
时间:2022-10-28 22:09:35

Distilling this project down to the simplest of terms;


  1. Users click a button, a record is made with a timestamp of NOW().
  2. 用户单击一个按钮,记录的时间戳为NOW()。

  3. NOW() of course equals the time on the server of record creation.
  4. NOW()当然等于创建记录服务器上的时间。

  5. I need to show them stats based on their timezone, not mine.
  6. 我需要根据他们的时区显示他们的统计数据,而不是我的。

What is the best method for dealign with time zone offsets in MySql? Is there a specific field format that is designed to deal with an offset?


I will need to run things along the lines of:


   SELECT DATE_FORMAT(b_stamp, '%W') AS week_day, count(*) AS b_total, b_stamp
      FROM table
   (b_stamp >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY))
   (user_id = '$user_id') GROUP BY week_day ORDER BY b_stamp DESC

I would rather not ask the user what time zone they are in, I assume JS is the only way to pull this data out of the browser. Maybe if they are on a mobile device, and this is not a web based app, I could get it there, but that may not be the direction this goes in.


I am considering the best way may be to determine their offset, and set a variable to "server_time" +/- their_offset. This makes it appear as if the server is in a different location. I believe this would be best, as there would be no additional +/- logic I need to add to the code, muddying it and making it ugly.

我正在考虑最好的方法是确定它们的偏移量,并将变量设置为“server_time”+/- their_offset。这使得服务器看起来好像位于不同的位置。我相信这是最好的,因为没有额外的+/-逻辑我需要添加到代码中,混淆它并使其变得丑陋。

On the other hand, that puts the data in the database with time stamps that are all over the board.



2 个解决方案


Other than using JS, you could get the time zone of their IP address (using something like ip2location) then use MySQL's CONVERT_TZ() function.



You can use javascript to get timezone from client as follows:


var timeZone=(new Date().gettimezoneOffset()/60)*(-1);

print the variable out and test before using it. I think this will be your simplest bet.



Other than using JS, you could get the time zone of their IP address (using something like ip2location) then use MySQL's CONVERT_TZ() function.



You can use javascript to get timezone from client as follows:


var timeZone=(new Date().gettimezoneOffset()/60)*(-1);

print the variable out and test before using it. I think this will be your simplest bet.
