
时间:2021-10-26 03:15:47

The title pretty much says it all, I've got a 'web site' that was built and checked into vss and to open it we are going to file > open > web site, and picking the folder. This is the technique that gets you a project but without a cs/vb proj file.

标题差不多说明了一切,我有一个“web站点”,它被构建并检入vss,要打开它,我们将文件>打开>网站,并选择文件夹。这是一种无需cs/vb proj文件就能完成项目的技术。

Is there any easy way to convert this to an 'ASP.NET Web Application' project, complete with csproj (or vbproj)?

有什么简单的方法可以把它转换成ASP。NET Web应用程序的项目,完整的csproj(或vbproj)?

Also, this is in VS2008


1 个解决方案



Here's a good write up on it from Scott Guthrie:

斯科特·格思里(Scott Guthrie)写了一篇不错的文章:

The biggest problem that you'll run into is if you use the membership profile class. It's autogenerated for you with a web site project, but you'll have to generate your own with a web application project. Scott's guide will help you through that.


Good luck!!

祝你好运! !

[EDIT] - I should mention that I had to do the same thing (convert a C# web site to a C# web project) and used Scott's steps to do this. Everything was very simple except for the Profile road bump...but even that wasn't bad at all.




Here's a good write up on it from Scott Guthrie:

斯科特·格思里(Scott Guthrie)写了一篇不错的文章:

The biggest problem that you'll run into is if you use the membership profile class. It's autogenerated for you with a web site project, but you'll have to generate your own with a web application project. Scott's guide will help you through that.


Good luck!!

祝你好运! !

[EDIT] - I should mention that I had to do the same thing (convert a C# web site to a C# web project) and used Scott's steps to do this. Everything was very simple except for the Profile road bump...but even that wasn't bad at all.
