Mac OS and iOS support for Integrated Windows Authentication & IIS

时间:2022-11-06 03:01:31

Is it possible to use Integrated Windows Authentication on a Mac OS or iOS device connecting to a IIS website on a Active Directory domain?

是否可以在连接到Active Directory域上的IIS网站的Mac OS或iOS设备上使用集成Windows身份验证?

I think that I need to be researching Kerberos support. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to approach this?


1 个解决方案



Yes. You've got to configure your Mac as described in (chapter "How to Integrate OS X with Active Directory").

是。您必须按照“如何将OS X与Active Directory集成”一章)中的说明配置Mac。



Yes. You've got to configure your Mac as described in (chapter "How to Integrate OS X with Active Directory").

是。您必须按照“如何将OS X与Active Directory集成”一章)中的说明配置Mac。