
时间:2021-04-14 03:03:45

Please tell me how to build a program using c++ driver of mongodb. No flames about my bad English.


My Environment


  • Windows7 64bit
  • Windows7多64位
  • Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 (x64 Release target project)
  • Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 (x64发布目标项目)

I performed the following steps.


  • I installed Ptython 2.7.2, Python for Windows extensions and Scons 2.3.0.
  • 我安装了Ptython 2.7.2、用于Windows扩展的Python和Scons 2.3.0。
  • I installed boost 1.54.0. I perfomed 'boostrap' and 'b2 -a --build-type=complete --address-model=64 --link=static --runtime-link=static'
  • 我安装了提高1.54.0。我实现了'boostrap'和'b2 -a -build-type=complete -address-model=64 -link=静态-runtime-link=静态"
  • I download mongodb-linux-x86_64-v2.4-latest.tgz.
  • 我下载mongodb-linux-x86_64-v2.4-latest.tgz。
  • I added the following texts to SConstruct.


  • I performed 'scons mongoclient'.


  • I made a project of Visual Studio C++.
  • 我做了一个Visual Studio c++的项目。
  • I set 'Release' and 'x64' in the project.
  • 我在项目中设置了“Release”和“x64”。
  • In Property pages/Configuration Properties/C C++/General/Additional Include Directories, I set 'C:\boost\boost_1_54_0' and 'C:\mongo\mongo-cxx-driver-v2.4\src'.
  • 在属性页/配置属性/C c++ /General/附加目录中,我设置了“C:\boost\boost_1_54_0”和“C:\mongo\ mongo-cxdriver -v2.4\src”。
  • In Property pages/Configuration Properties/Linker/General/Additional Library Directories, I set 'C:\boost\boost_1_54_0\stage\lib' and 'C:\mongo\mongo-cxx-driver-v2.4'.
  • 在属性页/配置属性/链接器/通用/附加库目录中,我设置了“C:\boost\boost_1_54_0\stage\lib”和“C:\mongo\mongo-cxx-driver-v2.4”。
  • In Property pages/Configuration Properties/Linker/Input/Additional Dependences, I set 'mongoclient.lib','ws2_32.lib' and 'psapi.lib'.
  • 在属性页/配置属性/链接器/输入/附加依赖项中,我设置了“mongoclient.lib”,“ws2_32”。*”和“psapi.lib”。
  • In Property pages/Configuration Properties/Linker/Input/Ignore Specific Default Libraries, I set 'msvcprt.lib' and 'LIBCMT.lib'.
  • 在属性页/配置属性/链接器/输入/忽略特定的默认库中,我设置了“msvcprt”。*”和“LIBCMT.lib”。
  • In Property pages/Configuration Properties/C C++/Preprosessor/Preprocessor Definitions, I set '_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS'.
  • 在属性页/配置属性/ c++ / preessor /Preprocessor定义中,我设置了“_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS”。
  • In Property pages/Configuration Properties/C C++/Code Generation/Runtime Library, I set 'Multi-threaded (/MT)'.
  • 在属性页/配置属性/ c++ /代码生成/运行时库中,我设置了“多线程(/MT)”。

I made a program using the driver. However, the build solution of the program has failed.


1>mongoclient.lib(stringutils.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __security_check_cookie
1>mongoclient.lib(initializer_dependency_graph.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __security_check_cookie
1>mongoclient.lib(initializer.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __security_check_cookie
 fatal error LNK1120: 154 unresolved externals

If would help me if you pointed out anything strange about the steps.


Thank you.


2 个解决方案



How to build MongoDB C++ driver

如何构建MongoDB c++驱动程序

This solution succeeded on a machine with the following characteristics:


  1. Windows XP SP3 32-bit
  2. Windows XP SP3 32位
  3. Visual Studio Express 2010 (VC 10)
  4. Visual Studio Express 2010 (vc10)

I used D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient as a working directory (I installed there all the prerequisites).

我使用了D:\ mongodbcplusplusplusclient作为工作目录(我在那里安装了所有的先决条件)。



  • Step 1
  • 步骤1

Download MongoDB C++ driver:

下载MongoDB c++司机:



You can make a clone using Git or download it as a .zip file (I did the second).You will get a file like mongo-cxx-driver-legacy.zip. Extract it to the folder mongo-cxx-driver-legacy inside your working directory.


  • Step 2
  • 步骤2

Download Boost prebuilt windows binaries. ATTENTION!!! You should use a specific version of Boost. In my case version 1.52 did the trick. You can download it from here:

下载Boost预构建的windows二进制文件。注意! ! !您应该使用特定版本的Boost。在我的案例中,1.52版本起到了作用。你可在此下载:



I downloaded the boost_1_52_0-vc32-bin.exe self-extracting exe. Put it on your working directory and run it. It will create a folder (something like lib32) that will contain the boost binaries (.lib and .dll files)

我下载了boost_1_52_0-vc32-bin。exe自解压exe。把它放在工作目录上并运行它。它将创建一个包含boost二进制文件的文件夹(类似于lib32)。*和. dll文件)

  • Step 3
  • 步骤3

Download Boost source code (.h files). Of course these should be from the same version as in Step 2. I downloaded them from here:




You will get a file boost_1_52_0.zip which you can extract at boost_1_52_0 folder.


  • Step 4
  • 步骤4

Download Python. In this example I downloaded version 2.7.9 and specifically the Windows x86 MSI installer from here:

下载Python。在本例中,我下载了2.7.9版本,特别是Windows x86 MSI安装程序:



  • Step 5
  • 步骤5

Download Scons from here:




I downloaded the Windows installer (scons-2.3.4-setup.exe) and installed Scons at the Python directory (in my case C:\Python27).

我下载了Windows安装程序(Scons -2.3.4 setup.exe),并在Python目录(在我的例子中是C:\Python27)安装了Scons。

  • Step 6
  • 步骤6

Download msinttypes from here:




(You should include these header files to the project that uses the driver)


  • Step 7
  • 步骤7

Go to Start->Run… and in the Run box write cmd. In the opened command prompt window navigate to the folder at which you extracted mongo driver at Step 1. In my case I did: cd D:\ D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\mongo-cxx-driver-legacy\mongo-cxx-driver-legacy

去开始->运行…在运行框中写cmd。在打开的命令提示窗口中,导航到在步骤1提取mongo驱动程序的文件夹。在我的例子中,我做了:cd D:\ D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\mongo- cxdriver -legacy\ mongox -driver-legacy

  • Step 8
  • 步骤8

Build the driver using Scons. In the directory you navigated at Step 7 write:




——prefix = D:\ MongoDBcplusplusClient \ mongo-cxx-driver-legacy \ mongo-cxx-driver-legacy


——cpppath = D:\ MongoDBcplusplusClient \ boost_1_52_0 \ boost_1_52_0

--libpath= D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\lib32

——libpath = D:\ MongoDBcplusplusClient \ lib32

--win-version-min=xpsp3 install

——win-version-min = xpsp3安装

and hit Enter.


The --prefix flag specifies the target directory at which the .lib file of the driver will be created, --cpppath specifies the folder at which the Boost header files are located and the --libpath the path to Boost .lib files. Of course you should change the path to yours. A file named libmongoclient-s.lib will be created at the --prefix/lib path. If you want to build the driver with debugging enabled you should use the following command:

前缀标志指定要在其上创建驱动程序的.lib文件的目标目录,cpppath指定设置Boost头文件的文件夹,以及用于Boost .lib文件的-libpath。你当然应该改变你的道路。一个名为libmongoclient-s的文件。lib将在前缀/lib路径中创建。如果要构建启用调试的驱动程序,您应该使用以下命令:



——prefix = D:\ MongoDBcplusplusClient \ mongo-cxx-driver-legacy \ mongo-cxx-driver-legacy


——cpppath = D:\ MongoDBcplusplusClient \ boost_1_52_0 \ boost_1_52_0

--libpath= D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\lib32

——libpath = D:\ MongoDBcplusplusClient \ lib32


——win-version-min = xpsp3

--dbg=on install

在安装——dbg =

A file named libmongoclient-sgd.lib will be created at the --prefix/lib path.


  • Step 9
  • 步骤9

At Windows Explorer navigate to the folder at which MongoDB C++ driver is installed, go into the subfolder lib (in my case this was D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\mongo-cxx-driver-legacy\mongo-cxx-driver-legacy\lib) and rename the file libmongoclient-s.lib to mongoclient.lib and the libmongoclient-sgd.lib to mongoclient-gd.lib.

在Windows资源管理器中,导航到安装MongoDB c++驱动程序的文件夹,进入子文件夹lib(在我的例子中,这是D:\ mongodbcplusplusplusclient \mongo-cxx-driver-legacy\lib),并将文件命名为libmongoclient-s。mongoclient*。*和libmongoclient-sgd。mongoclient-gd.lib*。

  • Step 10
  • 第十步

Open Visual Studio 2010 Express and open the project at which you want to use the MongoDB C++ driver. You should specify the dependencies. Right click on project’s name at solution explorer (left column) and hit Properties. Go to C/C++ → General and at Additional Include Directories add:

打开Visual Studio 2010 Express并打开要使用MongoDB c++驱动程序的项目。您应该指定依赖项。在解决方案资源管理器(左列)右键单击项目名称并单击属性。去C / c++→将军和其他包括目录添加:

a) Boost header files directory (in my case D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\boost_1_52_0\boost_1_52_0)

a) Boost头文件目录(在我的例子D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\boost_1_52_0\boost_1_52_0)

b) MongoDB C++ driver header files directory (in my case D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\mongo-cxx-driver-legacy\mongo-cxx-driver legacy\include)

b) MongoDB c++驱动头文件目录(在我的案例D:\ mongodbcplusplusplusclient \mongo-cxx-driver-legacy\mongo-cxx-driver legacy\include)

c) Cstdint types header files directory (in my case :\MongoDBcplusplusClient\msinttypes-r26 )

c) Cstdint类型头文件目录(在我的例子中是:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\ msinttyps -r26)

  • Step 11
  • 步骤11

Go to Linker → General and at Additional Library Directories add:


a) Boost .lib files directory (in my case D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\lib32)

a) Boost .lib文件目录(在我的例子D:\ mongodbcplusplusplusclient \lib32)

b) MongoDB C++ driver .lib files directory (in my case D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\mongo-cxx-driver-legacy\mongo-cxx-driver-legacy\lib)

b) MongoDB c++ driver .lib文件目录(在我的情况下D:\ mongodbcplusplusplusclient \ mongoc -cxx-driver-legacy\lib)

After these steps the project that uses the driver will be successfully built both in release and debug configurations.




Simple solution use vcpkg.


Download vcpkg follow the instructions as mentioned on git. https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg


Step 1 C:\vcpkg>.\vcpkg search mongodb

步骤1 C:\ vcpkg >。mongodb \ vcpkg搜索

you will see something like that


mongo-c-driver 1.6.2-1 Client library written in C for MongoDB.

蒙古- C -driver 1.6.2-1客户端库,用C编写,用于MongoDB。

mongo-cxx-driver 3.1.1-1 MongoDB C++ Driver.

MongoDB c++驱动程序3.1.1-1 MongoDB c++驱动程序。

Step 2 C:.\vcpkg search mongodb install mongo-cxx-driver

步骤2 C:。搜索mongodb安装mongodb -cxx驱动程序

then grab cup of coffee ....


Stap 3


C:\vcpkg>.\vcpkg integrate install

C:\ vcpkg >。\ vcpkg集成安装


做. .

Note Prerequisites:


Windows 10, 8.1, or 7

Windows 10、8.1或7

Visual Studio 2017 or Visual Studio 2015 Update 3

Visual Studio 2017或Visual Studio 2015更新3。

simply import


   #include <cstdint>
   #include <iostream>
   #include <vector>
   #include <bsoncxx/json.hpp>
   #include <mongocxx/client.hpp>
   #include <mongocxx/stdx.hpp>
   #include <mongocxx/uri.hpp>

     using bsoncxx::builder::stream::close_array;
     using bsoncxx::builder::stream::close_document;
     using bsoncxx::builder::stream::document;
     using bsoncxx::builder::stream::finalize;
     using bsoncxx::builder::stream::open_array;
     using bsoncxx::builder::stream::open_document;



How to build MongoDB C++ driver

如何构建MongoDB c++驱动程序

This solution succeeded on a machine with the following characteristics:


  1. Windows XP SP3 32-bit
  2. Windows XP SP3 32位
  3. Visual Studio Express 2010 (VC 10)
  4. Visual Studio Express 2010 (vc10)

I used D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient as a working directory (I installed there all the prerequisites).

我使用了D:\ mongodbcplusplusplusclient作为工作目录(我在那里安装了所有的先决条件)。



  • Step 1
  • 步骤1

Download MongoDB C++ driver:

下载MongoDB c++司机:



You can make a clone using Git or download it as a .zip file (I did the second).You will get a file like mongo-cxx-driver-legacy.zip. Extract it to the folder mongo-cxx-driver-legacy inside your working directory.


  • Step 2
  • 步骤2

Download Boost prebuilt windows binaries. ATTENTION!!! You should use a specific version of Boost. In my case version 1.52 did the trick. You can download it from here:

下载Boost预构建的windows二进制文件。注意! ! !您应该使用特定版本的Boost。在我的案例中,1.52版本起到了作用。你可在此下载:



I downloaded the boost_1_52_0-vc32-bin.exe self-extracting exe. Put it on your working directory and run it. It will create a folder (something like lib32) that will contain the boost binaries (.lib and .dll files)

我下载了boost_1_52_0-vc32-bin。exe自解压exe。把它放在工作目录上并运行它。它将创建一个包含boost二进制文件的文件夹(类似于lib32)。*和. dll文件)

  • Step 3
  • 步骤3

Download Boost source code (.h files). Of course these should be from the same version as in Step 2. I downloaded them from here:




You will get a file boost_1_52_0.zip which you can extract at boost_1_52_0 folder.


  • Step 4
  • 步骤4

Download Python. In this example I downloaded version 2.7.9 and specifically the Windows x86 MSI installer from here:

下载Python。在本例中,我下载了2.7.9版本,特别是Windows x86 MSI安装程序:



  • Step 5
  • 步骤5

Download Scons from here:




I downloaded the Windows installer (scons-2.3.4-setup.exe) and installed Scons at the Python directory (in my case C:\Python27).

我下载了Windows安装程序(Scons -2.3.4 setup.exe),并在Python目录(在我的例子中是C:\Python27)安装了Scons。

  • Step 6
  • 步骤6

Download msinttypes from here:




(You should include these header files to the project that uses the driver)


  • Step 7
  • 步骤7

Go to Start->Run… and in the Run box write cmd. In the opened command prompt window navigate to the folder at which you extracted mongo driver at Step 1. In my case I did: cd D:\ D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\mongo-cxx-driver-legacy\mongo-cxx-driver-legacy

去开始->运行…在运行框中写cmd。在打开的命令提示窗口中,导航到在步骤1提取mongo驱动程序的文件夹。在我的例子中,我做了:cd D:\ D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\mongo- cxdriver -legacy\ mongox -driver-legacy

  • Step 8
  • 步骤8

Build the driver using Scons. In the directory you navigated at Step 7 write:




——prefix = D:\ MongoDBcplusplusClient \ mongo-cxx-driver-legacy \ mongo-cxx-driver-legacy


——cpppath = D:\ MongoDBcplusplusClient \ boost_1_52_0 \ boost_1_52_0

--libpath= D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\lib32

——libpath = D:\ MongoDBcplusplusClient \ lib32

--win-version-min=xpsp3 install

——win-version-min = xpsp3安装

and hit Enter.


The --prefix flag specifies the target directory at which the .lib file of the driver will be created, --cpppath specifies the folder at which the Boost header files are located and the --libpath the path to Boost .lib files. Of course you should change the path to yours. A file named libmongoclient-s.lib will be created at the --prefix/lib path. If you want to build the driver with debugging enabled you should use the following command:

前缀标志指定要在其上创建驱动程序的.lib文件的目标目录,cpppath指定设置Boost头文件的文件夹,以及用于Boost .lib文件的-libpath。你当然应该改变你的道路。一个名为libmongoclient-s的文件。lib将在前缀/lib路径中创建。如果要构建启用调试的驱动程序,您应该使用以下命令:



——prefix = D:\ MongoDBcplusplusClient \ mongo-cxx-driver-legacy \ mongo-cxx-driver-legacy


——cpppath = D:\ MongoDBcplusplusClient \ boost_1_52_0 \ boost_1_52_0

--libpath= D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\lib32

——libpath = D:\ MongoDBcplusplusClient \ lib32


——win-version-min = xpsp3

--dbg=on install

在安装——dbg =

A file named libmongoclient-sgd.lib will be created at the --prefix/lib path.


  • Step 9
  • 步骤9

At Windows Explorer navigate to the folder at which MongoDB C++ driver is installed, go into the subfolder lib (in my case this was D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\mongo-cxx-driver-legacy\mongo-cxx-driver-legacy\lib) and rename the file libmongoclient-s.lib to mongoclient.lib and the libmongoclient-sgd.lib to mongoclient-gd.lib.

在Windows资源管理器中,导航到安装MongoDB c++驱动程序的文件夹,进入子文件夹lib(在我的例子中,这是D:\ mongodbcplusplusplusclient \mongo-cxx-driver-legacy\lib),并将文件命名为libmongoclient-s。mongoclient*。*和libmongoclient-sgd。mongoclient-gd.lib*。

  • Step 10
  • 第十步

Open Visual Studio 2010 Express and open the project at which you want to use the MongoDB C++ driver. You should specify the dependencies. Right click on project’s name at solution explorer (left column) and hit Properties. Go to C/C++ → General and at Additional Include Directories add:

打开Visual Studio 2010 Express并打开要使用MongoDB c++驱动程序的项目。您应该指定依赖项。在解决方案资源管理器(左列)右键单击项目名称并单击属性。去C / c++→将军和其他包括目录添加:

a) Boost header files directory (in my case D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\boost_1_52_0\boost_1_52_0)

a) Boost头文件目录(在我的例子D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\boost_1_52_0\boost_1_52_0)

b) MongoDB C++ driver header files directory (in my case D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\mongo-cxx-driver-legacy\mongo-cxx-driver legacy\include)

b) MongoDB c++驱动头文件目录(在我的案例D:\ mongodbcplusplusplusclient \mongo-cxx-driver-legacy\mongo-cxx-driver legacy\include)

c) Cstdint types header files directory (in my case :\MongoDBcplusplusClient\msinttypes-r26 )

c) Cstdint类型头文件目录(在我的例子中是:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\ msinttyps -r26)

  • Step 11
  • 步骤11

Go to Linker → General and at Additional Library Directories add:


a) Boost .lib files directory (in my case D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\lib32)

a) Boost .lib文件目录(在我的例子D:\ mongodbcplusplusplusclient \lib32)

b) MongoDB C++ driver .lib files directory (in my case D:\MongoDBcplusplusClient\mongo-cxx-driver-legacy\mongo-cxx-driver-legacy\lib)

b) MongoDB c++ driver .lib文件目录(在我的情况下D:\ mongodbcplusplusplusclient \ mongoc -cxx-driver-legacy\lib)

After these steps the project that uses the driver will be successfully built both in release and debug configurations.




Simple solution use vcpkg.


Download vcpkg follow the instructions as mentioned on git. https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg


Step 1 C:\vcpkg>.\vcpkg search mongodb

步骤1 C:\ vcpkg >。mongodb \ vcpkg搜索

you will see something like that


mongo-c-driver 1.6.2-1 Client library written in C for MongoDB.

蒙古- C -driver 1.6.2-1客户端库,用C编写,用于MongoDB。

mongo-cxx-driver 3.1.1-1 MongoDB C++ Driver.

MongoDB c++驱动程序3.1.1-1 MongoDB c++驱动程序。

Step 2 C:.\vcpkg search mongodb install mongo-cxx-driver

步骤2 C:。搜索mongodb安装mongodb -cxx驱动程序

then grab cup of coffee ....


Stap 3


C:\vcpkg>.\vcpkg integrate install

C:\ vcpkg >。\ vcpkg集成安装


做. .

Note Prerequisites:


Windows 10, 8.1, or 7

Windows 10、8.1或7

Visual Studio 2017 or Visual Studio 2015 Update 3

Visual Studio 2017或Visual Studio 2015更新3。

simply import


   #include <cstdint>
   #include <iostream>
   #include <vector>
   #include <bsoncxx/json.hpp>
   #include <mongocxx/client.hpp>
   #include <mongocxx/stdx.hpp>
   #include <mongocxx/uri.hpp>

     using bsoncxx::builder::stream::close_array;
     using bsoncxx::builder::stream::close_document;
     using bsoncxx::builder::stream::document;
     using bsoncxx::builder::stream::finalize;
     using bsoncxx::builder::stream::open_array;
     using bsoncxx::builder::stream::open_document;