
时间:2022-07-06 02:52:44

imagine that I have two spreadsheets, one with tenants that lived in my properties and one with the repairs that were done in the properties after the tenant left. Here is how they look. Tenancies:


 Property ID | Tenant ID | Start of Tenancy | End of Tenancy | Start of next tenancy
 1           | 1         | 01/01/2001       | 30/01/2001     | 15/02/2001
 1           | 2         | 15/02/2001       | 28/02/2001     | 15/03/2001
 1           | 3         | 15/03/2001       | 30/03/2001     | 15/04/2001
 2           | 4         | 15/01/2001       | 30/01/2001     | 31/01/2001
 2           | 4         | 31/01/2001       | 30/04/2001     | 05/05/2001
 2           | 5         | 05/05/2001       | 05/06/2001     | 20/06/2001
 3           | 6         | 03/05/2001       | 15/08/2001     | 30/08/2001
 3           | 7         | 30/08/2001       | 15/10/2001     | 15/11/2001
 4           | 1         | 31/01/2001       | 30/04/2001     | 15/05/2001
 4           | 8         | 15/05/2001       | 30/08/2001     | 30/09/2001


 Property ID | Repair Issued Date |
 1           | 08/03/2001         |
 1           | 10/04/2001         |
 2           | 03/05/2001         |
 2           | 15/06/2001         |
 3           | 18/08/2001         |
 4           | 10/05/2001         |
 4           | 15/09/2001         |

I need to find out who was the tenant before the repair was done. Thus, I need to match a 'Property ID' and ,if 'Repair Issued Date' falls in a range between the 'End of Tenancy' And 'Start of next tenancy', assign the 'Tenant ID'. Simple example, the first repair in a property '1' was on 08/03/2001 which falls between the range of void for Tenant '2', so assign the tenant ID to next column.


Normally, if there would be only one tenant per property, I could do a simple lookup, but this complicates my situation.


I tried to play around with vlookup and dates functions, but could not figure out the way to do it.


Thanks for help


2 个解决方案



You can do this with the SUMIFS function. Adding up all Tenant ID that match, provided there is only ever one, will result in the Tenant ID:


=SUMIFS(B:B,A:A,G2,D:D,"<" & H4,E:E,">" & H2)

As suggested by @Tom Sharpe, you could test for multiple matches and 'error' those out:

正如@Tom Sharpe所建议的那样,你可以测试多个匹配项,并测试出错'错误':

=IF(COUNTIFS(A:A,G2,C:C,"<" & H2,E:E,">" & H2)>1,"#MULTIPLE FOUND",SUMIFS(B:B,A:A,G2,C:C,"<" & H2,E:E,">" & H2))



You seem to be looking for an INDEX with multiple criteria for the matching row number. The row number can be returned with AGGREGATE by forcing everything that doesn't match into an error state while discarding errors.


=INDEX(B:B, AGGREGATE(15, 6, ROW($1:$11)/((A$1:A$11=G2)*(D$1:D$11<=H2)*(E$1:E$11>=H2)), 1))




You can do this with the SUMIFS function. Adding up all Tenant ID that match, provided there is only ever one, will result in the Tenant ID:


=SUMIFS(B:B,A:A,G2,D:D,"<" & H4,E:E,">" & H2)

As suggested by @Tom Sharpe, you could test for multiple matches and 'error' those out:

正如@Tom Sharpe所建议的那样,你可以测试多个匹配项,并测试出错'错误':

=IF(COUNTIFS(A:A,G2,C:C,"<" & H2,E:E,">" & H2)>1,"#MULTIPLE FOUND",SUMIFS(B:B,A:A,G2,C:C,"<" & H2,E:E,">" & H2))



You seem to be looking for an INDEX with multiple criteria for the matching row number. The row number can be returned with AGGREGATE by forcing everything that doesn't match into an error state while discarding errors.


=INDEX(B:B, AGGREGATE(15, 6, ROW($1:$11)/((A$1:A$11=G2)*(D$1:D$11<=H2)*(E$1:E$11>=H2)), 1))
