how to get svg text tspan x,y position value in js

时间:2025-01-27 14:06:50

how to get svg text tspan x,y position value in js

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="976px" height="471px" viewBox="0 0 976 471" version="1.1">
<!-- Generator: Sketch 53 (72520) - -->
<desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
<g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
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<rect id="Rectangle" stroke="#979797" fill="#35D9F6" x="249.5" y="0.5" width="425" height="136"/>
<text id="舞台" font-family="PingFangSC-Regular, PingFang SC" font-size="23" font-weight="normal" fill="#E35E1D">
<tspan x="439" y="77">舞台</tspan>
<polyline points="20,20 40,25 60,40 80,120 120,140 200,180" style="fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:3"/>
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<rect id="Rectangle" stroke="#979797" fill="#92E757" x="791.5" y="162.5" width="187" height="299"/>
<text id="左边" font-family="PingFangSC-Regular, PingFang SC" font-size="23" font-weight="normal" fill="#61F849">
<tspan x="56" y="312">左边</tspan>
<text id="后区-C" font-family="PingFangSC-Regular, PingFang SC" font-size="23" font-weight="normal" fill="#61F849">
<tspan x="430" y="410">后区 C</tspan>
<text id="右区" font-family="PingFangSC-Regular, PingFang SC" font-size="23" font-weight="normal" fill="#F31FEF">
<tspan x="862" y="320">右区</tspan>

getStartPositionOfChar(text) & getEndPositionOfChar(text)

// SVGPoint {x: 430, y: 410} temp1.getEndPositionOfChar(temp1);
// SVGPoint {x: 453, y: 410}

// <text id=​"后区-C" font-family=​"PingFangSC-Regular, PingFang SC" font-size=​"23" font-weight=​"normal" fill=​"#61F849">​…​</text>​ temp1.getBBox();
// SVGRect {x: 430, y: 386, width: 70.40625, height: 32} temp1.innerHTML;
<tspan xmlns="" x="430" y="410">后区 C</tspan>
*/ temp1.innerText
// undefined temp1.textContent;
后区 C
*/ temp1.getBBox();
// SVGRect {x: 430, y: 386, width: 70.40625, height: 32}x: 430y: 386width: 70.40625height: 32__proto__: SVGRect temp1.getBoundingClientRect();
// DOMRect {x: 427, y: 386, width: 70.40625, height: 32, top: 386, …}x: 427y: 386width: 70.40625height: 32top: 386right: 497.40625bottom: 418left: 427__proto__: DOMRect temp1.getAttribute(`fill`)
// "#61F849" temp1.textLength;
// SVGAnimatedLength {baseVal: SVGLength, animVal: SVGLength}baseVal: SVGLength {unitType: 0, value: 70.40298461914062, valueInSpecifiedUnits: 70.40298461914062, valueAsString: "70.403"}unitType: 0value: 70.40298461914062valueInSpecifiedUnits: 70.40298461914062valueAsString: "70.403"__proto__: SVGLengthanimVal: SVGLength {unitType: 0, value: 70.40298461914062, valueInSpecifiedUnits: 70.40298461914062, valueAsString: "70.403"}__proto__: SVGAnimatedLength temp1.getComputedTextLength();
// 70.40298461914062 temp1.getStartPositionOfChar(temp1);
// SVGPoint {x: 430, y: 410} temp1.getEndPositionOfChar(temp1);
// SVGPoint {x: 453, y: 410}

how to get svg text tspan x,y position value in js

firstElementChild.getAttribute("x") & firstElementChild.getAttribute("y")

// SVGRect {x: 430, y: 386, width: 70.40625, height: 32} temp1.getCTM();
// SVGMatrix {a: 1, b: 0, c: 0, d: 1, e: -3, …}a: 1b: 0c: 0d: 1e: -3f: 0__proto__: SVGMatrix temp1.childElementCount;
// 1
// <tspan x=​"430" y=​"410">​后区 C​</tspan>​ temp1.firstElementChild.x;
// SVGAnimatedLengthList {baseVal: SVGLengthList, animVal: SVGLengthList}baseVal: SVGLengthList {0: SVGLength, length: 1, numberOfItems: 1}animVal: SVGLengthList {0: SVGLength, length: 1, numberOfItems: 1}__proto__: SVGAnimatedLengthList temp1.firstElementChild.getBBox();
// SVGRect {x: 430, y: 386, width: 70.40625, height: 32} temp1.firstElementChild.getAttribute(`x`);
// "430" temp1.firstElementChild.getAttribute(`y`);
// "410"

how to get svg text tspan x,y position value in js
