Lombok Maven javadoc:使用生成的源汇总报告

时间:2022-03-07 02:42:33

I have a multimodule java project built with Maven to which I want to generate javadocs with javadoc:aggregate. The project structure looks like:



I am also using Project Lombok to generate some methods in the project. I have successfully configured it to work with single modules by first running delombok with the Lombok maven plugin. For single modules (lomboklib), this will generate source code in

我也使用Project Lombok在项目中生成一些方法。通过首先使用Lombok maven插件运行delombok,我已成功将其配置为使用单个模块。对于单个模块(lomboklib),这将生成源代码


which is then processed by maven-javadoc-plugin and the javadoc tool. This was originally solved in This SO question.


How can I configure the javadoc:aggregate report to also use the generated sources?


I've put up a sandbox of the problem with all the module definitions in Github. Ideally, I should be able to run


mvn clean compile javadoc:aggregate

In the parent project, and have the whole thing compile and get javadocs for the entire project.


3 个解决方案



I created a workaround build configuration that will create aggregated javadocs from generated sources, although the call sequence has two steps:


mvn package
mvn -N pre-site

The build configuration is now published in Github. The current version only supports a project tree of depth one, but can of course be modified. It works by gathering the dependencies under the parents target directory and then running the included Ant script.


Finally, if running under Jenkins, the mvn -N pre-site can be invoked in the same job through Execute shell post step. Publishing the javadocs in our version of Jenkins required using the post-build action "Use publishers from another project".

最后,如果在Jenkins下运行,可以通过Execute shell post步骤在同一作业中调用mvn -N pre-site。使用构建后操作“使用其他项目中的发布者”,需要在我们的Jenkins版本中发布javadoc。



I downloaded the example project from Github to recreate your problem and discovered that it was because the lombok-maven-plugin was configured unnecessarily at the top-level pom -- it is only needed for the module that contains lombok code. By simply removing that configuration, javadoc:aggregate behaves as expected.

我从Github下载了示例项目以重新创建您的问题,并发现这是因为lombok-maven-plugin在顶层pom中被不必要地配置 - 只有包含lombok代码的模块才需要它。只需删除该配置,javadoc:aggregate就会按预期运行。



I'm having this same problem, and I've been able to work around it by referencing the source paths directly from the parent project.


Try this configuration for your parent pom's maven-javadoc-plugin.



It's really not ideal. It feels like a bit of a hack.




I created a workaround build configuration that will create aggregated javadocs from generated sources, although the call sequence has two steps:


mvn package
mvn -N pre-site

The build configuration is now published in Github. The current version only supports a project tree of depth one, but can of course be modified. It works by gathering the dependencies under the parents target directory and then running the included Ant script.


Finally, if running under Jenkins, the mvn -N pre-site can be invoked in the same job through Execute shell post step. Publishing the javadocs in our version of Jenkins required using the post-build action "Use publishers from another project".

最后,如果在Jenkins下运行,可以通过Execute shell post步骤在同一作业中调用mvn -N pre-site。使用构建后操作“使用其他项目中的发布者”,需要在我们的Jenkins版本中发布javadoc。



I downloaded the example project from Github to recreate your problem and discovered that it was because the lombok-maven-plugin was configured unnecessarily at the top-level pom -- it is only needed for the module that contains lombok code. By simply removing that configuration, javadoc:aggregate behaves as expected.

我从Github下载了示例项目以重新创建您的问题,并发现这是因为lombok-maven-plugin在顶层pom中被不必要地配置 - 只有包含lombok代码的模块才需要它。只需删除该配置,javadoc:aggregate就会按预期运行。



I'm having this same problem, and I've been able to work around it by referencing the source paths directly from the parent project.


Try this configuration for your parent pom's maven-javadoc-plugin.



It's really not ideal. It feels like a bit of a hack.
