporting Services (SSRS/RDLC) is always more easy to work, but easy comes with a price. For simple reports, always choose SSRS/RDLC. For complex reports with master-detail, page control and so on, please make a PoC of these scenarios with newest SSRS/RDLC versions (2008,2010) and also with Crystal Reports.

报告服务(SSRS / RDLC)总是更容易上班,但是价格便宜。对于简单报告,请始终选择SSRS / RDLC。对于具有主从细节,页面控制等的复杂报告,请使用最新的SSRS / RDLC版本(2008,2010)以及Crystal Reports制作这些场景的PoC。



For those who are comparing the old Crystal Reports XI and Reporting Service 1.0 please see this 2005 post:

对于那些比较旧的Crystal Reports XI和Reporting Service 1.0的人,请参阅2005年的帖子:

SQL Server Reporting Services and Crystal Reports: A Competitive Analysis http://www.crystalreportsbook.com/SSRSandCR_Conclusion.asp

SQL Server Reporting Services和Crystal Reports:竞争分析http://www.crystalreportsbook.com/SSRSandCR_Conclusion.asp