
时间:2022-11-15 04:02:32

I'm writing some code that calls Field.set and Field.get many many thousands of times. Obviously this is very slow because of the reflection.


I want to see if I can improve performance using MethodHandles in Java7. So far here's what I have:


Instead of field.set(pojo, value), I'm doing:


private static final Map<Field, MethodHandle> setHandles = new HashMap<>();

MethodHandle mh = setHandles.get(field);
if (mh == null) {
    mh = lookup.unreflectSetter(field);
    setHandles.put(field, mh);
mh.invoke(pojo, value);

However, this doesn't seem to perform better than the Field.set call using reflection. Am I doing something wrong here?


I read that using invokeExact could be faster but when I tried using that I got a java.lang.invoke.WrongMethodTypeException


Has anyone successfully been able to optimize repeated calls to Field.set or Field.get?


4 个解决方案



2015-06-01: Updated to reflect @JoeC's comment about another case when handles are static. Also updated to latest JMH and re-ran on modern hardware. The conclusion stays almost the same.

2015-06-01:更新以反映@ JoeC关于句柄是静态的另一个案例的评论。还更新到最新的JMH并在现代硬件上重新运行。结论几乎保持不变。

Please do proper benchmarking, it is arguably not that hard with JMH. Once you do that, the answer becomes obvious. It can also showcase the proper use of invokeExact (requires target/source 1.7 to compile and run):

请做适当的基准测试,可以说与JMH并不那么难。一旦你这样做,答案就变得很明显了。它还可以展示invokeExact的正确使用(需要target / source 1.7来编译和运行):

@Warmup(iterations = 5, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
@Measurement(iterations = 5, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
public class MHOpto {

    private int value = 42;

    private static final Field static_reflective;
    private static final MethodHandle static_unreflect;
    private static final MethodHandle static_mh;

    private static Field reflective;
    private static MethodHandle unreflect;
    private static MethodHandle mh;

    // We would normally use @Setup, but we need to initialize "static final" fields here...
    static {
        try {
            reflective = MHOpto.class.getDeclaredField("value");
            unreflect = MethodHandles.lookup().unreflectGetter(reflective);
            mh = MethodHandles.lookup().findGetter(MHOpto.class, "value", int.class);
            static_reflective = reflective;
            static_unreflect = unreflect;
            static_mh = mh;
        } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e);

    public int plain() {
        return value;

    public int dynamic_reflect() throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
        return (int) reflective.get(this);

    public int dynamic_unreflect_invoke() throws Throwable {
        return (int) unreflect.invoke(this);

    public int dynamic_unreflect_invokeExact() throws Throwable {
        return (int) unreflect.invokeExact(this);

    public int dynamic_mh_invoke() throws Throwable {
        return (int) mh.invoke(this);

    public int dynamic_mh_invokeExact() throws Throwable {
        return (int) mh.invokeExact(this);

    public int static_reflect() throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
        return (int) static_reflective.get(this);

    public int static_unreflect_invoke() throws Throwable {
        return (int) static_unreflect.invoke(this);

    public int static_unreflect_invokeExact() throws Throwable {
        return (int) static_unreflect.invokeExact(this);

    public int static_mh_invoke() throws Throwable {
        return (int) static_mh.invoke(this);

    public int static_mh_invokeExact() throws Throwable {
        return (int) static_mh.invokeExact(this);


On 1x4x2 i7-4790K, JDK 8u40, Linux x86_64 it yields:

在1x4x2 i7-4790K,JDK 8u40,Linux x86_64上它产生:

Benchmark                             Mode  Cnt  Score   Error  Units
MHOpto.dynamic_mh_invoke              avgt   25  4.393 ± 0.003  ns/op
MHOpto.dynamic_mh_invokeExact         avgt   25  4.394 ± 0.007  ns/op
MHOpto.dynamic_reflect                avgt   25  5.230 ± 0.020  ns/op
MHOpto.dynamic_unreflect_invoke       avgt   25  4.404 ± 0.023  ns/op
MHOpto.dynamic_unreflect_invokeExact  avgt   25  4.397 ± 0.014  ns/op
MHOpto.plain                          avgt   25  1.858 ± 0.002  ns/op
MHOpto.static_mh_invoke               avgt   25  1.862 ± 0.015  ns/op
MHOpto.static_mh_invokeExact          avgt   25  1.859 ± 0.002  ns/op
MHOpto.static_reflect                 avgt   25  4.274 ± 0.011  ns/op
MHOpto.static_unreflect_invoke        avgt   25  1.859 ± 0.002  ns/op
MHOpto.static_unreflect_invokeExact   avgt   25  1.858 ± 0.002  ns/op

...which suggests MH are really much faster than Reflection in this particular case (this is because the access checks against the private field is done at lookup time, and not at the invocation time). dynamic_* cases simulate the case when the MethodHandles and/or Fields are not statically known, e.g. pulled from Map<String, MethodHandle> or something like it. Conversely, static_* cases are those where the invokers are statically known.

...这表明在这种特殊情况下MH实际上比Reflection快得多(这是因为对私有字段的访问检查是在查找时完成的,而不是在调用时完成的)。 dynamic_ *个案模拟MethodHandles和/或Fields不是静态已知的情况,例如从Map 或类似的东西中拉出来。相反,static_ * case是那些静态知道调用者的情况。 ,methodhandle>

Notice the reflective performance is on par with MethodHandles in dynamic_* cases, this is because reflection is heavily optimized further in JDK 8 (because really, you don't need the access check to read your own fields), so the answer may be "just" switching to JDK 8 ;)

请注意,反射性能与dynamic_ *情况下的MethodHandles相同,这是因为在JDK 8中进一步大大优化了反射(因为实际上,您不需要访问检查来读取您自己的字段),因此答案可能是“只是“切换到JDK 8;)

static_* cases are even faster, because the MethoHandles.invoke calls are aggressively inlined. This eliminates part of the type checking in MH cases. But, in reflection cases, there are still quick checks present, and therefore, it lags behind.

static_ * case甚至更快,因为MethoHandles.invoke调用是积极内联的。这消除了MH情况下的部分类型检查。但是,在反思案例中,仍然存在快速检查,因此,它落后了。



Update: since some people started a pointless discussion about “how to benchmark” I will emphasize the solution to your problem contained in my answer, now right at the beginning:


You can use invokeExact even in your reflective context where you don’t have the exact type signature by converting the MethodHandle using asType to a handle taking Object as arguments. In environments affected by the performance difference between invoke and invokeExact, using invokeExact on such a converting handle is still way faster than using invoke on a direct method handle.


Original answer:

The problem is indeed that you are not using invokeExact. Below is a little benchmark program showing the results of different ways of incrementing an int field. Using invoke instead of invokeExact leads to a performance drop below the speed of Reflection.


You receive the WrongMethodTypeException because the MethodHandle is strongly typed. It expects an exact invocation signature matching type type of the field and owner. But you can use the handle to create a new MethodHandle wrapping the necessary type conversions. Using invokeExact on that handle using a generic signature (i.e. (Object,Object)Object) will be still way more efficient than using invoke with a dynamic type conversion.


The results on my machine using 1.7.0_40 were:


direct        :   27,415ns
reflection    : 1088,462ns
method handle : 7133,221ns
mh invokeExact:   60,928ns
generic mh    :   68,025ns

and using a -server JVM yields to a baffling

并使用-server JVM产生令人困惑的结果

direct        :   26,953ns
reflection    :  629,161ns
method handle : 1513,226ns
mh invokeExact:   22,325ns
generic mh    :   43,608ns

I don’t think that it has much real life relevance seeing a MethodHandle being faster than a direct operation but it proves that MethodHandles are not slow on Java7.


And the generic MethodHandle will still outperform Reflection (whilst using invoke does not).


import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;

public class FieldMethodHandle
  public static void main(String[] args)
    final int warmup=1_000_000, iterations=1_000_000;
    for(int i=0; i<warmup; i++)
    long direct=0, refl=0, handle=0, invokeExact=0, genericH=0;
    for(int i=0; i<iterations; i++)
      final long t0=System.nanoTime();
      final long t1=System.nanoTime();
      final long t2=System.nanoTime();
      final long t3=System.nanoTime();
      final long t4=System.nanoTime();
      final long t5=System.nanoTime();
    final int result = VALUE.value;
    // check (use) the value to avoid over-optimizations
    if(result != (warmup+iterations)*5) throw new AssertionError();
    double r=1D/iterations;
    System.out.printf("%-14s:\t%8.3fns%n", "direct", direct*r);
    System.out.printf("%-14s:\t%8.3fns%n", "reflection", refl*r);
    System.out.printf("%-14s:\t%8.3fns%n", "method handle", handle*r);
    System.out.printf("%-14s:\t%8.3fns%n", "mh invokeExact", invokeExact*r);
    System.out.printf("%-14s:\t%8.3fns%n", "generic mh", genericH*r);
  static class MyValueHolder
    int value;
  static final MyValueHolder VALUE=new MyValueHolder();

  static final MethodHandles.Lookup LOOKUP=MethodHandles.lookup();
  static final MethodHandle DIRECT_GET_MH, DIRECT_SET_MH;
  static final MethodHandle GENERIC_GET_MH, GENERIC_SET_MH;
  static final Field REFLECTION;
      REFLECTION = MyValueHolder.class.getDeclaredField("value");
      DIRECT_GET_MH = LOOKUP.unreflectGetter(REFLECTION);
      DIRECT_SET_MH = LOOKUP.unreflectSetter(REFLECTION);
      GENERIC_GET_MH = DIRECT_GET_MH.asType(DIRECT_GET_MH.type().generic());
      GENERIC_SET_MH = DIRECT_SET_MH.asType(DIRECT_SET_MH.type().generic());
    catch(NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException ex)
      throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex);

  static void incDirect()
  static void incByReflection()
    catch(IllegalAccessException ex)
      throw new AssertionError(ex);
  static void incByDirectHandle()
      Object target=VALUE;
      Object o=GENERIC_GET_MH.invoke(target);
      DIRECT_SET_MH.invoke(target, o);
    catch(Throwable ex)
      throw new AssertionError(ex);
  static void incByDirectHandleExact()
      DIRECT_SET_MH.invokeExact(VALUE, (int)DIRECT_GET_MH.invokeExact(VALUE)+1);
    catch(Throwable ex)
      throw new AssertionError(ex);
  static void incByGeneric()
      Object target=VALUE;
      Object o=GENERIC_GET_MH.invokeExact(target);
      o=GENERIC_SET_MH.invokeExact(target, o);
    catch(Throwable ex)
      throw new AssertionError(ex);



EDIT thanks to holger I noticed that I really should have used invokeExact, so I decided to remove the stuff about other jdks and use invokeExact only... using -server or not still does not really make a difference for me though

编辑感谢holger我注意到我真的应该使用invokeExact,所以我决定删除关于其他jdks的东西并且只使用invokeExact ...使用-server或者仍然没有真正对我有所作为虽然

The main difference between using reflection and using MethodHandles is that for reflection you have a security check for every call, in case of MethodHandles, only for the creation of the handle.


If you look at this


class Test {
    public Object someField;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Test t = new Test();
        Field field = Test.class.getDeclaredField("someField");
        Object value = new Object();
        for (int outer=0; outer<50; outer++) {
            long start = System.nanoTime();
            for (int i=0; i<100000000; i++) {
                field.set(t, value);
            long time = (System.nanoTime()-start)/1000000;
            System.out.println("it took "+time+"ms");

Then I get on my computer times 45000ms on jdk7u40 (jdk8 and pre 7u25 perform much better though)

然后我在jdk7u40(jdk8和pre 7u25上表现得好得多)上我的电脑时间45000ms

Now let's look at the same program using handles


class Test {
    public Object someField;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
        Test t = new Test();
        Field field = Test.class.getDeclaredField("someField");
        MethodHandle mh = MethodHandles.lookup().unreflectSetter(field);
        Object value = new Object();
        for (int outer=0; outer<50; outer++) {
            long start = System.nanoTime();
            for (int i=0; i<100000000; i++) {
                mh.invokeExact(t, value);
            long time = (System.nanoTime()-start)/1000000;
            System.out.println("it took "+time+"ms");

7u40 says roughly 1288ms. So I can confirm Holger's 30 times on 7u40. On 7u06 this code handles would be slower because reflection was several times faster and on jdk8 everything is new again.


As for why you didn't see an improvement... difficult to say. What I did was microbenchmarking. That doesn't tell anything about a real application at all. But using those results I would assume you either use an old jdk version, or you don't reuse the handle often enough. Because while executing a handle can be faster, the creation of the handle can cost much more then the creation of a Field.


Now the biggest problem point... I did see you want this for google appengine... And I must say, you can test locally as much as you want, what counts in the end is what the performance of the application on the google site will be. Afaik they use a modified OpenJDK, but what version with what modification they don't say. With Jdk7 being that unstable you could be unlucky or not. Maybe they added special code for reflection, then all bets are off anyway. And even ignoring that... maybe the payment model changed again, but usually you want to avoid datastore access by caching because it costs. If that still holds, is it then realistic that any handle will be called let's say 10.000 times on average?

现在最大的问题点...我确实看到你想要这个谷歌appengine ...而且我必须说,你可以在本地测试你想要的,最重要的是什么应用程序在谷歌上的性能网站将。 Afaik他们使用修改过的OpenJDK,但他们没有说什么修改版本。由于Jdk7不稳定,你可能不幸或不幸。也许他们添加了特殊的反射代码,然后所有的赌注都是关闭的。甚至忽略了......也许支付模式再次改变,但通常你想通过缓存避免数据存储访问,因为它的成本。如果仍然存在,那么现在是否可以调用任何句柄让我们平均说出10.000倍?



There's a catch 22 for MethodHandles in JDK 7 and 8 (I haven't tested JDK 9 or higher yet): A MethodHandle is fast (as fast as direct access) if it is in a static field. Otherwise they are as slow as reflection. If your framework reflects over n getter or setters, where is n is unknown at compile time, then MethodHandles are probably useless to you.

在JDK 7和8中有一个针对MethodHandles的捕获22(我还没有测试过JDK 9或更高版本):如果MethodHandle位于静态字段中,它的速度很快(与直接访问一样快)。否则它们和反射一样慢。如果你的框架反映了n getter或setter,那么在编译时n是未知的,那么MethodHandles对你来说可能是无用的。

I wrote an article that benchmarked all the different approaches to speed up reflection.


Use LambdaMetafactory (or more exotic approaches such as code generation) to speed up calling getters and setters. Here's the gist for a getter (for a setter use a BiConsumer):


public final class MyAccessor {

    private final Function getterFunction;

    public MyAccessor() {
        MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup();
        CallSite site = LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(lookup,
                MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class),
                lookup.findVirtual(Person.class, "getName", MethodType.methodType(String.class)),
                MethodType.methodType(String.class, Person.class));
        getterFunction = (Function) site.getTarget().invokeExact();

    public Object executeGetter(Object bean) {
        return getterFunction.apply(bean);




2015-06-01: Updated to reflect @JoeC's comment about another case when handles are static. Also updated to latest JMH and re-ran on modern hardware. The conclusion stays almost the same.

2015-06-01:更新以反映@ JoeC关于句柄是静态的另一个案例的评论。还更新到最新的JMH并在现代硬件上重新运行。结论几乎保持不变。

Please do proper benchmarking, it is arguably not that hard with JMH. Once you do that, the answer becomes obvious. It can also showcase the proper use of invokeExact (requires target/source 1.7 to compile and run):

请做适当的基准测试,可以说与JMH并不那么难。一旦你这样做,答案就变得很明显了。它还可以展示invokeExact的正确使用(需要target / source 1.7来编译和运行):

@Warmup(iterations = 5, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
@Measurement(iterations = 5, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
public class MHOpto {

    private int value = 42;

    private static final Field static_reflective;
    private static final MethodHandle static_unreflect;
    private static final MethodHandle static_mh;

    private static Field reflective;
    private static MethodHandle unreflect;
    private static MethodHandle mh;

    // We would normally use @Setup, but we need to initialize "static final" fields here...
    static {
        try {
            reflective = MHOpto.class.getDeclaredField("value");
            unreflect = MethodHandles.lookup().unreflectGetter(reflective);
            mh = MethodHandles.lookup().findGetter(MHOpto.class, "value", int.class);
            static_reflective = reflective;
            static_unreflect = unreflect;
            static_mh = mh;
        } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e);

    public int plain() {
        return value;

    public int dynamic_reflect() throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
        return (int) reflective.get(this);

    public int dynamic_unreflect_invoke() throws Throwable {
        return (int) unreflect.invoke(this);

    public int dynamic_unreflect_invokeExact() throws Throwable {
        return (int) unreflect.invokeExact(this);

    public int dynamic_mh_invoke() throws Throwable {
        return (int) mh.invoke(this);

    public int dynamic_mh_invokeExact() throws Throwable {
        return (int) mh.invokeExact(this);

    public int static_reflect() throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
        return (int) static_reflective.get(this);

    public int static_unreflect_invoke() throws Throwable {
        return (int) static_unreflect.invoke(this);

    public int static_unreflect_invokeExact() throws Throwable {
        return (int) static_unreflect.invokeExact(this);

    public int static_mh_invoke() throws Throwable {
        return (int) static_mh.invoke(this);

    public int static_mh_invokeExact() throws Throwable {
        return (int) static_mh.invokeExact(this);


On 1x4x2 i7-4790K, JDK 8u40, Linux x86_64 it yields:

在1x4x2 i7-4790K,JDK 8u40,Linux x86_64上它产生:

Benchmark                             Mode  Cnt  Score   Error  Units
MHOpto.dynamic_mh_invoke              avgt   25  4.393 ± 0.003  ns/op
MHOpto.dynamic_mh_invokeExact         avgt   25  4.394 ± 0.007  ns/op
MHOpto.dynamic_reflect                avgt   25  5.230 ± 0.020  ns/op
MHOpto.dynamic_unreflect_invoke       avgt   25  4.404 ± 0.023  ns/op
MHOpto.dynamic_unreflect_invokeExact  avgt   25  4.397 ± 0.014  ns/op
MHOpto.plain                          avgt   25  1.858 ± 0.002  ns/op
MHOpto.static_mh_invoke               avgt   25  1.862 ± 0.015  ns/op
MHOpto.static_mh_invokeExact          avgt   25  1.859 ± 0.002  ns/op
MHOpto.static_reflect                 avgt   25  4.274 ± 0.011  ns/op
MHOpto.static_unreflect_invoke        avgt   25  1.859 ± 0.002  ns/op
MHOpto.static_unreflect_invokeExact   avgt   25  1.858 ± 0.002  ns/op

...which suggests MH are really much faster than Reflection in this particular case (this is because the access checks against the private field is done at lookup time, and not at the invocation time). dynamic_* cases simulate the case when the MethodHandles and/or Fields are not statically known, e.g. pulled from Map<String, MethodHandle> or something like it. Conversely, static_* cases are those where the invokers are statically known.

...这表明在这种特殊情况下MH实际上比Reflection快得多(这是因为对私有字段的访问检查是在查找时完成的,而不是在调用时完成的)。 dynamic_ *个案模拟MethodHandles和/或Fields不是静态已知的情况,例如从Map 或类似的东西中拉出来。相反,static_ * case是那些静态知道调用者的情况。 ,methodhandle>

Notice the reflective performance is on par with MethodHandles in dynamic_* cases, this is because reflection is heavily optimized further in JDK 8 (because really, you don't need the access check to read your own fields), so the answer may be "just" switching to JDK 8 ;)

请注意,反射性能与dynamic_ *情况下的MethodHandles相同,这是因为在JDK 8中进一步大大优化了反射(因为实际上,您不需要访问检查来读取您自己的字段),因此答案可能是“只是“切换到JDK 8;)

static_* cases are even faster, because the MethoHandles.invoke calls are aggressively inlined. This eliminates part of the type checking in MH cases. But, in reflection cases, there are still quick checks present, and therefore, it lags behind.

static_ * case甚至更快,因为MethoHandles.invoke调用是积极内联的。这消除了MH情况下的部分类型检查。但是,在反思案例中,仍然存在快速检查,因此,它落后了。



Update: since some people started a pointless discussion about “how to benchmark” I will emphasize the solution to your problem contained in my answer, now right at the beginning:


You can use invokeExact even in your reflective context where you don’t have the exact type signature by converting the MethodHandle using asType to a handle taking Object as arguments. In environments affected by the performance difference between invoke and invokeExact, using invokeExact on such a converting handle is still way faster than using invoke on a direct method handle.


Original answer:

The problem is indeed that you are not using invokeExact. Below is a little benchmark program showing the results of different ways of incrementing an int field. Using invoke instead of invokeExact leads to a performance drop below the speed of Reflection.


You receive the WrongMethodTypeException because the MethodHandle is strongly typed. It expects an exact invocation signature matching type type of the field and owner. But you can use the handle to create a new MethodHandle wrapping the necessary type conversions. Using invokeExact on that handle using a generic signature (i.e. (Object,Object)Object) will be still way more efficient than using invoke with a dynamic type conversion.


The results on my machine using 1.7.0_40 were:


direct        :   27,415ns
reflection    : 1088,462ns
method handle : 7133,221ns
mh invokeExact:   60,928ns
generic mh    :   68,025ns

and using a -server JVM yields to a baffling

并使用-server JVM产生令人困惑的结果

direct        :   26,953ns
reflection    :  629,161ns
method handle : 1513,226ns
mh invokeExact:   22,325ns
generic mh    :   43,608ns

I don’t think that it has much real life relevance seeing a MethodHandle being faster than a direct operation but it proves that MethodHandles are not slow on Java7.


And the generic MethodHandle will still outperform Reflection (whilst using invoke does not).


import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;

public class FieldMethodHandle
  public static void main(String[] args)
    final int warmup=1_000_000, iterations=1_000_000;
    for(int i=0; i<warmup; i++)
    long direct=0, refl=0, handle=0, invokeExact=0, genericH=0;
    for(int i=0; i<iterations; i++)
      final long t0=System.nanoTime();
      final long t1=System.nanoTime();
      final long t2=System.nanoTime();
      final long t3=System.nanoTime();
      final long t4=System.nanoTime();
      final long t5=System.nanoTime();
    final int result = VALUE.value;
    // check (use) the value to avoid over-optimizations
    if(result != (warmup+iterations)*5) throw new AssertionError();
    double r=1D/iterations;
    System.out.printf("%-14s:\t%8.3fns%n", "direct", direct*r);
    System.out.printf("%-14s:\t%8.3fns%n", "reflection", refl*r);
    System.out.printf("%-14s:\t%8.3fns%n", "method handle", handle*r);
    System.out.printf("%-14s:\t%8.3fns%n", "mh invokeExact", invokeExact*r);
    System.out.printf("%-14s:\t%8.3fns%n", "generic mh", genericH*r);
  static class MyValueHolder
    int value;
  static final MyValueHolder VALUE=new MyValueHolder();

  static final MethodHandles.Lookup LOOKUP=MethodHandles.lookup();
  static final MethodHandle DIRECT_GET_MH, DIRECT_SET_MH;
  static final MethodHandle GENERIC_GET_MH, GENERIC_SET_MH;
  static final Field REFLECTION;
      REFLECTION = MyValueHolder.class.getDeclaredField("value");
      DIRECT_GET_MH = LOOKUP.unreflectGetter(REFLECTION);
      DIRECT_SET_MH = LOOKUP.unreflectSetter(REFLECTION);
      GENERIC_GET_MH = DIRECT_GET_MH.asType(DIRECT_GET_MH.type().generic());
      GENERIC_SET_MH = DIRECT_SET_MH.asType(DIRECT_SET_MH.type().generic());
    catch(NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException ex)
      throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex);

  static void incDirect()
  static void incByReflection()
    catch(IllegalAccessException ex)
      throw new AssertionError(ex);
  static void incByDirectHandle()
      Object target=VALUE;
      Object o=GENERIC_GET_MH.invoke(target);
      DIRECT_SET_MH.invoke(target, o);
    catch(Throwable ex)
      throw new AssertionError(ex);
  static void incByDirectHandleExact()
      DIRECT_SET_MH.invokeExact(VALUE, (int)DIRECT_GET_MH.invokeExact(VALUE)+1);
    catch(Throwable ex)
      throw new AssertionError(ex);
  static void incByGeneric()
      Object target=VALUE;
      Object o=GENERIC_GET_MH.invokeExact(target);
      o=GENERIC_SET_MH.invokeExact(target, o);
    catch(Throwable ex)
      throw new AssertionError(ex);



EDIT thanks to holger I noticed that I really should have used invokeExact, so I decided to remove the stuff about other jdks and use invokeExact only... using -server or not still does not really make a difference for me though

编辑感谢holger我注意到我真的应该使用invokeExact,所以我决定删除关于其他jdks的东西并且只使用invokeExact ...使用-server或者仍然没有真正对我有所作为虽然

The main difference between using reflection and using MethodHandles is that for reflection you have a security check for every call, in case of MethodHandles, only for the creation of the handle.


If you look at this


class Test {
    public Object someField;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Test t = new Test();
        Field field = Test.class.getDeclaredField("someField");
        Object value = new Object();
        for (int outer=0; outer<50; outer++) {
            long start = System.nanoTime();
            for (int i=0; i<100000000; i++) {
                field.set(t, value);
            long time = (System.nanoTime()-start)/1000000;
            System.out.println("it took "+time+"ms");

Then I get on my computer times 45000ms on jdk7u40 (jdk8 and pre 7u25 perform much better though)

然后我在jdk7u40(jdk8和pre 7u25上表现得好得多)上我的电脑时间45000ms

Now let's look at the same program using handles


class Test {
    public Object someField;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
        Test t = new Test();
        Field field = Test.class.getDeclaredField("someField");
        MethodHandle mh = MethodHandles.lookup().unreflectSetter(field);
        Object value = new Object();
        for (int outer=0; outer<50; outer++) {
            long start = System.nanoTime();
            for (int i=0; i<100000000; i++) {
                mh.invokeExact(t, value);
            long time = (System.nanoTime()-start)/1000000;
            System.out.println("it took "+time+"ms");

7u40 says roughly 1288ms. So I can confirm Holger's 30 times on 7u40. On 7u06 this code handles would be slower because reflection was several times faster and on jdk8 everything is new again.


As for why you didn't see an improvement... difficult to say. What I did was microbenchmarking. That doesn't tell anything about a real application at all. But using those results I would assume you either use an old jdk version, or you don't reuse the handle often enough. Because while executing a handle can be faster, the creation of the handle can cost much more then the creation of a Field.


Now the biggest problem point... I did see you want this for google appengine... And I must say, you can test locally as much as you want, what counts in the end is what the performance of the application on the google site will be. Afaik they use a modified OpenJDK, but what version with what modification they don't say. With Jdk7 being that unstable you could be unlucky or not. Maybe they added special code for reflection, then all bets are off anyway. And even ignoring that... maybe the payment model changed again, but usually you want to avoid datastore access by caching because it costs. If that still holds, is it then realistic that any handle will be called let's say 10.000 times on average?

现在最大的问题点...我确实看到你想要这个谷歌appengine ...而且我必须说,你可以在本地测试你想要的,最重要的是什么应用程序在谷歌上的性能网站将。 Afaik他们使用修改过的OpenJDK,但他们没有说什么修改版本。由于Jdk7不稳定,你可能不幸或不幸。也许他们添加了特殊的反射代码,然后所有的赌注都是关闭的。甚至忽略了......也许支付模式再次改变,但通常你想通过缓存避免数据存储访问,因为它的成本。如果仍然存在,那么现在是否可以调用任何句柄让我们平均说出10.000倍?



There's a catch 22 for MethodHandles in JDK 7 and 8 (I haven't tested JDK 9 or higher yet): A MethodHandle is fast (as fast as direct access) if it is in a static field. Otherwise they are as slow as reflection. If your framework reflects over n getter or setters, where is n is unknown at compile time, then MethodHandles are probably useless to you.

在JDK 7和8中有一个针对MethodHandles的捕获22(我还没有测试过JDK 9或更高版本):如果MethodHandle位于静态字段中,它的速度很快(与直接访问一样快)。否则它们和反射一样慢。如果你的框架反映了n getter或setter,那么在编译时n是未知的,那么MethodHandles对你来说可能是无用的。

I wrote an article that benchmarked all the different approaches to speed up reflection.


Use LambdaMetafactory (or more exotic approaches such as code generation) to speed up calling getters and setters. Here's the gist for a getter (for a setter use a BiConsumer):


public final class MyAccessor {

    private final Function getterFunction;

    public MyAccessor() {
        MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup();
        CallSite site = LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(lookup,
                MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class),
                lookup.findVirtual(Person.class, "getName", MethodType.methodType(String.class)),
                MethodType.methodType(String.class, Person.class));
        getterFunction = (Function) site.getTarget().invokeExact();

    public Object executeGetter(Object bean) {
        return getterFunction.apply(bean);
