
时间:2021-08-20 03:54:03

I have a function reading from some volatile memory which is updated by a DMA. The DMA is never operating on the same memory-location as the function. My application is performance critical. Hence, I realized the execution time is improved by approx. 20% if I not declare the memory as volatile. In the scope of my function the memory is non-volatile. Hovever, I have to be sure that next time the function is called, the compiler know that the memory may have changed.

我有一个函数从一些易失性存储器读取,由DMA更新。 DMA永远不会在与函数相同的内存位置上运行。我的应用程序是性能关键。因此,我意识到执行时间大约提高了。如果我没有将内存声明为volatile,则为20%。在我的函数范围内,内存是非易失性的。 Hovever,我必须确保下次调用该函数时,编译器知道内存可能已经改变。

The memory is two two-dimensional arrays:


volatile uint16_t memoryBuffer[2][10][20] = {0};

The DMA operates on the opposite "matrix" than the program function:


void myTask(uint8_t indexOppositeOfDMA)
  for(uint8_t n=0; n<10; n++)
    for(uint8_t m=0; m<20; m++)
      //Do some stuff with memory (readings only):

Is there a proper way to tell my compiler that the memoryBuffer is non-volatile inside the scope of myTask() but may be changed next time i call myTask(), so I could optain the performance improvement of 20%?


Platform Cortex-M4

5 个解决方案



The problem without volatile

Let's assume that volatile is omitted from the data array. Then the C compiler and the CPU do not know that its elements change outside the program-flow. Some things that could happen then:


  • The whole array might be loaded into the cache when myTask() is called for the first time. The array might stay in the cache forever and is never updated from the "main" memory again. This issue is more pressing on multi-core CPUs if myTask() is bound to a single core, for example.


  • If myTask() is inlined into the parent function, the compiler might decide to hoist loads outside of the loop even to a point where the DMA transfer has not been completed.


  • The compiler might even be able to determine that no write happens to memoryBuffer and assume that the array elements stay at 0 all the time (which would again trigger a lot of optimizations). This could happen if the program was rather small and all the code is visible to the compiler at once (or LTO is used). Remember: After all the compiler does not know anything about the DMA peripheral and that it is writing "unexpectedly and wildly into memory" (from a compiler perspective).


If the compiler is dumb/conservative and the CPU not very sophisticated (single core, no out-of-order execution), the code might even work without the volatile declaration. But it also might not...


The problem with volatile

Making the whole array volatile is often a pessimisation. For speed reasons you probably want to unroll the loop. So instead of loading from the array and incrementing the index alternatingly such as


load memoryBuffer[m]
m += 1;
load memoryBuffer[m]
m += 1;
load memoryBuffer[m]
m += 1;
load memoryBuffer[m]
m += 1;

it can be faster to load multiple elements at once and increment the index in larger steps such as


load memoryBuffer[m]
load memoryBuffer[m + 1]
load memoryBuffer[m + 2]
load memoryBuffer[m + 3]
m += 4;

This is especially true, if the loads can be fused together (e.g. to perform one 32-bit load instead of two 16-bit loads). Further you want the compiler to use SIMD instruction to process multiple array elements with a single instruction.


These optimizations are often prevented if the load happens from volatile memory because compilers are usually very conservative with load/store reordering around volatile memory accesses. Again the behavior differs between compiler vendors (e.g. MSVC vs GCC).


Possible solution 1: fences

So you would like to make the array non-volatile but add a hint for the compiler/CPU saying "when you see this line (execute this statement), flush the cache and reload the array from memory". In C11 you could insert an atomic_thread_fence at the beginning of myTask(). Such fences prevent the re-ordering of loads/stores across them.

因此,您希望使数组非易失性,但为编译器/ CPU添加提示“当您看到此行(执行此语句)时,刷新缓存并从内存重新加载阵列”。在C11中,您可以在myTask()的开头插入atomic_thread_fence。这样的围栏阻止了它们之间的装载/存储的重新排序。

Since we do not have a C11 compiler, we use intrinsics for this task. The ARMCC compiler has a __dmb() intrinsic (data memory barrier). For GCC you may want to look at __sync_synchronize() (doc).

由于我们没有C11编译器,因此我们使用内在函数来完成此任务。 ARMCC编译器具有__dmb()内在函数(数据内存屏障)。对于GCC,您可能需要查看__sync_synchronize()(doc)。

Possible solution 2: atomic variable holding the buffer state

We use the following pattern a lot in our codebase (e.g. when reading data from SPI via DMA and calling a function to analyze it): The buffer is declared as plain array (no volatile) and an atomic flag is added to each buffer, which is set when the DMA transfer has finished. The code looks something like this:


typedef struct Buffer
    uint16_t data[10][20];
    // Flag indicating if the buffer has been filled. Only use atomic instructions on it!
    int filled;
    // C11: atomic_int filled;
    // C++: std::atomic_bool filled{false};
} Buffer_t;

Buffer_t buffers[2];

Buffer_t* volatile currentDmaBuffer; // using volatile here because I'm lazy

void setupDMA(void)
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
        int bufferFilled;
        // Atomically load the flag.
        bufferFilled = __sync_fetch_and_or(&buffers[i].filled, 0);
        // C11: bufferFilled = atomic_load(&buffers[i].filled);
        // C++: bufferFilled = buffers[i].filled;

        if (!bufferFilled)
            currentDmaBuffer = &buffers[i];
            ... configure DMA to write to buffers[i].data and start it

    // If you end up here, there is no free buffer available because the
    // data processing takes too long.

void DMA_done_IRQHandler(void)
    // ... stop DMA if needed

    // Atomically set the flag indicating that the buffer has been filled.
    __sync_fetch_and_or(&currentDmaBuffer->filled, 1);
    // C11: atomic_store(&currentDmaBuffer->filled, 1);
    // C++: currentDmaBuffer->filled = true;

    currentDmaBuffer = 0;
    // ... possibly start another DMA transfer ...

void myTask(Buffer_t* buffer)
    for (uint8_t n=0; n<10; n++)
        for (uint8_t m=0; m<20; m++)

    // Reset the flag atomically.
    __sync_fetch_and_and(&buffer->filled, 0);
    // C11: atomic_store(&buffer->filled, 0);
    // C++: buffer->filled = false;

void waitForData(void)
    // ... see setupDma(void) ...

The advantage of pairing the buffers with an atomic is that you are able to detect when the processing is too slow meaning that you have to buffer more, make the incoming data slower or the processing code faster or whatever is sufficient in your case.


Possible solution 3: OS support

If you have an (embedded) OS, you might resort to other patterns instead of using volatile arrays. The OS we use features memory pools and queues. The latter can be filled from a thread or an interrupt and a thread can block on the queue until it is non-empty. The pattern looks a bit like this:


MemoryPool pool;              // A pool to acquire DMA buffers.
Queue bufferQueue;            // A queue for pointers to buffers filled by the DMA.
void* volatile currentBuffer; // The buffer currently filled by the DMA.

void setupDMA(void)
    currentBuffer = MemoryPool_Allocate(&pool, 20 * 10 * sizeof(uint16_t));
    // ... make the DMA write to currentBuffer

void DMA_done_IRQHandler(void)
    // ... stop DMA if needed

    Queue_Post(&bufferQueue, currentBuffer);
    currentBuffer = 0;

void myTask(void)
    void* buffer = Queue_Wait(&bufferQueue);
    [... work with buffer ...]
    MemoryPool_Deallocate(&pool, buffer);

This is probably the easiest approach to implement but only if you have an OS and if portability is not an issue.




Here you say that the buffer is non-volatile:


"memoryBuffer is non-volatile inside the scope of myTask"


But here you say that it must be volatile:


"but may be changed next time i call myTask"


These two sentences are contradicting. Clearly the memory area must be volatile or the compiler can't know that it may be updated by DMA.


However, I rather suspect that the actual performance loss comes from accessing this memory region repeatedly through your algorithm, forcing the compiler to read it back over and over again.


What you should do is to take a local, non-volatile copy of the part of the memory you are interested in:


void myTask(uint8_t indexOppositeOfDMA)
  for(uint8_t n=0; n<10; n++)
    for(uint8_t m=0; m<20; m++)
      volatile uint16_t* data = &memoryBuffer[indexOppositeOfDMA][n][m];
      uint16_t local_copy = *data; // this access is volatile and wont get optimized away

      foo(&local_copy); // optimizations possible here

      // if needed, write back again:
      *data = local_copy; // optional

You'll have to benchmark it, but I'm pretty sure this should improve performance.


Alternatively, you could first copy the whole part of the array you are interested in, then work on that, before writing it back. That should help performance even more.




You're not allowed to cast away the volatile qualifier1.


If the array must be defined holding volatile elements then the only two options, "that let the compiler know that the memory has changed", are to keep the volatile qualifier, or use a temporary array which is defined without volatile and is copied to the proper array after the function call. Pick whichever is faster.


1 (Quoted from: ISO/IEC 9899:201x 6.7.3 Type qualifiers 6)
If an attempt is made to refer to an object defined with a volatile-qualified type through use of an lvalue with non-volatile-qualified type, the behavior is undefined.

1(引用自:ISO / IEC 9899:201x 6.7.3类型限定符6)如果尝试通过使用具有非易失性限定类型的左值来引用使用volatile限定类型定义的对象,则行为未定义。



It seems to me that you a passing half of the buffer to myTask and each half does not need to be volatile. So I wonder if you could solve your issue by defining the buffer as such, and then passing a pointer to one of the half-buffers to myTask. I'm not sure whether this will work but maybe something like this...


typedef struct memory_buffer {
    uint16_t buffer[10][20];
} memory_buffer ;

volatile memory_buffer double_buffer[2];

void myTask(memory_buffer *mem_buf)
  for(uint8_t n=0; n<10; n++)
    for(uint8_t m=0; m<20; m++)
      //Do some stuff with memory:



I don't know you platform/mCU/SoC, but usually DMAs have interrupt that trigger on programmable threshold.

我不知道你的平台/ mCU / SoC,但通常DMA有可在可编程阈值上触发的中断。

What I can imagine is to remove volatile keyword and use interrupt as semaphore for task.


In other words:


  • DMA is programmed to interrupt when last byte of buffer is written
  • DMA被编程为在写入缓冲区的最后一个字节时中断

  • Task is block on a semaphore/flag waiting that the flag is released
  • 任务是在信号量/标志上阻塞,等待标志被释放

  • When DMA calls the interrupt routine cange the buffer pointed by DMA for the next reading time and change the flag that unlock the task that can elaborate data.
  • 当DMA调用中断例程时,将DMA指向的缓冲区用于下一个读取时间,并更改解锁可以详细说明数据的任务的标志。

Something like:

uint16_t memoryBuffer[2][10][20];

volatile uint8_t PingPong = 0;

void interrupt ( void )
    // Change current DMA pointed buffer

    PingPong ^= 1;    

void myTask(void)
    static uint8_t lastPingPong = 0;

    if (lastPingPong != PingPong)
        for (uint8_t n = 0; n < 10; n++)
            for (uint8_t m = 0; m < 20; m++)
                //Do some stuff with memory:

        lastPingPong = PingPong;



The problem without volatile

Let's assume that volatile is omitted from the data array. Then the C compiler and the CPU do not know that its elements change outside the program-flow. Some things that could happen then:


  • The whole array might be loaded into the cache when myTask() is called for the first time. The array might stay in the cache forever and is never updated from the "main" memory again. This issue is more pressing on multi-core CPUs if myTask() is bound to a single core, for example.


  • If myTask() is inlined into the parent function, the compiler might decide to hoist loads outside of the loop even to a point where the DMA transfer has not been completed.


  • The compiler might even be able to determine that no write happens to memoryBuffer and assume that the array elements stay at 0 all the time (which would again trigger a lot of optimizations). This could happen if the program was rather small and all the code is visible to the compiler at once (or LTO is used). Remember: After all the compiler does not know anything about the DMA peripheral and that it is writing "unexpectedly and wildly into memory" (from a compiler perspective).


If the compiler is dumb/conservative and the CPU not very sophisticated (single core, no out-of-order execution), the code might even work without the volatile declaration. But it also might not...


The problem with volatile

Making the whole array volatile is often a pessimisation. For speed reasons you probably want to unroll the loop. So instead of loading from the array and incrementing the index alternatingly such as


load memoryBuffer[m]
m += 1;
load memoryBuffer[m]
m += 1;
load memoryBuffer[m]
m += 1;
load memoryBuffer[m]
m += 1;

it can be faster to load multiple elements at once and increment the index in larger steps such as


load memoryBuffer[m]
load memoryBuffer[m + 1]
load memoryBuffer[m + 2]
load memoryBuffer[m + 3]
m += 4;

This is especially true, if the loads can be fused together (e.g. to perform one 32-bit load instead of two 16-bit loads). Further you want the compiler to use SIMD instruction to process multiple array elements with a single instruction.


These optimizations are often prevented if the load happens from volatile memory because compilers are usually very conservative with load/store reordering around volatile memory accesses. Again the behavior differs between compiler vendors (e.g. MSVC vs GCC).


Possible solution 1: fences

So you would like to make the array non-volatile but add a hint for the compiler/CPU saying "when you see this line (execute this statement), flush the cache and reload the array from memory". In C11 you could insert an atomic_thread_fence at the beginning of myTask(). Such fences prevent the re-ordering of loads/stores across them.

因此,您希望使数组非易失性,但为编译器/ CPU添加提示“当您看到此行(执行此语句)时,刷新缓存并从内存重新加载阵列”。在C11中,您可以在myTask()的开头插入atomic_thread_fence。这样的围栏阻止了它们之间的装载/存储的重新排序。

Since we do not have a C11 compiler, we use intrinsics for this task. The ARMCC compiler has a __dmb() intrinsic (data memory barrier). For GCC you may want to look at __sync_synchronize() (doc).

由于我们没有C11编译器,因此我们使用内在函数来完成此任务。 ARMCC编译器具有__dmb()内在函数(数据内存屏障)。对于GCC,您可能需要查看__sync_synchronize()(doc)。

Possible solution 2: atomic variable holding the buffer state

We use the following pattern a lot in our codebase (e.g. when reading data from SPI via DMA and calling a function to analyze it): The buffer is declared as plain array (no volatile) and an atomic flag is added to each buffer, which is set when the DMA transfer has finished. The code looks something like this:


typedef struct Buffer
    uint16_t data[10][20];
    // Flag indicating if the buffer has been filled. Only use atomic instructions on it!
    int filled;
    // C11: atomic_int filled;
    // C++: std::atomic_bool filled{false};
} Buffer_t;

Buffer_t buffers[2];

Buffer_t* volatile currentDmaBuffer; // using volatile here because I'm lazy

void setupDMA(void)
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
        int bufferFilled;
        // Atomically load the flag.
        bufferFilled = __sync_fetch_and_or(&buffers[i].filled, 0);
        // C11: bufferFilled = atomic_load(&buffers[i].filled);
        // C++: bufferFilled = buffers[i].filled;

        if (!bufferFilled)
            currentDmaBuffer = &buffers[i];
            ... configure DMA to write to buffers[i].data and start it

    // If you end up here, there is no free buffer available because the
    // data processing takes too long.

void DMA_done_IRQHandler(void)
    // ... stop DMA if needed

    // Atomically set the flag indicating that the buffer has been filled.
    __sync_fetch_and_or(&currentDmaBuffer->filled, 1);
    // C11: atomic_store(&currentDmaBuffer->filled, 1);
    // C++: currentDmaBuffer->filled = true;

    currentDmaBuffer = 0;
    // ... possibly start another DMA transfer ...

void myTask(Buffer_t* buffer)
    for (uint8_t n=0; n<10; n++)
        for (uint8_t m=0; m<20; m++)

    // Reset the flag atomically.
    __sync_fetch_and_and(&buffer->filled, 0);
    // C11: atomic_store(&buffer->filled, 0);
    // C++: buffer->filled = false;

void waitForData(void)
    // ... see setupDma(void) ...

The advantage of pairing the buffers with an atomic is that you are able to detect when the processing is too slow meaning that you have to buffer more, make the incoming data slower or the processing code faster or whatever is sufficient in your case.


Possible solution 3: OS support

If you have an (embedded) OS, you might resort to other patterns instead of using volatile arrays. The OS we use features memory pools and queues. The latter can be filled from a thread or an interrupt and a thread can block on the queue until it is non-empty. The pattern looks a bit like this:


MemoryPool pool;              // A pool to acquire DMA buffers.
Queue bufferQueue;            // A queue for pointers to buffers filled by the DMA.
void* volatile currentBuffer; // The buffer currently filled by the DMA.

void setupDMA(void)
    currentBuffer = MemoryPool_Allocate(&pool, 20 * 10 * sizeof(uint16_t));
    // ... make the DMA write to currentBuffer

void DMA_done_IRQHandler(void)
    // ... stop DMA if needed

    Queue_Post(&bufferQueue, currentBuffer);
    currentBuffer = 0;

void myTask(void)
    void* buffer = Queue_Wait(&bufferQueue);
    [... work with buffer ...]
    MemoryPool_Deallocate(&pool, buffer);

This is probably the easiest approach to implement but only if you have an OS and if portability is not an issue.




Here you say that the buffer is non-volatile:


"memoryBuffer is non-volatile inside the scope of myTask"


But here you say that it must be volatile:


"but may be changed next time i call myTask"


These two sentences are contradicting. Clearly the memory area must be volatile or the compiler can't know that it may be updated by DMA.


However, I rather suspect that the actual performance loss comes from accessing this memory region repeatedly through your algorithm, forcing the compiler to read it back over and over again.


What you should do is to take a local, non-volatile copy of the part of the memory you are interested in:


void myTask(uint8_t indexOppositeOfDMA)
  for(uint8_t n=0; n<10; n++)
    for(uint8_t m=0; m<20; m++)
      volatile uint16_t* data = &memoryBuffer[indexOppositeOfDMA][n][m];
      uint16_t local_copy = *data; // this access is volatile and wont get optimized away

      foo(&local_copy); // optimizations possible here

      // if needed, write back again:
      *data = local_copy; // optional

You'll have to benchmark it, but I'm pretty sure this should improve performance.


Alternatively, you could first copy the whole part of the array you are interested in, then work on that, before writing it back. That should help performance even more.




You're not allowed to cast away the volatile qualifier1.


If the array must be defined holding volatile elements then the only two options, "that let the compiler know that the memory has changed", are to keep the volatile qualifier, or use a temporary array which is defined without volatile and is copied to the proper array after the function call. Pick whichever is faster.


1 (Quoted from: ISO/IEC 9899:201x 6.7.3 Type qualifiers 6)
If an attempt is made to refer to an object defined with a volatile-qualified type through use of an lvalue with non-volatile-qualified type, the behavior is undefined.

1(引用自:ISO / IEC 9899:201x 6.7.3类型限定符6)如果尝试通过使用具有非易失性限定类型的左值来引用使用volatile限定类型定义的对象,则行为未定义。



It seems to me that you a passing half of the buffer to myTask and each half does not need to be volatile. So I wonder if you could solve your issue by defining the buffer as such, and then passing a pointer to one of the half-buffers to myTask. I'm not sure whether this will work but maybe something like this...


typedef struct memory_buffer {
    uint16_t buffer[10][20];
} memory_buffer ;

volatile memory_buffer double_buffer[2];

void myTask(memory_buffer *mem_buf)
  for(uint8_t n=0; n<10; n++)
    for(uint8_t m=0; m<20; m++)
      //Do some stuff with memory:



I don't know you platform/mCU/SoC, but usually DMAs have interrupt that trigger on programmable threshold.

我不知道你的平台/ mCU / SoC,但通常DMA有可在可编程阈值上触发的中断。

What I can imagine is to remove volatile keyword and use interrupt as semaphore for task.


In other words:


  • DMA is programmed to interrupt when last byte of buffer is written
  • DMA被编程为在写入缓冲区的最后一个字节时中断

  • Task is block on a semaphore/flag waiting that the flag is released
  • 任务是在信号量/标志上阻塞,等待标志被释放

  • When DMA calls the interrupt routine cange the buffer pointed by DMA for the next reading time and change the flag that unlock the task that can elaborate data.
  • 当DMA调用中断例程时,将DMA指向的缓冲区用于下一个读取时间,并更改解锁可以详细说明数据的任务的标志。

Something like:

uint16_t memoryBuffer[2][10][20];

volatile uint8_t PingPong = 0;

void interrupt ( void )
    // Change current DMA pointed buffer

    PingPong ^= 1;    

void myTask(void)
    static uint8_t lastPingPong = 0;

    if (lastPingPong != PingPong)
        for (uint8_t n = 0; n < 10; n++)
            for (uint8_t m = 0; m < 20; m++)
                //Do some stuff with memory:

        lastPingPong = PingPong;