I'm have a ADO DataSet that I'm loading from its XML file via ReadXml. The data and the schema are in separate files.
我有一个ADO DataSet,我通过ReadXml从它的XML文件加载。数据和架构位于单独的文件中。
Right now, it takes close to 13 seconds to load this DataSet. I can cut this to 700 milliseconds if I don't read the DataSet's schema and just let ReadXml infer the schema, but then the resulting DataSet doesn't contain any constraints.
I've tried doing this:
Console.WriteLine("Reading dataset with external schema.");
Console.WriteLine("Reading the schema took {0} milliseconds.", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
foreach (DataTable dt in ds.Tables)
Console.WriteLine("ReadXml completed after {0} milliseconds.", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
foreach (DataTable dt in ds.Tables)
Console.WriteLine("Process complete at {0} milliseconds.", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
When I do this, reading the schema takes 27ms, and reading the DataSet takes 12000+ milliseconds. And that's the time reported before I call EndLoadData on all the DataTables.
This is not an enormous amount of data - it's about 1.5mb, there are no nested relations, and all of the tables contain two or three columns of 6-30 characters. The only thing I can figure that's different if I read the schema up front is that the schema includes all of the unique constraints. But BeginLoadData is supposed to turn constraints off (as well as change notification, etc.). So that shouldn't apply here. (And yes, I've tried just setting EnforceConstraints to false.)
这不是一个庞大的数据量 - 大约1.5mb,没有嵌套关系,所有表包含两到三列6-30个字符。如果我事先阅读架构,那么我唯一能想到的就是架构包含所有唯一约束。但是BeginLoadData应该关闭约束(以及更改通知等)。所以这不适用于此。 (是的,我尝试过将EnforceConstraints设置为false。)
I've read many reports of people improving the load time of DataSets by reading the schema first instead of having the object infer the schema. In my case, inferring the schema makes for a process that's about 20 times faster than having the schema provided explicitly.
This is making me a little crazy. This DataSet's schema is generated off of metainformation, and I'm tempted to write a method that creates it programatically and just deseralizes it with an XmlReader. But I'd much prefer not to.
What am I missing? What else can I do to improve the speed here?
3 个解决方案
I will try to give you a performance comparison between storing data in text plain files and xml files.
The first function creates two files: one file with 1000000 records in plain text and one file with 1000000 (same data) records in xml. First you have to notice the difference in file size: ~64MB(plain text) vs ~102MB (xml file).
void create_files()
//create text file with data
StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter("plain_text.txt");
for(int i=0;i<1000000;i++)
sr.WriteLine(i.ToString() + "<SEP>" + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" + i.ToString());
//create xml file with data
DataSet ds = new DataSet("DS1");
DataTable dt = new DataTable("T1");
DataColumn c1 = new DataColumn("c1", typeof(int));
DataColumn c2 = new DataColumn("c2", typeof(string));
DataRow dr;
for(int j=0; j< 1000000; j++)
dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[1] = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" + j.ToString();
The second function reads these two files: first it reads the plain text into a dictionary (just to simulate the real world of using it) and after that it reads the XML file. Both steps are measured in milliseconds (and results are written to console):
Start read Text file into memory
Text file loaded into memory in 7628 milliseconds
Start read XML file into memory
XML file loaded into memory in 21018 milliseconds
void read_files()
Stopwatch stw = new Stopwatch();
long milliseconds;
//read text file in a dictionary
Debug.WriteLine("Start read Text file into memory");
milliseconds = 0;
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("plain_text.txt");
Dictionary<int, string> dict = new Dictionary<int, string>(1000000);
string line;
string[] sep = new string[]{"<SEP>"};
string [] arValues;
while (sr.EndOfStream!=true)
line = sr.ReadLine();
arValues = line.Split(sep,StringSplitOptions.None);
milliseconds = stw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
Debug.WriteLine("Text file loaded into memory in " + milliseconds.ToString() + " milliseconds" );
//create xml structure
DataSet ds = new DataSet("DS1");
DataTable dt = new DataTable("T1");
DataColumn c1 = new DataColumn("c1", typeof(int));
DataColumn c2 = new DataColumn("c2", typeof(string));
//read xml file
Debug.WriteLine("Start read XML file into memory");
milliseconds = 0;
milliseconds = stw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
Debug.WriteLine("XML file loaded into memory in " + milliseconds.ToString() + " milliseconds");
Conclusion: the XML file size is almost double than the text file size and is loaded three times slower than the text file.
XML handling is more convenient (because of the abstraction level) than plain text but it is more CPU/disk consuming.
XML处理比普通文本更方便(因为抽象级别),但它消耗的CPU /磁盘更多。
So, if you have small files and is acceptable from the performance point of view, XML data Sets are more than ok. But, if you need performance, I don't know if XML Data set ( with any kind of method available) is faster that plain text files. And basically, it start from the very first reason: XML file is bigger because it has more tags.
It's not an answer, exactly (though it's better than nothing, which is what I've gotten so far), but after a long time struggling with this problem I discovered that it's completely absent when my program's not running inside Visual Studio.
这不是一个答案,确切地说(虽然它比没有更好,这是我迄今为止得到的),但经过长时间的努力解决这个问题,我发现当我的程序没有在Visual Studio中运行时它完全不存在。
Something I didn't mention before, which makes this even more mystifying, is that when I loaded a different (but comparably large) XML document into the DataSet, the program performed just fine. I'm now wondering if one of my DataSets has some kind of metainformation attached to it that Visual Studio is checking at runtime while the other one doesn't. I dunno.
我之前没有提到过的东西,这使得它更加神秘,就是当我将一个不同的(但相当大的)XML文档加载到DataSet中时,程序执行得很好。我现在想知道我的一个DataSet是否有某种形式的元信息附加到Visual Studio在运行时检查而另一个没有。我不知道。
Another dimesion to try is to read the dataset without the schema and then Merge it into a typed dataset that has the constraints enabled. That way it has all of the data on hand as it builds the indexes used to enforce constraints -- maybe it would be more efficient?
尝试的另一个方面是在没有模式的情况下读取数据集,然后将其合并到已启用约束的类型化数据集中。这样它就拥有了所有数据,因为它构建了用于强制执行约束的索引 - 也许它会更有效率?
From MSDN:
The Merge method is typically called at the end of a series of procedures that involve validating changes, reconciling errors, updating the data source with the changes, and finally refreshing the existing DataSet
I will try to give you a performance comparison between storing data in text plain files and xml files.
The first function creates two files: one file with 1000000 records in plain text and one file with 1000000 (same data) records in xml. First you have to notice the difference in file size: ~64MB(plain text) vs ~102MB (xml file).
void create_files()
//create text file with data
StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter("plain_text.txt");
for(int i=0;i<1000000;i++)
sr.WriteLine(i.ToString() + "<SEP>" + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" + i.ToString());
//create xml file with data
DataSet ds = new DataSet("DS1");
DataTable dt = new DataTable("T1");
DataColumn c1 = new DataColumn("c1", typeof(int));
DataColumn c2 = new DataColumn("c2", typeof(string));
DataRow dr;
for(int j=0; j< 1000000; j++)
dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[1] = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" + j.ToString();
The second function reads these two files: first it reads the plain text into a dictionary (just to simulate the real world of using it) and after that it reads the XML file. Both steps are measured in milliseconds (and results are written to console):
Start read Text file into memory
Text file loaded into memory in 7628 milliseconds
Start read XML file into memory
XML file loaded into memory in 21018 milliseconds
void read_files()
Stopwatch stw = new Stopwatch();
long milliseconds;
//read text file in a dictionary
Debug.WriteLine("Start read Text file into memory");
milliseconds = 0;
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("plain_text.txt");
Dictionary<int, string> dict = new Dictionary<int, string>(1000000);
string line;
string[] sep = new string[]{"<SEP>"};
string [] arValues;
while (sr.EndOfStream!=true)
line = sr.ReadLine();
arValues = line.Split(sep,StringSplitOptions.None);
milliseconds = stw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
Debug.WriteLine("Text file loaded into memory in " + milliseconds.ToString() + " milliseconds" );
//create xml structure
DataSet ds = new DataSet("DS1");
DataTable dt = new DataTable("T1");
DataColumn c1 = new DataColumn("c1", typeof(int));
DataColumn c2 = new DataColumn("c2", typeof(string));
//read xml file
Debug.WriteLine("Start read XML file into memory");
milliseconds = 0;
milliseconds = stw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
Debug.WriteLine("XML file loaded into memory in " + milliseconds.ToString() + " milliseconds");
Conclusion: the XML file size is almost double than the text file size and is loaded three times slower than the text file.
XML handling is more convenient (because of the abstraction level) than plain text but it is more CPU/disk consuming.
XML处理比普通文本更方便(因为抽象级别),但它消耗的CPU /磁盘更多。
So, if you have small files and is acceptable from the performance point of view, XML data Sets are more than ok. But, if you need performance, I don't know if XML Data set ( with any kind of method available) is faster that plain text files. And basically, it start from the very first reason: XML file is bigger because it has more tags.
It's not an answer, exactly (though it's better than nothing, which is what I've gotten so far), but after a long time struggling with this problem I discovered that it's completely absent when my program's not running inside Visual Studio.
这不是一个答案,确切地说(虽然它比没有更好,这是我迄今为止得到的),但经过长时间的努力解决这个问题,我发现当我的程序没有在Visual Studio中运行时它完全不存在。
Something I didn't mention before, which makes this even more mystifying, is that when I loaded a different (but comparably large) XML document into the DataSet, the program performed just fine. I'm now wondering if one of my DataSets has some kind of metainformation attached to it that Visual Studio is checking at runtime while the other one doesn't. I dunno.
我之前没有提到过的东西,这使得它更加神秘,就是当我将一个不同的(但相当大的)XML文档加载到DataSet中时,程序执行得很好。我现在想知道我的一个DataSet是否有某种形式的元信息附加到Visual Studio在运行时检查而另一个没有。我不知道。
Another dimesion to try is to read the dataset without the schema and then Merge it into a typed dataset that has the constraints enabled. That way it has all of the data on hand as it builds the indexes used to enforce constraints -- maybe it would be more efficient?
尝试的另一个方面是在没有模式的情况下读取数据集,然后将其合并到已启用约束的类型化数据集中。这样它就拥有了所有数据,因为它构建了用于强制执行约束的索引 - 也许它会更有效率?
From MSDN:
The Merge method is typically called at the end of a series of procedures that involve validating changes, reconciling errors, updating the data source with the changes, and finally refreshing the existing DataSet