当试图使用Maven javadoc插件生成javadoc时,没有发现“javax.interceptor.InterceptorBinding”的类文件。

时间:2022-03-07 02:42:51

I am using JDK8 (tried it on my Eclipse workspace with Win x64 u25 JDK + on Linux launched by Jenkins - jdk-8u20-linux-x64, same problem for both).

我使用的是JDK8(在我的Eclipse工作空间中,使用了由Jenkins开发的Linux上的Win x64 u25 JDK +,这两种方法都是同样的问题)。

I have multi-module Maven project (I am launching Maven goal "javadoc:aggregate" from a main module with packaging type "pom").


Pom build section looks like this:



I always receive error:


[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:2.10.1:aggregate (default-cli) on project uloan-global-build: An error has occurred in JavaDocs report generation:
[ERROR] Exit code: 1 - javadoc: error - com.sun.tools.doclets.internal.toolkit.util.DocletAbortException: com.sun.tools.doclets.internal.toolkit.util.DocletAbortException: com.sun.tools.doclets.internal.toolkit.util.DocletAbortException: com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol$CompletionFailure: class file for javax.interceptor.InterceptorBinding not found
[ERROR] Command line was: /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_20/jre/../bin/javadoc @options @packages

I have tried everything possible and tried to search on Google for a long time, but no success. I have found links, where people had similar problems, but without any information about possible solution:




http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/maven-users/201409.mbox/%3C54101E24.6060304@gmx.de%3E (suggesting to update JDK8 to > update 20, which I did, but problem is still the same).


Any hints or anyone experienced this kind of behavior as well (unfortunately it looks as quite "rare" problem for some reason)? Quite desperate about this...


5 个解决方案



This appears to be due to javax.transaction.Transactional (or any other class in your classpath for that matter) being itself annotated with javax.interceptor.InterceptorBinding, which is missing in classpath unless explicitly declared in dependencies:


@InterceptorBinding // <-- this ONE is causing troubles
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
public @interface Transactional {

Said that:


  • javax.transaction.Transactional - comes with javax.transaction:javax.transaction-api:1.+ (or org.jboss.spec.javax.transaction:jboss-transaction-api_1.2_spec:1.0.0.Final) and is typically used in JPA/ORM/JMS apps to annotate transactional methods.
  • javax.transaction。事务性-附带javax.transaction:javax.transaction-api:1。在JPA/ORM/JMS应用程序中通常使用的是注释事务方法。
  • javax.interceptor.InterceptorBinding - should come with javax.interceptor:javax.interceptor-api:1.+. But, although declared on top of Transactional, is not required for normal operation and (looks like because of this) is not getting fetched as a transitive dependency of your JPA framework.
  • 拦截器。拦截器绑定-应该使用javax.interceptor:javax.interceptor-api:1.+。但是,尽管在事务性之上声明,并不需要正常的操作,(看起来就像这样)并不是您的JPA框架的传递依赖。

As a result JDK8 javadoc tool fails to process the sources (if any of them are annotated with @Transactional).

因此,JDK8 javadoc工具无法处理源(如果其中的任何一个被注释为@Transactional)。

Although it could be more specific about the place where this "error" has been found.


Issue fix: adding javax.interceptor:javax.interceptor-api:1.+ dependency fixes the issue.




You can also add the following line to your javadoc maven configuration: <failOnError>false</failOnError>. This will tell the javadoc execution to ignore all errors and not let the build fail.

您还可以在javadoc maven配置中添加以下代码: false 。这将告诉javadoc执行忽略所有错误,不让构建失败。

Your complete javadoc plugin config would therefore look like this:





As @kozlovda already mentions, the issue comes with the @Transactional annotation (javax.transaction.Transactional).


If you have the described error on a Maven run for a Spring application, there is also another way to resolve the issue: Make sure not to use the the annotation from javax.transaction, instead use org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional.


Replacing the import fixed the issue for me.




With proper credit to @lpratlong here's the full entry for impatient people like me to copy-paste:


            <!-- <version>3.0.0</version> -->
                <!-- Silence error javax.interceptor.InterceptorBinding not found -->

The version is commented out because in my case spring-boot manages the version, just restore as needed.




You can also add Maven dependency to your POM file. It solved this problem for me





This appears to be due to javax.transaction.Transactional (or any other class in your classpath for that matter) being itself annotated with javax.interceptor.InterceptorBinding, which is missing in classpath unless explicitly declared in dependencies:


@InterceptorBinding // <-- this ONE is causing troubles
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
public @interface Transactional {

Said that:


  • javax.transaction.Transactional - comes with javax.transaction:javax.transaction-api:1.+ (or org.jboss.spec.javax.transaction:jboss-transaction-api_1.2_spec:1.0.0.Final) and is typically used in JPA/ORM/JMS apps to annotate transactional methods.
  • javax.transaction。事务性-附带javax.transaction:javax.transaction-api:1。在JPA/ORM/JMS应用程序中通常使用的是注释事务方法。
  • javax.interceptor.InterceptorBinding - should come with javax.interceptor:javax.interceptor-api:1.+. But, although declared on top of Transactional, is not required for normal operation and (looks like because of this) is not getting fetched as a transitive dependency of your JPA framework.
  • 拦截器。拦截器绑定-应该使用javax.interceptor:javax.interceptor-api:1.+。但是,尽管在事务性之上声明,并不需要正常的操作,(看起来就像这样)并不是您的JPA框架的传递依赖。

As a result JDK8 javadoc tool fails to process the sources (if any of them are annotated with @Transactional).

因此,JDK8 javadoc工具无法处理源(如果其中的任何一个被注释为@Transactional)。

Although it could be more specific about the place where this "error" has been found.


Issue fix: adding javax.interceptor:javax.interceptor-api:1.+ dependency fixes the issue.




You can also add the following line to your javadoc maven configuration: <failOnError>false</failOnError>. This will tell the javadoc execution to ignore all errors and not let the build fail.

您还可以在javadoc maven配置中添加以下代码: false 。这将告诉javadoc执行忽略所有错误,不让构建失败。

Your complete javadoc plugin config would therefore look like this:





As @kozlovda already mentions, the issue comes with the @Transactional annotation (javax.transaction.Transactional).


If you have the described error on a Maven run for a Spring application, there is also another way to resolve the issue: Make sure not to use the the annotation from javax.transaction, instead use org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional.


Replacing the import fixed the issue for me.




With proper credit to @lpratlong here's the full entry for impatient people like me to copy-paste:


            <!-- <version>3.0.0</version> -->
                <!-- Silence error javax.interceptor.InterceptorBinding not found -->

The version is commented out because in my case spring-boot manages the version, just restore as needed.




You can also add Maven dependency to your POM file. It solved this problem for me

