最好的Visual Studio 2008调试教程?

时间:2022-09-21 02:52:20

Is there a good debugging tutorial for VS 2008 (C#, more precisely)? I have found a good deal of resources on the web, but they are still lacking a comprehensive, step by step, approach. Would you have any suggestions?

是否有一个很好的VS 2008调试教程(更准确地说是C#)?我在网上找到了大量的资源,但它们仍缺乏全面的,循序渐进的方法。你有什么建议吗?

4 个解决方案


These aren't specific to Visual Studio 2008, but their information is certainly still valid when developing with VS2008.

这些并非特定于Visual Studio 2008,但在使用VS2008进行开发时,它们的信息当然仍然有效。

To get you started immediately, check out Tess Ferrandez, she has great "getting started" set of labs. These will probably tackle your step by step needs and are scenario based.

为了让您立即入门,请查看Tess Ferrandez,她有很棒的“入门”实验室。这些可能会解决您的一步一步的需求,并基于场景。

When your looking for more detail, pick up a copy of John Robbins "Debugging Microsoft .NET 2.0 Applications". John covers quite a bit of Visual Studio IDE kung fu which may be precisely what your looking for.

当您寻找更多细节时,请选择John Robbins“调试Microsoft .NET 2.0应用程序”的副本。 John涵盖了相当多的Visual Studio IDE功夫,这可能正是您所寻找的。

If thats not quite enough, and you don't mind your brain melting, you can pick up a copy of "Microsoft Windows Internals (4th Edition): Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000" by Mark Russinovich and David Solomon. Looks like they have an updated version releasing in June 2009.

如果那还不够,你不介意你的大脑融化,你可以拿起Mark Russinovich和David Solomon的“Microsoft Windows Internals(第4版):Microsoft Windows Server 2003,Windows XP和Windows 2000”的副本。看起来他们在2009年6月发布了更新版本。


Have a look at these series



MSDN has a comprehensive resource for application development in Visual Studio - Building, Debugging, and Testing

MSDN为Visual Studio中的应用程序开发提供了全面的资源 - 构建,调试和测试


There are several books available that cover more advanced uses of Visual Studio and .NET debugging. Some of these include coverage of WinDBG for more advanced scenarios.

有几本书可以涵盖Visual Studio和.NET调试的更高级用法。其中一些包括WinDBG的覆盖范围,用于更高级的场景。

One I've learnt a lot from is "Debugging Microsoft® .NET 2.0 Applications" by John Robbins (MS Press).

我从John Robbins(MS Press)的“调试Microsoft®.NET2.0应用程序”中学到了很多东西。


These aren't specific to Visual Studio 2008, but their information is certainly still valid when developing with VS2008.

这些并非特定于Visual Studio 2008,但在使用VS2008进行开发时,它们的信息当然仍然有效。

To get you started immediately, check out Tess Ferrandez, she has great "getting started" set of labs. These will probably tackle your step by step needs and are scenario based.

为了让您立即入门,请查看Tess Ferrandez,她有很棒的“入门”实验室。这些可能会解决您的一步一步的需求,并基于场景。

When your looking for more detail, pick up a copy of John Robbins "Debugging Microsoft .NET 2.0 Applications". John covers quite a bit of Visual Studio IDE kung fu which may be precisely what your looking for.

当您寻找更多细节时,请选择John Robbins“调试Microsoft .NET 2.0应用程序”的副本。 John涵盖了相当多的Visual Studio IDE功夫,这可能正是您所寻找的。

If thats not quite enough, and you don't mind your brain melting, you can pick up a copy of "Microsoft Windows Internals (4th Edition): Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000" by Mark Russinovich and David Solomon. Looks like they have an updated version releasing in June 2009.

如果那还不够,你不介意你的大脑融化,你可以拿起Mark Russinovich和David Solomon的“Microsoft Windows Internals(第4版):Microsoft Windows Server 2003,Windows XP和Windows 2000”的副本。看起来他们在2009年6月发布了更新版本。


Have a look at these series



MSDN has a comprehensive resource for application development in Visual Studio - Building, Debugging, and Testing

MSDN为Visual Studio中的应用程序开发提供了全面的资源 - 构建,调试和测试


There are several books available that cover more advanced uses of Visual Studio and .NET debugging. Some of these include coverage of WinDBG for more advanced scenarios.

有几本书可以涵盖Visual Studio和.NET调试的更高级用法。其中一些包括WinDBG的覆盖范围,用于更高级的场景。

One I've learnt a lot from is "Debugging Microsoft® .NET 2.0 Applications" by John Robbins (MS Press).

我从John Robbins(MS Press)的“调试Microsoft®.NET2.0应用程序”中学到了很多东西。