A. Puzzles CodeForces Round #196 (Div.2)

时间:2022-04-03 03:45:31

题目的大意是,给你 m 个数字,让你从中选 n 个,使得选出的数字的极差最小。

  好吧,超级大水题。因为要极差最小,所以当然想到要排个序咯,然后去连续的 n 个数字,因为数据不大,所以排完序之后直接暴力就OK了。


   1: #include <stdio.h>

   2: #include <math.h>

   3: #include <iostream>

   4: #include <cstdarg>

   5: #include <algorithm>

   6: #include <string.h>

   7: #include <stdlib.h>

   8: #include <string>

   9: #include <list>

  10: #include <vector>

  11: #include <map>

  12: #define LL long long

  13: #define M(a) memset(a, 0, sizeof(a))

  14: using namespace std;


  16: void Clean(int count, ...)

  17: {

  18:     va_list arg_ptr;

  19:     va_start (arg_ptr, count);

  20:     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)

  21:         M(va_arg(arg_ptr, char*));

  22:     va_end(arg_ptr);

  23: }


  25: int buf[59];


  27: int main()

  28: {

  29:     int n, m;

  30:     while (~scanf("%d%d", &n, &m))

  31:     {

  32:         Clean(1, buf);

  33:         for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)

  34:             scanf("%d", &buf[i]);

  35:         sort(buf, buf + m);

  36:         int res = 999999;

  37:         for (int i = n - 1; i < m; i++)

  38:             res = min(res, (buf[i] - buf[i - n + 1]));

  39:         printf("%d\n", res);

  40:     }

  41:     return 0;

  42: }

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