使用find() - 使用投影的方法使用mongodb java驱动程序3.4检索数据

时间:2022-10-23 15:42:47

I am using mongodb java driver 3.4.

我正在使用mongodb java驱动程序3.4。

In the mongodb database documents are saved according to the following structure:


    "_id" : ObjectId("595a9fc4fe3f36402b7edf0e"),
    "id" : "123",
    "priceInfo" : [
        {object1: value1}, {object2: value2}, {object3: value3}

In order to retrieve the "priceInfo"-Array of a Document with a specific id, I wrote the following code:


collection.find(eq("id", id)).first().projection(fields(include("priceInfo"), excludeId()));

I wrote this code according too the documentation, which you can find here:



The problem is that my IDE won't accept this code.


It's giving me the following error indication:


使用find() - 使用投影的方法使用mongodb java驱动程序3.4检索数据

I have no clue why this code doesn't work. At first the IDE suggested including several classes - which I did. But after that I still got an error indication, namely the one you see above.

我不知道为什么这段代码不起作用。起初IDE建议包括几个类 - 我做了。但在那之后我仍然有一个错误指示,即你在上面看到的那个。

What's wrong with the code? How can I retrieve the priceInfo array of a Document with ID id?



As per request, here's the whole class:


package DatabaseAccess;

import Models.GasStation;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.eq;
import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.excludeId;
import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.fields;
import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.include;
import com.mongodb.client.model.Updates;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.bson.Document;

public class databaseAccess {

    private final String DB_HOST = "localhost"; 
    private final int DB_PORT = 27017;
    private final String DB_NAME = "db1"; 
    private final String DB_COLLECTION = "prices"; 
    private final MongoClient mongoClient;
    private final MongoDatabase database;
    private final MongoCollection<Document> collection; 

    public databaseAccess(){
        mongoClient = new MongoClient(DB_HOST, DB_PORT);
        database = mongoClient.getDatabase(DB_NAME);
        collection = database.getCollection(DB_COLLECTION);

    public String readFromDB(String id){
        collection.find(eq("id", id)).first().projection(fields(include("priceInfo"), excludeId()));
        return null;     


1 个解决方案



You're operating on chain of calls in your method. Let's analyze each element in chain:



FindIterable< TDocument> find() - Finds all documents in the collection.

FindIterable find() - 查找集合中的所有文档。

Return type is FindIterable<TDocument> and you calling the next method in chain on it:

返回类型是FindIterable 并且您在链中调用下一个方法:

FindIterable< TDocument>

Methods inherited from interface com.mongodb.async.client.MongoIterable:


batchCursor, first, forEach, into, map


Okay, we are going to MongoIterable:


MongoIterable< TResult>:

void first(SingleResultCallback callback) - Helper to return the first item in the iterator or null.

void first(SingleResultCallback callback) - Helper返回迭代器中的第一个项或null。

That means first(...) is returned nothing. You're calling projection(...) from nothing, of course this is not applicable, so the compiler marks this as an error.


For calling projection(Bson projection) you shoud have FindIterable<T> instance. MongoCollection.find() can provide you with this instance:

对于调用投影(Bson投影),你应该有FindIterable 实例。 MongoCollection.find()可以为您提供此实例:

collection.find(eq("id", id)).projection(fields(include("priceInfo"), excludeId()));



You're operating on chain of calls in your method. Let's analyze each element in chain:



FindIterable< TDocument> find() - Finds all documents in the collection.

FindIterable find() - 查找集合中的所有文档。

Return type is FindIterable<TDocument> and you calling the next method in chain on it:

返回类型是FindIterable 并且您在链中调用下一个方法:

FindIterable< TDocument>

Methods inherited from interface com.mongodb.async.client.MongoIterable:


batchCursor, first, forEach, into, map


Okay, we are going to MongoIterable:


MongoIterable< TResult>:

void first(SingleResultCallback callback) - Helper to return the first item in the iterator or null.

void first(SingleResultCallback callback) - Helper返回迭代器中的第一个项或null。

That means first(...) is returned nothing. You're calling projection(...) from nothing, of course this is not applicable, so the compiler marks this as an error.


For calling projection(Bson projection) you shoud have FindIterable<T> instance. MongoCollection.find() can provide you with this instance:

对于调用投影(Bson投影),你应该有FindIterable 实例。 MongoCollection.find()可以为您提供此实例:

collection.find(eq("id", id)).projection(fields(include("priceInfo"), excludeId()));