ASP.NET - 关于模仿的难题

时间:2021-06-15 08:10:03

I am building an ASP.NET application. The application uses forms authentication. I am not using roles. However, my account has a flag associated with it that signals I am an administrator.


As an administrator, I would like to call another page in the application via Server.Execute. When I call this page though, I would like to call it as another one of the users in the application.


Is this possible? If so, how do I do it? I know how to run Server.Execute. It's the part of calling it as a different user that is causing me difficulties. I assume this can be done with impersonation. But I'm not sure how to do it.


Thank you!

1 个解决方案


Before calling the page you just replace the current principal (admin) with the principal you want to impersonate (we're talking about ASP.Net impersonation, not Windows)


var identity = new GenericIdentity("username");
//Roles get populated for username    
var principal = new RolePrincipal(identity); 
//Current thread now impersonated as "username"
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentPrincipal = principal;


Before calling the page you just replace the current principal (admin) with the principal you want to impersonate (we're talking about ASP.Net impersonation, not Windows)


var identity = new GenericIdentity("username");
//Roles get populated for username    
var principal = new RolePrincipal(identity); 
//Current thread now impersonated as "username"
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentPrincipal = principal;