Visual Studio 2008程序集级别调试

时间:2022-09-21 02:52:14

In the Disassembly window, I have something like:


   call        dword ptr ds:[6275FCh] 

What can I type in the address box, in order to go to the indirect address pointed to by [6275FCh], without having to copy-paste it from the Memory window, and of course without tracing into the thing?


EDIT: Actually the ultimate dream would be to resolve the address directly to a symbol, but I doubt that is possible...


1 个解决方案


Well, I finally solved this a few weeks ago. So I figured, why not share?


The thing is that even the address field in the debugger's disassembly and memory windows are "type-aware"


And the type of 6275FCh (or 0x6275FC) is void*. Thus the data pointed to by that constant is meaningless. In order to give it a meaning we must cast it to a useful type. Consequently the answer to my question above is, type this into the address box:

并且6275FCh(或0x6275FC)的类型为void *。因此,该常量指向的数据毫无意义。为了赋予它一个含义,我们必须将其转换为有用的类型。因此,上面我的问题的答案是,在地址框中键入:

 *(int*)0x006275FC // *(int*)006275FCh works as well 

And another nifty example is, to type this into the address field:


 *((int*)ESP + 1)

The memory window will always show the buffer pointed to by the second element on the stack!


[32-bit-ints assumed above]



Well, I finally solved this a few weeks ago. So I figured, why not share?


The thing is that even the address field in the debugger's disassembly and memory windows are "type-aware"


And the type of 6275FCh (or 0x6275FC) is void*. Thus the data pointed to by that constant is meaningless. In order to give it a meaning we must cast it to a useful type. Consequently the answer to my question above is, type this into the address box:

并且6275FCh(或0x6275FC)的类型为void *。因此,该常量指向的数据毫无意义。为了赋予它一个含义,我们必须将其转换为有用的类型。因此,上面我的问题的答案是,在地址框中键入:

 *(int*)0x006275FC // *(int*)006275FCh works as well 

And another nifty example is, to type this into the address field:


 *((int*)ESP + 1)

The memory window will always show the buffer pointed to by the second element on the stack!


[32-bit-ints assumed above]
