
时间:2022-03-01 02:58:59

Are there any ways (better than using UrlFetch) to connect to any external database from AppEngine?


I already know about hosted SQL databases in App Engine for Business, but they are not free and will be avialable in Q2 2011, so it's not an option right now.

我已经了解App Engine for Business中的托管SQL数据库,但它们不是免费的,并且在2011年第二季度可以使用,因此它现在不是一个选项。

I like datastore very much, but customers don't like vendor lock or have other reasons.


1 个解决方案



The only way to connect external databases to AppEngine is by exposing them via a web API.
Basically you need to create a webservices layer upon your Database, allowing your GAE Application to interact with the remote db through UrlFetch Http calls.

将外部数据库连接到AppEngine的唯一方法是通过Web API公开它们。基本上,您需要在数据库上创建Web服务层,允许GAE应用程序通过UrlFetch Http调用与远程数据库进行交互。



The only way to connect external databases to AppEngine is by exposing them via a web API.
Basically you need to create a webservices layer upon your Database, allowing your GAE Application to interact with the remote db through UrlFetch Http calls.

将外部数据库连接到AppEngine的唯一方法是通过Web API公开它们。基本上,您需要在数据库上创建Web服务层,允许GAE应用程序通过UrlFetch Http调用与远程数据库进行交互。