
时间:2021-09-17 04:04:13
Employee(fname, minit, lname, SSN, bdate, address, sex, salary, superssn, dno); fname,minit,lname is the employee's name; bdate is birth date; superssn is supervisor's social security #; dno is dept #
Department(dname, DNUMBER, mgrssn, mgrstartdate); mgrssn is manager ssn
Dept_locations(DNUMBER, DLOCATION); dlocation is department location
Project(Pname, PNUMBER, plocation, dnum)
Works_on(ESSN, PNO, hours); ESSN is employee ssn, pno is project number
Dependent(ESSN, DEPENDENT_NAME, sex, bdate, relationship)

I want to list last and first name, SSN of all managers who is NOT working on project 7 and located in Detroit


This look kind right:


Select e.ssn, e.lname, e.fname
from employee e, department d
where (d.mgrssn = e.ssn)

where e.ssn NOT in (
        select w.essn
        from works_on w
        where w.pno = '07'
        and p.plocation = 'Detroit'

I think I need to put a pno = works_on joint statement before pno = 07, but someones told me I don't need it. So i'm really confused now.

我想我需要在pno = 07之前放一个pno = works_on联合声明,但有人告诉我我不需要它。所以我现在真的很困惑。

Also do I need to include where (d.mgrssn = e.ssn) in a bracket or not?

我是否还需要在括号中包含(d.mgrssn = e.ssn)?

1 个解决方案



Here is the query in long form with joins:


select e.ssn, e.lname, e.fname
from employee e
  join works_on wo on wo.ESSN = e.ssn
  join project PO on po.pnumber = wo.pno
  join dept_location dl on dl.dnumber = po.dnum
where dl.dlocation != 'Detroit'
  or po.pnumber != 7

Here is the same query with a not in, in case you want to avoid a large number of joins:


select e.ssn, e.lname, e.fname
from employee e
where e.ssn not in
(select wo.essn from works_on wo
  join dept_locations dl on dnumber = wo.pno
  where dl.dlocation = 'Detroit'
    or po.pnumber = 7)

Hope that helps.




Here is the query in long form with joins:


select e.ssn, e.lname, e.fname
from employee e
  join works_on wo on wo.ESSN = e.ssn
  join project PO on po.pnumber = wo.pno
  join dept_location dl on dl.dnumber = po.dnum
where dl.dlocation != 'Detroit'
  or po.pnumber != 7

Here is the same query with a not in, in case you want to avoid a large number of joins:


select e.ssn, e.lname, e.fname
from employee e
where e.ssn not in
(select wo.essn from works_on wo
  join dept_locations dl on dnumber = wo.pno
  where dl.dlocation = 'Detroit'
    or po.pnumber = 7)

Hope that helps.
