
时间:2022-01-05 02:57:23

I've never programmed the active directory but I would like to do the following:


  1. On the asp.net site, login using a valid active directory username and password.If the login is valid, redirect to a page to do some actions.


  2. In a related task, but not part of part 1, unlock an account or change the password of an active directory account.



2 个解决方案


1.) You should setup your web.config to use Forms authentication. The Membership provider should be set to ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider. You can use the built-in login control.


2.) You'd need a Active Directory user who has the specific rights you ask for: unlock accounts, changing passwords. When you perform one of those functions for a AD-user, you need to impersonate the account which ASP executes as to the Active Directory user which has the privileges (to change passwords or unlock accounts).

2.)您需要具有您要求的特定权限的Active Directory用户:解锁帐户,更改密码。当您为AD用户执行这些功能之一时,您需要模拟ASP对具有权限的Active Directory用户执行的帐户(更改密码或解锁帐户)。


You may be able to use 'advapi32.dll' to impersonate a different user on the server side.


Grab the sample code off the bottom of the page.


I didn’t want to just copy his code here.



One cavet with Impersonation though is that the computer doing the impersonation needs to be on the same domain as the user that your impersonating



1.) You should setup your web.config to use Forms authentication. The Membership provider should be set to ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider. You can use the built-in login control.


2.) You'd need a Active Directory user who has the specific rights you ask for: unlock accounts, changing passwords. When you perform one of those functions for a AD-user, you need to impersonate the account which ASP executes as to the Active Directory user which has the privileges (to change passwords or unlock accounts).

2.)您需要具有您要求的特定权限的Active Directory用户:解锁帐户,更改密码。当您为AD用户执行这些功能之一时,您需要模拟ASP对具有权限的Active Directory用户执行的帐户(更改密码或解锁帐户)。


You may be able to use 'advapi32.dll' to impersonate a different user on the server side.


Grab the sample code off the bottom of the page.


I didn’t want to just copy his code here.



One cavet with Impersonation though is that the computer doing the impersonation needs to be on the same domain as the user that your impersonating
