I created a .bacpac from the original SQL Azure DB I want to import to a new database during my deployment process. To do this, I want to have a github page with the usual Deploy to Azure button, that in as close to one click performs the deployment task, and sets up my entire application.
我在部署过程中从原始SQL Azure DB创建了一个.bacpac,我想将其导入新数据库。为此,我希望有一个github页面,其中包含通常的Deploy to Azure按钮,只需一次单击即可执行部署任务,并设置我的整个应用程序。
To do this, however, I need to set up some initial data on the database. After consulting the internet, I saw the post Using Azure Resource Manager to Copy Azure SQL Databases, which had a similar issue.
但是,要做到这一点,我需要在数据库上设置一些初始数据。在咨询了互联网之后,我看到了使用Azure资源管理器复制Azure SQL数据库的帖子,其中存在类似的问题。
Right now, I have a MSDeploy extension running in the ARM template that deploys a website from a public azure blob. I'd ideally like to do this with the database too, but the command seems to require storageKeyType and storageKey parameters to be filled.
现在,我在ARM模板中运行了一个MSDeploy扩展,该扩展从公共azure blob部署网站。理想情况下我也喜欢用数据库做这个,但命令似乎需要填充storageKeyType和storageKey参数。
Is there any way to go around this limitation? Should I just give up and have my application perform the initial setup of the database? Sharing the storage key in a public github template does not seem like a very good plan!
Here's a code snippet:
"resources": [
"name": "Import",
"type": "extensions",
"apiVersion": "2014-04-01-preview",
"dependsOn": [
"properties": {
"storageUri": "https://publicblob.blob.core.windows.net/artifacts/publicblob.bacpac",
"administratorLogin": "MasterAccount",
"administratorLoginPassword": "P@ssw0rd",
"operationMode": "Import",
"storageKeyType": "Primary",
"storageKey": ""
1 个解决方案
If you really want it to be public, try this:
"storageKeyType": "SharedAccessKey",
"storageKey": "?",
If you really want it to be public, try this:
"storageKeyType": "SharedAccessKey",
"storageKey": "?",