Asp。Net Web表单和Asp。网网页

时间:2021-10-26 03:15:41

What is the difference between Asp.Net Web Forms and Asp.Net Web Pages?

Asp之间的区别是什么?Net Web表单和Asp。净的网页吗?

Here it says that Web Pages and Web Forms different approaches.


2 个解决方案



There are 3 flavors of ASP.NET Full and there is also ASP.NET Core (the new one that works on Linux and Mac)

有三种不同的ASP。NET Full和还有ASP。NET Core(在Linux和Mac上工作的新内核)

For ASP.NET Full


The first one is the oldest and is called Web Forms. Basically it is a high level component oriented web framework that works with controls like buttons and grids that encapsulate behaviour and view. It was the most popular flavor of ASP.NET but has been criticised for the lack of control over the generated markup. Currently most new projects are ASP.NET MVC but there is definitely a lot of Web Forms out there. While this is my personal favorite I must point out that it is a bad way to start learning web programming because it hides the implementation details from you (which is good when you have experience) and is a bit complex to learn.

第一个是最古老的,叫做Web Forms。基本上,它是一个面向高级组件的web框架,可以使用按钮和网格这样的控件来封装行为和视图。这是ASP最流行的风味。但是由于缺乏对生成的标记的控制而受到批评。目前大多数新项目都是ASP。NET MVC,但肯定有很多Web表单。虽然这是我个人的最爱,但我必须指出,这是开始学习web编程的一种不好的方式,因为它隐藏了实现细节(当您有经验时,这是很好的),而且学习起来有点复杂。

Source :


ASP.NET MVC is an implementation of the MVC pattern for ASP.NET. Some people claim that it is easier to develop maintainable applications with unit tests and good separation of concerns with this framework than it is with Web Forms. I disagree on this point and think that using patterns like MVP one can achieve the same with Web Forms. On the other hand ASP.NET MVC has one big advantage - it allows full control over the generated markup. This is very important for the modern style of web development where a lot of things are controlled with JavaScript. For example adding a fancy animation is easier to do on top of an MVC view than it is on top of a Web Form.

ASP。NET MVC是ASP.NET MVC模式的实现。有些人声称,用单元测试和良好的关注点分离来开发可维护的应用程序比用Web表单更容易。我不同意这一点,我认为使用MVP这样的模式可以在Web表单中实现同样的效果。另一方面,ASP。NET MVC有一个很大的优势——它允许完全控制生成的标记。这对于现代web开发风格非常重要,在这种风格中,很多东西都是用JavaScript控制的。例如,在MVC视图上添加一个花哨的动画比在Web表单上更容易。



ASP.NET Web Pages is a (currently) the latest flavor that is targeted at smaller project and beginner devs (at least in my opinion). It is good for developing smaller projects with ~ 10 pages. Most of the logic is written in a single file per page in what I call "Basic PHP style". It uses the Razor syntax for injecting the serverside code.

ASP。NET Web页面是针对小型项目和初学者开发的(至少在我看来是这样)最新的风格。适合开发10页的小型项目。大多数逻辑都是在我所谓的“基本PHP风格”的每个页面中编写的。它使用Razor语法注入服务器端代码。



Note that Web Forms uses pages (unlike MVC) therefore there is a confusion what ASP.NET Web Pages is


For ASP.NET Core a new version of ASP.NET MVC is used that is conceptually the same as the ASP.NET MVC described above. Interestingly as of ASP.NET Core 2.0 there is also something called Razor Pages which is essentially more advanced version of ASP.NET Web Pages.

ASP。NET核心一个新版本的ASP。NET MVC与ASP在概念上是相同的。净上面描述的MVC。有趣的是ASP。NET Core 2.0还有一种叫做Razor页面的东西,本质上是更高级的ASP版本。净Web页面。



Technically speaking there is no difference except webform gets processed on server and webpage on client side (browser).I don't think there is any need to learn webpage because webform ultimately gets rendered as webpage.


You can have great programming control on Webform but on webpage you have limited using .net.You can also play with webpage using client scripting technologies .fact is that you can also play with webforms using scripting languages.A web form is a type of object which can produce web pages


Fact is that webpage is old concept when we used to present/display some static content .


Regards Priya




There are 3 flavors of ASP.NET Full and there is also ASP.NET Core (the new one that works on Linux and Mac)

有三种不同的ASP。NET Full和还有ASP。NET Core(在Linux和Mac上工作的新内核)

For ASP.NET Full


The first one is the oldest and is called Web Forms. Basically it is a high level component oriented web framework that works with controls like buttons and grids that encapsulate behaviour and view. It was the most popular flavor of ASP.NET but has been criticised for the lack of control over the generated markup. Currently most new projects are ASP.NET MVC but there is definitely a lot of Web Forms out there. While this is my personal favorite I must point out that it is a bad way to start learning web programming because it hides the implementation details from you (which is good when you have experience) and is a bit complex to learn.

第一个是最古老的,叫做Web Forms。基本上,它是一个面向高级组件的web框架,可以使用按钮和网格这样的控件来封装行为和视图。这是ASP最流行的风味。但是由于缺乏对生成的标记的控制而受到批评。目前大多数新项目都是ASP。NET MVC,但肯定有很多Web表单。虽然这是我个人的最爱,但我必须指出,这是开始学习web编程的一种不好的方式,因为它隐藏了实现细节(当您有经验时,这是很好的),而且学习起来有点复杂。

Source :


ASP.NET MVC is an implementation of the MVC pattern for ASP.NET. Some people claim that it is easier to develop maintainable applications with unit tests and good separation of concerns with this framework than it is with Web Forms. I disagree on this point and think that using patterns like MVP one can achieve the same with Web Forms. On the other hand ASP.NET MVC has one big advantage - it allows full control over the generated markup. This is very important for the modern style of web development where a lot of things are controlled with JavaScript. For example adding a fancy animation is easier to do on top of an MVC view than it is on top of a Web Form.

ASP。NET MVC是ASP.NET MVC模式的实现。有些人声称,用单元测试和良好的关注点分离来开发可维护的应用程序比用Web表单更容易。我不同意这一点,我认为使用MVP这样的模式可以在Web表单中实现同样的效果。另一方面,ASP。NET MVC有一个很大的优势——它允许完全控制生成的标记。这对于现代web开发风格非常重要,在这种风格中,很多东西都是用JavaScript控制的。例如,在MVC视图上添加一个花哨的动画比在Web表单上更容易。



ASP.NET Web Pages is a (currently) the latest flavor that is targeted at smaller project and beginner devs (at least in my opinion). It is good for developing smaller projects with ~ 10 pages. Most of the logic is written in a single file per page in what I call "Basic PHP style". It uses the Razor syntax for injecting the serverside code.

ASP。NET Web页面是针对小型项目和初学者开发的(至少在我看来是这样)最新的风格。适合开发10页的小型项目。大多数逻辑都是在我所谓的“基本PHP风格”的每个页面中编写的。它使用Razor语法注入服务器端代码。



Note that Web Forms uses pages (unlike MVC) therefore there is a confusion what ASP.NET Web Pages is


For ASP.NET Core a new version of ASP.NET MVC is used that is conceptually the same as the ASP.NET MVC described above. Interestingly as of ASP.NET Core 2.0 there is also something called Razor Pages which is essentially more advanced version of ASP.NET Web Pages.

ASP。NET核心一个新版本的ASP。NET MVC与ASP在概念上是相同的。净上面描述的MVC。有趣的是ASP。NET Core 2.0还有一种叫做Razor页面的东西,本质上是更高级的ASP版本。净Web页面。



Technically speaking there is no difference except webform gets processed on server and webpage on client side (browser).I don't think there is any need to learn webpage because webform ultimately gets rendered as webpage.


You can have great programming control on Webform but on webpage you have limited using .net.You can also play with webpage using client scripting technologies .fact is that you can also play with webforms using scripting languages.A web form is a type of object which can produce web pages


Fact is that webpage is old concept when we used to present/display some static content .


Regards Priya
