
时间:2021-11-30 08:10:27

Our organization has web applications that are mostly used internally by users who have Active Directory accounts. Currently, each of our application runs under its own AD account. We grant access to the application AD accounts on the database side for data access.

我们的组织拥有的Web应用程序主要由拥有Active Directory帐户的用户在内部使用。目前,我们的每个应用程序都在自己的AD帐户下运行。我们授予对数据库端应用程序AD帐户的访问权限以进行数据访问。

Our DBA wants to move away from this for auditing reasons. He wants each data request that comes from the application to come with the logged in user's AD credentials, rather than the application's AD credentials. I understand this is something that is accomplished using impersonation. Is this a recommended practice? What are the benefits and the downsides? Is there a better way of doing this?




1 个解决方案



You add the following to your web.config:


    <identity impersonate="true"/>

The web server will "impersonate the authenticated user" and your DBA will see the user's network id. You can also use the configuration file to impersonate a specific user:


<identity impersonate="true" userName="user" password="pwd" />

but that is not what your DBA is looking for in this case.


Yes, "impersonation" may sound odd, but this is a perfectly standard way of authenticating web application users on your internal network. You will have to make sure that each of your users has the necessary folder permissions, etc, to do everything they need to do, since the web server is now doing these things in their name, not in the name of a general application user. You will hear about these permissions issues pretty quickly when users try to do things they used to be able to do, and get access denied instead. But once they each have been given the necessary permissions it will be okay.




You add the following to your web.config:


    <identity impersonate="true"/>

The web server will "impersonate the authenticated user" and your DBA will see the user's network id. You can also use the configuration file to impersonate a specific user:


<identity impersonate="true" userName="user" password="pwd" />

but that is not what your DBA is looking for in this case.


Yes, "impersonation" may sound odd, but this is a perfectly standard way of authenticating web application users on your internal network. You will have to make sure that each of your users has the necessary folder permissions, etc, to do everything they need to do, since the web server is now doing these things in their name, not in the name of a general application user. You will hear about these permissions issues pretty quickly when users try to do things they used to be able to do, and get access denied instead. But once they each have been given the necessary permissions it will be okay.
