I'm creating an ASP.NET MVC site and I need to implement login and membership functionality.
我正在创建一个ASP.NET MVC站点,我需要实现登录和成员身份功能。
Is this something where I roll my own? I already have a members table in my database, should I create a username and password hash field and just check against it? What about keeping the user logged in with a cookie that expires?
Is this an instance when you would use ASP.NET's built in Membership service?
ASP.NET MVC neophyte seeks help.
ASP.NET MVC新手寻求帮助。
2 个解决方案
When you create a new ASP.NET MVC site, it already has membership built in. The CodePlex project mentioned in the other reply is only needed in special cases, namely:
当您创建新的ASP.NET MVC站点时,它已经内置了成员资格。在其他答复中提到的CodePlex项目仅在特殊情况下才需要,即:
- You are using an early beta of the MVC framework, which doesn't have the membership feature.
- 您正在使用MVC框架的早期测试版,该框架没有成员资格功能。
- You want to use an authentication system like OpenID, which isn't supported "out-of-the-box" with MVC.
- 您希望使用像OpenID这样的身份验证系统,这与MVC不支持“开箱即用”。
- You want membership administration features not included "out-of-the-box"
- 您希望会员管理功能不包括“开箱即用”
However, like I said, basic membership functionality is already present in an MVC site. Just add the [Authorize]
attribute to any action requiring login. This is regular forms authentication, so you configured in Web.config like a non-MVC site (specifying the database, etc.; there's lots of information on the web about this).
但是,正如我所说,基本会员功能已经存在于MVC网站中。只需将[Authorize]属性添加到任何需要登录的操作即可。这是常规表单身份验证,因此您在Web.config中配置了非MVC站点(指定数据库等; Web上有很多关于此的信息)。
A default MVC site will contain an "Account" controller and views which you can customize to fit your needs.
To answer the obvious question, no, you should not "roll your own." Even if you need custom authentication, it would be better to create a regular ASP.NET membership provider than to create an entirely new membership framework.
Update: The CodePlex project was updated to work with MVC 1.0
更新:CodePlex项目已更新,可与MVC 1.0配合使用
If you want to use something safe to start off with, either use the new project's template membership or consider using http://www.codeplex.com/MvcMembership.
When you create a new ASP.NET MVC site, it already has membership built in. The CodePlex project mentioned in the other reply is only needed in special cases, namely:
当您创建新的ASP.NET MVC站点时,它已经内置了成员资格。在其他答复中提到的CodePlex项目仅在特殊情况下才需要,即:
- You are using an early beta of the MVC framework, which doesn't have the membership feature.
- 您正在使用MVC框架的早期测试版,该框架没有成员资格功能。
- You want to use an authentication system like OpenID, which isn't supported "out-of-the-box" with MVC.
- 您希望使用像OpenID这样的身份验证系统,这与MVC不支持“开箱即用”。
- You want membership administration features not included "out-of-the-box"
- 您希望会员管理功能不包括“开箱即用”
However, like I said, basic membership functionality is already present in an MVC site. Just add the [Authorize]
attribute to any action requiring login. This is regular forms authentication, so you configured in Web.config like a non-MVC site (specifying the database, etc.; there's lots of information on the web about this).
但是,正如我所说,基本会员功能已经存在于MVC网站中。只需将[Authorize]属性添加到任何需要登录的操作即可。这是常规表单身份验证,因此您在Web.config中配置了非MVC站点(指定数据库等; Web上有很多关于此的信息)。
A default MVC site will contain an "Account" controller and views which you can customize to fit your needs.
To answer the obvious question, no, you should not "roll your own." Even if you need custom authentication, it would be better to create a regular ASP.NET membership provider than to create an entirely new membership framework.
Update: The CodePlex project was updated to work with MVC 1.0
更新:CodePlex项目已更新,可与MVC 1.0配合使用
If you want to use something safe to start off with, either use the new project's template membership or consider using http://www.codeplex.com/MvcMembership.