在ASP中写入事件日志。NET在Windows Server 2008 IIS7。

时间:2020-12-19 03:29:15

I'm trying to use log4net to write to a customer event log under IIS7 on Windows Server 2008 SP1. However, account doesn't seem to have access to write to the event log. Does anyone have any suggestions?

我正在尝试使用log4net在Windows Server 2008 SP1上的IIS7下写入客户事件日志。但是,帐户似乎不能写入事件日志。有人有什么建议吗?

4 个解决方案



The problem is probably your event source. You have to create an event source before you can write to the event log (if you don't, the Event log object tries to create one for you "automagically" the first time you write to the log).


You have to have hightened permissions to create an event log source. In some of my web apps, I have put the code to create the event source into my setup (setup runs as admin, so I'm always guaranteed to be able to create the source).


You just have to create the source once. After that, your ASP.Net app should have sufficient permissions to write entries specifying the source (or sources) that you created.


You can use an EventLogInstaller in your setup to create the source, or you could just write a little utility to call EventLog.CreateEventSource() as an admin.


I'll show you both ways:


// You would do this one from within an Installer class in a setup:
        private void InstallEventLog()
            EventLogInstaller logInstaller;

            //Create an instance of an EventLogInstaller.
            logInstaller = new EventLogInstaller();

            //Set the source name of the event log.
            logInstaller.Source = "TheEventSourceName";

Method 2: just call CreateEventSource once as an admin (you could put the following code into a console app, for example, and run the console app as admin


EventLog.CreateEventSource("TheSourceName", "Application");

Bonus: If you have Powershell installed on your server, you can do it from the Powershell command prompt: (Make sure you are running Powershell as an admin)


[system.Diagnostics.EventLog]::CreateEventSource("SourceName", "Application")

Hop that helps




Give the ASPNET permission to the event log.


Run -> regedit - > Browse to

运行-> regedit ->浏览到。


Right click select permissions and give the ASPNET account full control




IIS 8 permission solving answer


I am lazy and didn't create a special log in my code, instead I used:


System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("MyAppName", "Bla Bla SQL ERROR: "+sx.Message);

System.Diagnostics.EventLog。WriteEntry(“MyAppName”,“Bla Bla SQL ERROR:”+sx.Message);

Just to complete Michael's answer In IIS8 the user used by IIS when running server side code is : IIS_IUSRS


(actually its more complicated because there are virtual accounts within IIS_IUSRS but they get permissions from that account, see IIS_IUSRS and IUSR permissions in IIS8 form more details)


That user only requires READ permission on this registry node:



HKLM \ CurrentControlSet \ System \ Services \事件日志\安全

The reason for this is that when a new log source is written to, before creating it, the system wants to check that it doesn't exist so it needs to READ the source names.


Also, if you are using the iis express of visual studio, it will run under your personal credentials, so if you don't have read access permission to the registry node above you will need to add it too when debugging under visual studio.

另外,如果您使用的是visual studio的iis express,那么它将在您的个人凭据下运行,因此如果您没有对上面的注册表节点进行读访问权限,那么在visual studio下进行调试时也需要添加它。

(If administrators has permission to the node and your are in that group, it is not enough, you need to run visual studio 'as administrator' - which will work only from visual studio shortcut and not the sln shortcut)

(如果管理员对该节点有权限,而您在该组中,这是不够的,您需要运行visual studio“作为管理员”——它只会在visual studio快捷方式中运行,而不是sln快捷方式)

Another note: If the computer is in a domain and you can't find the IIS_IUSRS account when editing registry permissions, it is likely you are looking in the wrong 'location', searching for the account on the domain active directory instead of the local computer)




I think a more secure option to @Michael Kniskern's good example is:

我认为一个更安全的选择是@Michael Kniskern的好例子是:



HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet \Services \Eventlog \your_new_application_log

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \系统\CurrentControlSet \ \ \Eventlog \your_new_application_log。

Give full control to just the specific application log created for the purposes of your application (in this example right-click your_new_application_log and set permissions there). Once the new log name is created it will appear in the registry nested under eventlog node as above.




The problem is probably your event source. You have to create an event source before you can write to the event log (if you don't, the Event log object tries to create one for you "automagically" the first time you write to the log).


You have to have hightened permissions to create an event log source. In some of my web apps, I have put the code to create the event source into my setup (setup runs as admin, so I'm always guaranteed to be able to create the source).


You just have to create the source once. After that, your ASP.Net app should have sufficient permissions to write entries specifying the source (or sources) that you created.


You can use an EventLogInstaller in your setup to create the source, or you could just write a little utility to call EventLog.CreateEventSource() as an admin.


I'll show you both ways:


// You would do this one from within an Installer class in a setup:
        private void InstallEventLog()
            EventLogInstaller logInstaller;

            //Create an instance of an EventLogInstaller.
            logInstaller = new EventLogInstaller();

            //Set the source name of the event log.
            logInstaller.Source = "TheEventSourceName";

Method 2: just call CreateEventSource once as an admin (you could put the following code into a console app, for example, and run the console app as admin


EventLog.CreateEventSource("TheSourceName", "Application");

Bonus: If you have Powershell installed on your server, you can do it from the Powershell command prompt: (Make sure you are running Powershell as an admin)


[system.Diagnostics.EventLog]::CreateEventSource("SourceName", "Application")

Hop that helps




Give the ASPNET permission to the event log.


Run -> regedit - > Browse to

运行-> regedit ->浏览到。


Right click select permissions and give the ASPNET account full control




IIS 8 permission solving answer


I am lazy and didn't create a special log in my code, instead I used:


System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("MyAppName", "Bla Bla SQL ERROR: "+sx.Message);

System.Diagnostics.EventLog。WriteEntry(“MyAppName”,“Bla Bla SQL ERROR:”+sx.Message);

Just to complete Michael's answer In IIS8 the user used by IIS when running server side code is : IIS_IUSRS


(actually its more complicated because there are virtual accounts within IIS_IUSRS but they get permissions from that account, see IIS_IUSRS and IUSR permissions in IIS8 form more details)


That user only requires READ permission on this registry node:



HKLM \ CurrentControlSet \ System \ Services \事件日志\安全

The reason for this is that when a new log source is written to, before creating it, the system wants to check that it doesn't exist so it needs to READ the source names.


Also, if you are using the iis express of visual studio, it will run under your personal credentials, so if you don't have read access permission to the registry node above you will need to add it too when debugging under visual studio.

另外,如果您使用的是visual studio的iis express,那么它将在您的个人凭据下运行,因此如果您没有对上面的注册表节点进行读访问权限,那么在visual studio下进行调试时也需要添加它。

(If administrators has permission to the node and your are in that group, it is not enough, you need to run visual studio 'as administrator' - which will work only from visual studio shortcut and not the sln shortcut)

(如果管理员对该节点有权限,而您在该组中,这是不够的,您需要运行visual studio“作为管理员”——它只会在visual studio快捷方式中运行,而不是sln快捷方式)

Another note: If the computer is in a domain and you can't find the IIS_IUSRS account when editing registry permissions, it is likely you are looking in the wrong 'location', searching for the account on the domain active directory instead of the local computer)




I think a more secure option to @Michael Kniskern's good example is:

我认为一个更安全的选择是@Michael Kniskern的好例子是:



HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet \Services \Eventlog \your_new_application_log

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \系统\CurrentControlSet \ \ \Eventlog \your_new_application_log。

Give full control to just the specific application log created for the purposes of your application (in this example right-click your_new_application_log and set permissions there). Once the new log name is created it will appear in the registry nested under eventlog node as above.
