C ++将字符串转换为int的最有效方法(比atoi更快)

时间:2022-01-13 04:11:29

As mentioned in the title, I'm looking for something that can give me more performance than atoi. Presently, the fastest way I know is



Finally, I would prefer a solution that doesn't rely on Boost. Does anybody have good performance tricks for doing this?


Additional Information: int will not exceed 2 billion, it is always positive, the string has no decimal places in it.


10 个解决方案



I experimented with solutions using lookup tables, but found them fraught with issues, and actually not very fast. The fastest solution turned out to be the least imaginitive:


int fast_atoi( const char * str )
    int val = 0;
    while( *str ) {
        val = val*10 + (*str++ - '0');
    return val;

Running a benchmark with a million randomly generated strings:


fast_atoi : 0.0097 seconds
atoi      : 0.0414 seconds

To be fair, I also tested this function by forcing the compiler not to inline it. The results were still good:


fast_atoi : 0.0104 seconds
atoi      : 0.0426 seconds

Provided your data conforms to the requirements of the fast_atoi function, that is pretty reasonable performance. The requirements are:


  1. Input string contains only numeric characters, or is empty
  2. 输入字符串仅包含数字字符,或为空

  3. Input string represents a number from 0 up to INT_MAX
  4. 输入字符串表示从0到INT_MAX的数字



atoi can be improved upon significantly, given certain assumptions. This was demonstrated powerfully in a presentation by Andrei Alexandrescu at the C++ and Beyond 2012 conference. Hi s replacement used loop unrolling and ALU parallelism to achieve orders of magnitude in perf improvement. I don't have his materials, but this link uses a similar technique: http://tombarta.wordpress.com/2008/04/23/specializing-atoi/

在给定某些假设的情况下,atoi可以得到显着改善。 Andrei Alexandrescu在C ++和Beyond 2012大会上的演讲中证明了这一点。您的替换使用循环展开和ALU并行性来实现性能提升的数量级。我没有他的材料,但这个链接使用了类似的技术:http://tombarta.wordpress.com/2008/04/23/specializing-atoi/



This page compares conversion speed between different string->int functions using different compilers. The naive function, which offers no error checking, offers speeds roughly twice as fast as atoi(), according to the results presented.

此页面使用不同的编译器比较不同string-> int函数之间的转换速度。根据所提供的结果,提供无错误检查的天真功能提供的速度大约是atoi()的两倍。

// Taken from http://tinodidriksen.com/uploads/code/cpp/speed-string-to-int.cpp
int naive(const char *p) {
    int x = 0;
    bool neg = false;
    if (*p == '-') {
        neg = true;
    while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') {
        x = (x*10) + (*p - '0');
    if (neg) {
        x = -x;
    return x;

it is always positive


Remove the negative checks in the above code for a micro optimization.


If you can guarantee the string will not have anything but numeric characters, you can micro optimize further by changing the loop


while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') {


while (*p != '\0' ) {

Which leaves you with


unsigned int naive(const char *p) {
    unsigned int x = 0;
    while (*p != '\0') {
        x = (x*10) + (*p - '0');
    return x;



Quite a few of the code examples here are quite complex and do unnecessary work, meaning the code could be slimmer and faster.


Conversion loops are often written to do three different things with each character:


  • bail out if it is the end-of-string character
  • 如果它是字符串结尾字符,则纾困

  • bail out if it is not a digit
  • 如果它不是数字,则纾困

  • convert it from its code point to the actual digit value
  • 将其从代码点转换为实际的数字值

First observation: there is no need to check for the end-of-string character separately, since it is not a digit. Hence the check for 'digitness' covers the EOS condition implicitly.


Second observation: double conditions for range testing as in (c >= '0' && c <= '9') can be converted to a single test condition by using an unsigned type and anchoring the range at zero; that way there can be no unwanted values below the beginning of the range, all unwanted values are mapped to the range above the upper limit: (uint8_t(c - '0') <= 9)

第二个观察:范围测试的双重条件如(c> ='0'&& c <='9')可以通过使用无符号类型并将范围固定为零来转换为单个测试条件;这样,在范围的开头可以没有不需要的值,所有不需要的值都映射到高于上限的范围:(uint8_t(c - '0')<= 9)

It just so happens that c - '0' needs to be computed here anyway...

碰巧c - '0'需要在这里计算......

Hence the inner conversion loop can be slimmed to


uint64_t n = digit_value(*p);
unsigned d;

while ((d = digit_value(*++p)) <= 9)
   n = n * 10 + d;

The code here is called with the precondition that p be pointing at a digit, which is why the first digit is extracted without further ado (which also avoids a superfluous MUL).


That precondition is less outlandish than might appear at first, since p pointing at a digit is the reason why this code is called by the parser in the first place. In my code the whole shebang looks like this (assertions and other production-quality noise elided):


unsigned digit_value (char c)
   return unsigned(c - '0');

bool is_digit (char c)
   return digit_value(c) <= 9;

uint64_t extract_uint64 (char const **read_ptr)
   char const *p = *read_ptr;
   uint64_t n = digit_value(*p);
   unsigned d;

   while ((d = digit_value(*++p)) <= 9)
      n = n * 10 + d;

   *read_ptr = p;

   return n;

The first call to digit_value() is often elided by the compiler, if the code gets inlined and the calling code has already computed that value by calling is_digit().


n * 10 happens to be faster than manual shifting (e.g. n = (n << 3) + (n << 1) + d), at least on my machine with gcc 4.8.1 and VC++ 2013. My guess is that both compilers use LEA with index scaling for adding up to three values in one go and scaling one of them by 2, 4, or 8.

n * 10碰巧比手动换档更快(例如n =(n << 3)+(n << 1)+ d),至少在我的机器上使用gcc 4.8.1和VC ++ 2013.我的猜测是两者都是编译器使用带索引缩放的LEA,一次最多可添加三个值,并将其中一个值缩放2,4或8。

In any case that's exactly how it should be: we write nice clean code in separate functions and express the desired logic (n * 10, x % CHAR_BIT, whatever) and the compiler converts it to shifting, masking, LEAing and so on, inlines everything into the big bad parser loop and takes care of all the required messiness under the hood to make things fast. We don't even have to stick inline in front of everything anymore. If anything then we have to do the opposite, by using __declspec(noinline) judiciously when compilers get over-eager.

在任何情况下,它应该是它应该是什么:我们在单独的函数中编写漂亮的干净代码并表达所需的逻辑(n * 10,x%CHAR_BIT,无论如何),编译器将其转换为移位,屏蔽,LEAing等,内联一切都进入了大的糟糕的解析器循环,并在引擎盖下处理所有必要的混乱,以使事情变得快速。我们甚至不必再将内联插入所有内容。如果有的话,我们必须做相反的事情,在编译器过度使用时明智地使用__declspec(noinline)。

I'm using the above code in a program that reads billions of numbers from text files and pipes; it converts 115 million uints per second if the length is 9..10 digits, and 60 million/s for length 19..20 digits (gcc 4.8.1). That's more than ten times as fast as strtoull() (and just barely enough for my purposes, but I digress...). That's the timing for converting text blobs containing 10 million numbers each (100..200 MB), meaning that memory timings make these numbers appear a bit worse than they would be in a synthetic benchmark running from cache.

我在一个从文本文件和管道读取数十亿个数字的程序中使用上面的代码;如果长度为9..10位,则每秒转换1.15亿个uint;对于长度为19..20位数(gcc 4.8.1),它转换为6000万/ s。这比strtoull()的速度快十倍(对于我的目的来说勉强够用,但我离题了......)。这是转换包含每个1000万个数字(100..200 MB)的文本blob的时间,这意味着内存时序使这些数字看起来比从缓存中运行的综合基准测试中看起来更糟糕。



Why not use a stringstream? I'm not sure of its particular overhead, but you could define:


int myInt; 
string myString = "1561";
stringstream ss;
ss >> myInt;

Of course, you'd need to


#include <stringstream> 



Paddy's implementation of fast_atoi is faster than atoi - without the shadow of the doubt - however it works only for unsigned integers.

Paddy对fast_atoi的实现比atoi更快 - 没有怀疑的阴影 - 但它只适用于无符号整数。

Below, I put evaluated version of Paddy's fast_atoi that also allows only unsigned integers but speeds conversion up even more by replacing costly operation * with +


unsigned int fast_atou(const char *str)
    unsigned int val = 0;
    while(*str) {
        val = (val << 1) + (val << 3) + *(str++) - 48;
    return val;

Here, I put complete version of fast_atoi() that i'm using sometimes which converts singed integers as well:


int fast_atoi(const char *buff)
    int c = 0, sign = 0, x = 0;
    const char *p = buff;

    for(c = *(p++); (c < 48 || c > 57); c = *(p++)) {if (c == 45) {sign = 1; c = *(p++); break;}}; // eat whitespaces and check sign
    for(; c > 47 && c < 58; c = *(p++)) x = (x << 1) + (x << 3) + c - 48;

    return sign ? -x : x;



Here's the entirety of the atoi function in gcc:


long atoi(const char *str)
    long num = 0;
    int neg = 0;
    while (isspace(*str)) str++;
    if (*str == '-')
    while (isdigit(*str))
        num = 10*num + (*str - '0');
    if (neg)
        num = -num;
    return num;

The whitespace and negative check are superfluous in your case, but also only use nanoseconds.


isdigit is almost certainly inlined, so that's not costing you any time.


I really don't see room for improvement here.




The only definitive answer is with checking with your compiler, your real data.


Something I'd try (even if it's using memory accesses so it may be slow depending on caching) is


int value = t1[s[n-1]];
if (n > 1) value += t10[s[n-2]]; else return value;
if (n > 2) value += t100[s[n-3]]; else return value;
if (n > 3) value += t1000[s[n-4]]; else return value;
... continuing for how many digits you need to handle ...

if t1, t10 and so on are statically allocated and constant the compiler shouldn't fear any aliasing and the machine code generated should be quite decent.




Here is mine. Atoi is the fastest I could come up with. I compiled with msvc 2010 so it might be possible to combine both templates. In msvc 2010, when I combined templates it made the case where you provide a cb argument slower.

这是我的。 Atoi是我能想到的最快的。我使用msvc 2010编译,因此可以组合这两个模板。在msvc 2010中,当我组合模板时,它提供了一个慢速提供cb参数的情况。

Atoi handles nearly all the special atoi cases, and is as fast or faster than this:


int val = 0;
while( *str ) 
    val = val*10 + (*str++ - '0');

Here is the code:


#define EQ1(a,a1) (BYTE(a) == BYTE(a1))
#define EQ1(a,a1,a2) (BYTE(a) == BYTE(a1) && EQ1(a,a2))
#define EQ1(a,a1,a2,a3) (BYTE(a) == BYTE(a1) && EQ1(a,a2,a3))

// Atoi is 4x faster than atoi.  There is also an overload that takes a cb argument.
template <typename T> 
T Atoi(LPCSTR sz) {
    T n = 0;
    bool fNeg = false;  // for unsigned T, this is removed by optimizer
    const BYTE* p = (const BYTE*)sz;
    BYTE ch;
    // test for most exceptions in the leading chars.  Most of the time
    // this test is skipped.  Note we skip over leading zeros to avoid the 
    // useless math in the second loop.  We expect leading 0 to be the most 
    // likely case, so we test it first, however the cpu might reorder that.
    for ( ; (ch=*p-'1') >= 9 ; ++p) { // unsigned trick for range compare
      // ignore leading 0's, spaces, and '+'
      if (EQ1(ch, '0'-'1', ' '-'1', '+'-'1'))
      // for unsigned T this is removed by optimizer
      if (!((T)-1 > 0) && ch==BYTE('-'-'1')) {
        fNeg = !fNeg;
      // atoi ignores these.  Remove this code for a small perf increase.
      if (BYTE(*p-9) > 4)  // \t, \n, 11, 12, \r. unsigned trick for range compare
    // deal with rest of digits, stop loop on non digit.
    for ( ; (ch=*p-'0') <= 9 ; ++p) // unsigned trick for range compare
      n = n*10 + ch; 
    // for unsigned T, (fNeg) test is removed by optimizer
    return (fNeg) ? -n : n;

// you could go with a single template that took a cb argument, but I could not
// get the optimizer to create good code when both the cb and !cb case were combined.
// above code contains the comments.
template <typename T>
T Atoi(LPCSTR sz, BYTE cb) {
    T n = 0;
    bool fNeg = false; 
    const BYTE* p = (const BYTE*)sz;
    const BYTE* p1 = p + cb;
    BYTE ch;
    for ( ; p<p1 && (ch=*p-'1') >= 9 ; ++p) {
      if (EQ1(ch,BYTE('0'-'1'),BYTE(' '-'1'),BYTE('+'-'1')))
      if (!((T)-1 > 0) && ch == BYTE('-'-'1')) {
        fNeg = !fNeg;
      if (BYTE(*p-9) > 4)  // \t, \n, 11, 12, \r
    for ( ; p<p1 && (ch=*p-'0') <= 9 ; ++p)
      n = n*10 + ch; 
    return (fNeg) ? -n : n;



a faster convert function


multiplication is always slower that sum and shift, therefore change multiply with shift


int fast_atoi( const char * str )
    int val = 0;
    while( *str ) {
        val = (val << 4) - (val << 2) - (val << 1) + (*str++ - '0');
return val;



I experimented with solutions using lookup tables, but found them fraught with issues, and actually not very fast. The fastest solution turned out to be the least imaginitive:


int fast_atoi( const char * str )
    int val = 0;
    while( *str ) {
        val = val*10 + (*str++ - '0');
    return val;

Running a benchmark with a million randomly generated strings:


fast_atoi : 0.0097 seconds
atoi      : 0.0414 seconds

To be fair, I also tested this function by forcing the compiler not to inline it. The results were still good:


fast_atoi : 0.0104 seconds
atoi      : 0.0426 seconds

Provided your data conforms to the requirements of the fast_atoi function, that is pretty reasonable performance. The requirements are:


  1. Input string contains only numeric characters, or is empty
  2. 输入字符串仅包含数字字符,或为空

  3. Input string represents a number from 0 up to INT_MAX
  4. 输入字符串表示从0到INT_MAX的数字



atoi can be improved upon significantly, given certain assumptions. This was demonstrated powerfully in a presentation by Andrei Alexandrescu at the C++ and Beyond 2012 conference. Hi s replacement used loop unrolling and ALU parallelism to achieve orders of magnitude in perf improvement. I don't have his materials, but this link uses a similar technique: http://tombarta.wordpress.com/2008/04/23/specializing-atoi/

在给定某些假设的情况下,atoi可以得到显着改善。 Andrei Alexandrescu在C ++和Beyond 2012大会上的演讲中证明了这一点。您的替换使用循环展开和ALU并行性来实现性能提升的数量级。我没有他的材料,但这个链接使用了类似的技术:http://tombarta.wordpress.com/2008/04/23/specializing-atoi/



This page compares conversion speed between different string->int functions using different compilers. The naive function, which offers no error checking, offers speeds roughly twice as fast as atoi(), according to the results presented.

此页面使用不同的编译器比较不同string-> int函数之间的转换速度。根据所提供的结果,提供无错误检查的天真功能提供的速度大约是atoi()的两倍。

// Taken from http://tinodidriksen.com/uploads/code/cpp/speed-string-to-int.cpp
int naive(const char *p) {
    int x = 0;
    bool neg = false;
    if (*p == '-') {
        neg = true;
    while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') {
        x = (x*10) + (*p - '0');
    if (neg) {
        x = -x;
    return x;

it is always positive


Remove the negative checks in the above code for a micro optimization.


If you can guarantee the string will not have anything but numeric characters, you can micro optimize further by changing the loop


while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') {


while (*p != '\0' ) {

Which leaves you with


unsigned int naive(const char *p) {
    unsigned int x = 0;
    while (*p != '\0') {
        x = (x*10) + (*p - '0');
    return x;



Quite a few of the code examples here are quite complex and do unnecessary work, meaning the code could be slimmer and faster.


Conversion loops are often written to do three different things with each character:


  • bail out if it is the end-of-string character
  • 如果它是字符串结尾字符,则纾困

  • bail out if it is not a digit
  • 如果它不是数字,则纾困

  • convert it from its code point to the actual digit value
  • 将其从代码点转换为实际的数字值

First observation: there is no need to check for the end-of-string character separately, since it is not a digit. Hence the check for 'digitness' covers the EOS condition implicitly.


Second observation: double conditions for range testing as in (c >= '0' && c <= '9') can be converted to a single test condition by using an unsigned type and anchoring the range at zero; that way there can be no unwanted values below the beginning of the range, all unwanted values are mapped to the range above the upper limit: (uint8_t(c - '0') <= 9)

第二个观察:范围测试的双重条件如(c> ='0'&& c <='9')可以通过使用无符号类型并将范围固定为零来转换为单个测试条件;这样,在范围的开头可以没有不需要的值,所有不需要的值都映射到高于上限的范围:(uint8_t(c - '0')<= 9)

It just so happens that c - '0' needs to be computed here anyway...

碰巧c - '0'需要在这里计算......

Hence the inner conversion loop can be slimmed to


uint64_t n = digit_value(*p);
unsigned d;

while ((d = digit_value(*++p)) <= 9)
   n = n * 10 + d;

The code here is called with the precondition that p be pointing at a digit, which is why the first digit is extracted without further ado (which also avoids a superfluous MUL).


That precondition is less outlandish than might appear at first, since p pointing at a digit is the reason why this code is called by the parser in the first place. In my code the whole shebang looks like this (assertions and other production-quality noise elided):


unsigned digit_value (char c)
   return unsigned(c - '0');

bool is_digit (char c)
   return digit_value(c) <= 9;

uint64_t extract_uint64 (char const **read_ptr)
   char const *p = *read_ptr;
   uint64_t n = digit_value(*p);
   unsigned d;

   while ((d = digit_value(*++p)) <= 9)
      n = n * 10 + d;

   *read_ptr = p;

   return n;

The first call to digit_value() is often elided by the compiler, if the code gets inlined and the calling code has already computed that value by calling is_digit().


n * 10 happens to be faster than manual shifting (e.g. n = (n << 3) + (n << 1) + d), at least on my machine with gcc 4.8.1 and VC++ 2013. My guess is that both compilers use LEA with index scaling for adding up to three values in one go and scaling one of them by 2, 4, or 8.

n * 10碰巧比手动换档更快(例如n =(n << 3)+(n << 1)+ d),至少在我的机器上使用gcc 4.8.1和VC ++ 2013.我的猜测是两者都是编译器使用带索引缩放的LEA,一次最多可添加三个值,并将其中一个值缩放2,4或8。

In any case that's exactly how it should be: we write nice clean code in separate functions and express the desired logic (n * 10, x % CHAR_BIT, whatever) and the compiler converts it to shifting, masking, LEAing and so on, inlines everything into the big bad parser loop and takes care of all the required messiness under the hood to make things fast. We don't even have to stick inline in front of everything anymore. If anything then we have to do the opposite, by using __declspec(noinline) judiciously when compilers get over-eager.

在任何情况下,它应该是它应该是什么:我们在单独的函数中编写漂亮的干净代码并表达所需的逻辑(n * 10,x%CHAR_BIT,无论如何),编译器将其转换为移位,屏蔽,LEAing等,内联一切都进入了大的糟糕的解析器循环,并在引擎盖下处理所有必要的混乱,以使事情变得快速。我们甚至不必再将内联插入所有内容。如果有的话,我们必须做相反的事情,在编译器过度使用时明智地使用__declspec(noinline)。

I'm using the above code in a program that reads billions of numbers from text files and pipes; it converts 115 million uints per second if the length is 9..10 digits, and 60 million/s for length 19..20 digits (gcc 4.8.1). That's more than ten times as fast as strtoull() (and just barely enough for my purposes, but I digress...). That's the timing for converting text blobs containing 10 million numbers each (100..200 MB), meaning that memory timings make these numbers appear a bit worse than they would be in a synthetic benchmark running from cache.

我在一个从文本文件和管道读取数十亿个数字的程序中使用上面的代码;如果长度为9..10位,则每秒转换1.15亿个uint;对于长度为19..20位数(gcc 4.8.1),它转换为6000万/ s。这比strtoull()的速度快十倍(对于我的目的来说勉强够用,但我离题了......)。这是转换包含每个1000万个数字(100..200 MB)的文本blob的时间,这意味着内存时序使这些数字看起来比从缓存中运行的综合基准测试中看起来更糟糕。



Why not use a stringstream? I'm not sure of its particular overhead, but you could define:


int myInt; 
string myString = "1561";
stringstream ss;
ss >> myInt;

Of course, you'd need to


#include <stringstream> 



Paddy's implementation of fast_atoi is faster than atoi - without the shadow of the doubt - however it works only for unsigned integers.

Paddy对fast_atoi的实现比atoi更快 - 没有怀疑的阴影 - 但它只适用于无符号整数。

Below, I put evaluated version of Paddy's fast_atoi that also allows only unsigned integers but speeds conversion up even more by replacing costly operation * with +


unsigned int fast_atou(const char *str)
    unsigned int val = 0;
    while(*str) {
        val = (val << 1) + (val << 3) + *(str++) - 48;
    return val;

Here, I put complete version of fast_atoi() that i'm using sometimes which converts singed integers as well:


int fast_atoi(const char *buff)
    int c = 0, sign = 0, x = 0;
    const char *p = buff;

    for(c = *(p++); (c < 48 || c > 57); c = *(p++)) {if (c == 45) {sign = 1; c = *(p++); break;}}; // eat whitespaces and check sign
    for(; c > 47 && c < 58; c = *(p++)) x = (x << 1) + (x << 3) + c - 48;

    return sign ? -x : x;



Here's the entirety of the atoi function in gcc:


long atoi(const char *str)
    long num = 0;
    int neg = 0;
    while (isspace(*str)) str++;
    if (*str == '-')
    while (isdigit(*str))
        num = 10*num + (*str - '0');
    if (neg)
        num = -num;
    return num;

The whitespace and negative check are superfluous in your case, but also only use nanoseconds.


isdigit is almost certainly inlined, so that's not costing you any time.


I really don't see room for improvement here.




The only definitive answer is with checking with your compiler, your real data.


Something I'd try (even if it's using memory accesses so it may be slow depending on caching) is


int value = t1[s[n-1]];
if (n > 1) value += t10[s[n-2]]; else return value;
if (n > 2) value += t100[s[n-3]]; else return value;
if (n > 3) value += t1000[s[n-4]]; else return value;
... continuing for how many digits you need to handle ...

if t1, t10 and so on are statically allocated and constant the compiler shouldn't fear any aliasing and the machine code generated should be quite decent.




Here is mine. Atoi is the fastest I could come up with. I compiled with msvc 2010 so it might be possible to combine both templates. In msvc 2010, when I combined templates it made the case where you provide a cb argument slower.

这是我的。 Atoi是我能想到的最快的。我使用msvc 2010编译,因此可以组合这两个模板。在msvc 2010中,当我组合模板时,它提供了一个慢速提供cb参数的情况。

Atoi handles nearly all the special atoi cases, and is as fast or faster than this:


int val = 0;
while( *str ) 
    val = val*10 + (*str++ - '0');

Here is the code:


#define EQ1(a,a1) (BYTE(a) == BYTE(a1))
#define EQ1(a,a1,a2) (BYTE(a) == BYTE(a1) && EQ1(a,a2))
#define EQ1(a,a1,a2,a3) (BYTE(a) == BYTE(a1) && EQ1(a,a2,a3))

// Atoi is 4x faster than atoi.  There is also an overload that takes a cb argument.
template <typename T> 
T Atoi(LPCSTR sz) {
    T n = 0;
    bool fNeg = false;  // for unsigned T, this is removed by optimizer
    const BYTE* p = (const BYTE*)sz;
    BYTE ch;
    // test for most exceptions in the leading chars.  Most of the time
    // this test is skipped.  Note we skip over leading zeros to avoid the 
    // useless math in the second loop.  We expect leading 0 to be the most 
    // likely case, so we test it first, however the cpu might reorder that.
    for ( ; (ch=*p-'1') >= 9 ; ++p) { // unsigned trick for range compare
      // ignore leading 0's, spaces, and '+'
      if (EQ1(ch, '0'-'1', ' '-'1', '+'-'1'))
      // for unsigned T this is removed by optimizer
      if (!((T)-1 > 0) && ch==BYTE('-'-'1')) {
        fNeg = !fNeg;
      // atoi ignores these.  Remove this code for a small perf increase.
      if (BYTE(*p-9) > 4)  // \t, \n, 11, 12, \r. unsigned trick for range compare
    // deal with rest of digits, stop loop on non digit.
    for ( ; (ch=*p-'0') <= 9 ; ++p) // unsigned trick for range compare
      n = n*10 + ch; 
    // for unsigned T, (fNeg) test is removed by optimizer
    return (fNeg) ? -n : n;

// you could go with a single template that took a cb argument, but I could not
// get the optimizer to create good code when both the cb and !cb case were combined.
// above code contains the comments.
template <typename T>
T Atoi(LPCSTR sz, BYTE cb) {
    T n = 0;
    bool fNeg = false; 
    const BYTE* p = (const BYTE*)sz;
    const BYTE* p1 = p + cb;
    BYTE ch;
    for ( ; p<p1 && (ch=*p-'1') >= 9 ; ++p) {
      if (EQ1(ch,BYTE('0'-'1'),BYTE(' '-'1'),BYTE('+'-'1')))
      if (!((T)-1 > 0) && ch == BYTE('-'-'1')) {
        fNeg = !fNeg;
      if (BYTE(*p-9) > 4)  // \t, \n, 11, 12, \r
    for ( ; p<p1 && (ch=*p-'0') <= 9 ; ++p)
      n = n*10 + ch; 
    return (fNeg) ? -n : n;



a faster convert function


multiplication is always slower that sum and shift, therefore change multiply with shift


int fast_atoi( const char * str )
    int val = 0;
    while( *str ) {
        val = (val << 4) - (val << 2) - (val << 1) + (*str++ - '0');
return val;