
时间:2021-09-21 02:47:43

"order by" in query is taking to much time in MySQL. SHOW PROFILES shows that the time is taken by the sorting process. Is there any setting/workaround that will decrease the sorting time ?

查询中的“order by”在MySQL中占用了很多时间。 SHOW PROFILES显示分拣过程所花费的时间。是否有任何设置/解决方法可以减少排序时间?

6 个解决方案


If you don't have an index on the field that you're ordering by, add one:


"In some cases, MySQL can use an index to satisfy an ORDER BY clause without doing any extra sorting."

“在某些情况下,MySQL可以使用索引来满足ORDER BY子句,而无需进行任何额外的排序。”

Edit: (From the section on ORDER BY optimization in the MySQL documentation.)

编辑:(来自MySQL文档中关于ORDER BY优化的部分。)


Adding appropriate indexes for the fields you're ordering by should do the trick.



You may be able to increase the speed of returning sorted results by adding an index on the column(s) that you want your results ordered by.



ALTER TABLE `tablename` ADD INDEX `indexname` (`columnname`);

Generally, indexname is the same as columnname.



Can you let me know the output of the following 2 commands: show create table tbl_name explain "your select query"

你能告诉我以下两个命令的输出:show create table tbl_name解释“你的选择查询”

MySQL will not use index if it thinks that almost all the rows needs to be examined unless there is a covering index. Since only one index per table is used, try to order by the column that is part of that index if it being used at all.



The reason the query is running slowly might be that the table is not indexed; if that is the case, create a suitable index.



If you don't have an index on the field that you're ordering by, add one:


"In some cases, MySQL can use an index to satisfy an ORDER BY clause without doing any extra sorting."

“在某些情况下,MySQL可以使用索引来满足ORDER BY子句,而无需进行任何额外的排序。”

Edit: (From the section on ORDER BY optimization in the MySQL documentation.)

编辑:(来自MySQL文档中关于ORDER BY优化的部分。)


Adding appropriate indexes for the fields you're ordering by should do the trick.



You may be able to increase the speed of returning sorted results by adding an index on the column(s) that you want your results ordered by.



ALTER TABLE `tablename` ADD INDEX `indexname` (`columnname`);

Generally, indexname is the same as columnname.



Can you let me know the output of the following 2 commands: show create table tbl_name explain "your select query"

你能告诉我以下两个命令的输出:show create table tbl_name解释“你的选择查询”

MySQL will not use index if it thinks that almost all the rows needs to be examined unless there is a covering index. Since only one index per table is used, try to order by the column that is part of that index if it being used at all.



The reason the query is running slowly might be that the table is not indexed; if that is the case, create a suitable index.
