I'm playing around with a free AWS EC2 instance and django.
我正在玩一个免费的AWS EC2实例和django。
I accidentally left my development server running overnight (on port 8080). This morning, the connection log shows a few messages like this:
# Me
[16/Aug/2012 19:16:09] "GET /static/img/banner-1.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 68263
[16/Aug/2012 19:16:09] "GET /static/img/footer.png HTTP/1.1" 200 4261
[16/Aug/2012 19:16:09] "GET /static/img/favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 200 1150
# Not me
[17/Aug/2012 01:33:59] "GET http://www.baidu.com/ HTTP/1.1" 404 1717
[17/Aug/2012 04:13:29] "GET http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&tbs=qdr:d&prmd=imvns&filter=0&lr=&as_epq=%KEYWORD% HTTP/1.1" 404 1815
[17/Aug/2012 04:13:30] "CONNECT www.google.com:443 HTTP/1.0" 404 1784
What are these messages?
1 个解决方案
Port 8080 is frequently used for http proxy servers. Some bot that found your development server tried to use it as a normal proxy (the first two GET
commands), then as a transparent proxy for https (which is initiated by sending HTTP CONNECT
and also explains why it was connecting to google port 443). It was testing to see if your server was an open proxy because open proxies can be used for all sorts of nefarious purposes.
端口8080经常用于http代理服务器。一些机器人发现你的开发服务器试图将它用作普通代理(前两个GET命令),然后作为https的透明代理(通过发送HTTP CONNECT启动,也解释了为什么它连接到谷歌端口443) 。它正在测试你的服务器是否是一个开放代理,因为开放代理可以用于各种恶意目的。
Port 8080 is frequently used for http proxy servers. Some bot that found your development server tried to use it as a normal proxy (the first two GET
commands), then as a transparent proxy for https (which is initiated by sending HTTP CONNECT
and also explains why it was connecting to google port 443). It was testing to see if your server was an open proxy because open proxies can be used for all sorts of nefarious purposes.
端口8080经常用于http代理服务器。一些机器人发现你的开发服务器试图将它用作普通代理(前两个GET命令),然后作为https的透明代理(通过发送HTTP CONNECT启动,也解释了为什么它连接到谷歌端口443) 。它正在测试你的服务器是否是一个开放代理,因为开放代理可以用于各种恶意目的。