
时间:2021-06-15 04:13:00

Whilst researching performance trade-offs between Python and C++, I've devised a small example, which mostly focusses on a dumb substring matching.


Here is the relevant C++:


using std::string;
std::vector<string> matches;
std::copy_if(patterns.cbegin(), patterns.cend(), back_inserter(matches),
   [&fileContents] (const string &pattern) { return fileContents.find(pattern) != string::npos; } );

The above is built with -O3.


And here is Python:


def getMatchingPatterns(patterns, text):
    return filter(text.__contains__, patterns)

Both of them take a large-ish set of patterns and input file, and filter down the list of patterns to the ones found in the file using a dumb substring search.


The versions are:


  • gcc - 4.8.2 (Ubuntu) and 4.9.2 (cygwin)
  • gcc - 4.8.2 (Ubuntu)和4.9.2 (cygwin)
  • python - 2.7.6 (Ubuntu) and 2.7.8 (cygwin)
  • python - 2.7.6 (Ubuntu)和2.7.8 (cygwin)

What was surprising to me is the performance. I've run both on a low-spec Ubuntu and Python was faster by about 20%. The same on mid-spec PC with cygwin - Python twice faster. Profiler shows that 99+% of cycles are spent in string matching (string copying and list comprehensions are insignificant).

令我惊讶的是表演。我在低规格的Ubuntu上运行过,Python的运行速度快了20%。同样的事情也发生在中型PC上,cygwin - Python比cygwin快了两倍。Profiler显示99% +%的循环用于字符串匹配(不需要进行字符串复制和列表理解)。

Obviously, the Python implementation is native C, and I'd expected to be roughly the same as C++, but did not expect it as fast.


Any insight into relevant CPython optimisations in comparison to gcc would be most welcome.


For reference, here are the full examples. The inputs just take a set of 50K HTLMs (all read from disk in each test, no special caching):

作为参考,这里有完整的例子。输入只接受一组50K HTLMs(每个测试都从磁盘读取,没有特殊缓存):



import sys

def getMatchingPatterns(patterns, text):
   return filter(text.__contains__, patterns)

def serialScan(filenames, patterns):
   return zip(filenames, [getMatchingPatterns(patterns, open(filename).read()) for filename in filenames])

if __name__ == "__main__":
   with open(sys.argv[1]) as filenamesListFile:
      filenames = filenamesListFile.read().split()
   with open(sys.argv[2]) as patternsFile:
      patterns = patternsFile.read().split()

   resultTuple = serialScan(filenames, patterns)
   for filename, patterns in resultTuple:
      print ': '.join([filename, ','.join(patterns)])



#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;
using MatchResult = unordered_map<string, vector<string>>;
static const size_t PATTERN_RESERVE_DEFAULT_SIZE = 5000;

MatchResult serialMatch(const vector<string> &filenames, const vector<string> &patterns)
   MatchResult res;
   for (auto &filename : filenames)
      ifstream file(filename);
      const string fileContents((istreambuf_iterator<char>(file)),
      vector<string> matches;
      std::copy_if(patterns.cbegin(), patterns.cend(), back_inserter(matches),
                   [&fileContents] (const string &pattern) { return fileContents.find(pattern) != string::npos; } );

      res.insert(make_pair(filename, std::move(matches)));
   return res;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    vector<string> filenames;
    ifstream filenamesListFile(argv[1]);
    std::copy(istream_iterator<string>(filenamesListFile), istream_iterator<string>(),

    vector<string> patterns;
    ifstream patternsFile(argv[2]);
    std::copy(istream_iterator<string>(patternsFile), istream_iterator<string>(),

    auto matchResult = serialMatch(filenames, patterns);

    for (const auto &matchItem : matchResult)
      cout << matchItem.first << ": ";
      for (const auto &matchString : matchItem.second)
         cout << matchString << ",";
      cout << endl;

1 个解决方案



The python 3.4 code b'abc' in b'abcabc' (or b'abcabc'.__contains__(b'abc') as in your example) executes the bytes_contains method, which in turn calls the inlined function stringlib_find; which delegates the search to FASTSEARCH.

在b'abcabc'(或b'abcabc'.__contains__ '.__contains__(b'abc')中的python 3.4代码中,执行bytes_contains方法,该方法反过来调用内联函数stringlib_find;将搜索委托给FASTSEARCH。

The FASTSEARCH function then uses a modified Boyer-Moore search algorithm:


fast search/count implementation, based on a mix between boyer- moore and horspool, with a few more bells and whistles on the top. for some more background, see: http://effbot.org/zone/stringlib.htm

快速搜索/计数实现,基于boyer- moore和horspool的混合,上面还有一些附加功能。有关更多的背景知识,请参见:http://effbot.org/zone/stringlib.htm

There are some modifications too, as noted by the comments:


note: fastsearch may access s[n], which isn't a problem when using Python's ordinary string types, but may cause problems if you're using this code in other contexts. also, the count mode returns -1 if there cannot possible be a match in the target string, and 0 if it has actually checked for matches, but didn't find any. callers beware!


The GNU C++ Standard Library basic_string<T>::find() implementation is as generic (and dumb) as possible; it just tries dumbly matching the pattern at each and every consecutive character position until it finds the match.

GNU c++标准库basic_string ::find()实现是尽可能通用的(和愚蠢的);它只是在每一个连续的字符位置上尝试不加注意地匹配模式,直到找到匹配。

TL;DR: The reason why the C++ standard library is so slow compared to Python is because it tries to do a generic algorithm on top of std::basic_string<char>, but fails to do it efficiently for the more interesting cases; whereas in Python the programmer gets the most efficient algorithms on case-by-case basis for free.

与Python相比,c++标准库如此缓慢的原因是,它试图在std::basic_string 之上执行一个通用算法,但在更有趣的情况下却没有有效地执行;而在Python中,程序员可以根据具体情况免费获得最有效的算法。



The python 3.4 code b'abc' in b'abcabc' (or b'abcabc'.__contains__(b'abc') as in your example) executes the bytes_contains method, which in turn calls the inlined function stringlib_find; which delegates the search to FASTSEARCH.

在b'abcabc'(或b'abcabc'.__contains__ '.__contains__(b'abc')中的python 3.4代码中,执行bytes_contains方法,该方法反过来调用内联函数stringlib_find;将搜索委托给FASTSEARCH。

The FASTSEARCH function then uses a modified Boyer-Moore search algorithm:


fast search/count implementation, based on a mix between boyer- moore and horspool, with a few more bells and whistles on the top. for some more background, see: http://effbot.org/zone/stringlib.htm

快速搜索/计数实现,基于boyer- moore和horspool的混合,上面还有一些附加功能。有关更多的背景知识,请参见:http://effbot.org/zone/stringlib.htm

There are some modifications too, as noted by the comments:


note: fastsearch may access s[n], which isn't a problem when using Python's ordinary string types, but may cause problems if you're using this code in other contexts. also, the count mode returns -1 if there cannot possible be a match in the target string, and 0 if it has actually checked for matches, but didn't find any. callers beware!


The GNU C++ Standard Library basic_string<T>::find() implementation is as generic (and dumb) as possible; it just tries dumbly matching the pattern at each and every consecutive character position until it finds the match.

GNU c++标准库basic_string ::find()实现是尽可能通用的(和愚蠢的);它只是在每一个连续的字符位置上尝试不加注意地匹配模式,直到找到匹配。

TL;DR: The reason why the C++ standard library is so slow compared to Python is because it tries to do a generic algorithm on top of std::basic_string<char>, but fails to do it efficiently for the more interesting cases; whereas in Python the programmer gets the most efficient algorithms on case-by-case basis for free.

与Python相比,c++标准库如此缓慢的原因是,它试图在std::basic_string 之上执行一个通用算法,但在更有趣的情况下却没有有效地执行;而在Python中,程序员可以根据具体情况免费获得最有效的算法。