hdu5057 Argestes and Sequence 分块

时间:2022-04-02 05:50:36
Time Limit: / MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: / K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): Accepted Submission(s): Problem Description
Argestes has a lot of hobbies and likes solving query problems especially. One day Argestes came up with such a problem. You are given a sequence a consisting of N nonnegative integers, a[],a[],...,a[n].Then there are M operation on the sequence.An operation can be one of the following:
S X Y: you should set the value of a[x] to y(in other words perform an assignment a[x]=y).
Q L R D P: among [L, R], L and R are the index of the sequence, how many numbers that the Dth digit of the numbers is P.
Note: The 1st digit of a number is the least significant digit. Input
In the first line there is an integer T , indicates the number of test cases.
For each case, the first line contains two numbers N and M.The second line contains N integers, separated by space: a[],a[],...,a[n]—initial value of array elements.
Each of the next M lines begins with a character type.
If type==S,there will be two integers more in the line: X,Y.
If type==Q,there will be four integers more in the line: L R D P. [Technical Specification]
<=N, M<=
<=a[i]<= -
<=Y<= -
<=P<= Output
For each operation Q, output a line contains the answer. Sample Input Q
Q Sample Output Source
BestCoder Round # (Div. ) 之前用线段树一直MLE(在码之前看了下内存限制,就觉得会开不下的了),知道可以用分块做之后,就看了下大白的一道分块题,再想这道题就比较简单了
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std;
const int N = 1e5 + ;
const int SIZE = ;
int n, m;
int A[N];
int block[N / SIZE + ][SIZE + ];
int num[N / SIZE + ][][];
void pre(int b, int j)
int *B = &block[b][];
for(int i = ; i < j; ++i) {
int tmp = B[i];
int cnt = ;
while(cnt <= ) {
int x = tmp % ;
tmp /= ;
void init()
memset(num, , sizeof num);
scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
int j = , b = ;
for(int i = ; i < n; ++i) {
scanf("%d", &A[i]);
block[b][j] = A[i];
if(++j == SIZE) {
pre(b, j);
b++; j = ;
if(j) { pre(b, j); ++b; }
int get(int x, int d) {
int cnt = ;
while(cnt < d) {
x /= ;
return x % ;
int query(int L, int R, int D, int p)
int res = ;
int lb = L / SIZE, rb = R / SIZE;
if(lb == rb) {
for(int i = L; i <= R; ++i) {
if(get(A[i], D) == p) res++;
else {
for(int i = L; i < (lb + ) * SIZE; ++i) if(get(A[i], D) == p) res++;
for(int i = rb * SIZE; i <= R; ++i) if(get(A[i], D) == p) res++;
for(int i = lb + ; i < rb; ++i) res += num[i][D][p];
return res;
void modify(int x, int y)
if(A[x] == y) return;
int old = A[x], now = y, b = x / SIZE, cnt = ;
int c1[], c2[];
A[x] = y;
while(cnt <= ) {
c1[cnt] = old % ;
c2[cnt] = now % ;
old /= ;
now /= ;
for(int i = ; i <= ; ++i) {
if(c1[i] != c2[i]) {
num[b][i][ c2[i] ]++;
num[b][i][ c1[i] ]--;
int main()
int _; scanf("%d", &_);
while(_ --)
char op[];
int L, R, D, P;
while(m --)
scanf("%s", op);
if(op[] == 'Q') {
scanf("%d%d%d%d", &L, &R, &D, &P);
L--; R--;
printf("%d\n", query(L, R, D, P));
}else {
scanf("%d%d", &D, &P);
modify(D, P);
return ;