
时间:2021-02-25 02:44:11

I have a linux dev server I watch, and lately its chugging at some points so I'd like to keep a better eye on it. I used to use Gkrellm, but its been a pain to try get Gkrellm to build on my Mac.


Besides servering X remotely (which would not be optimal), I guess i'm looking for alternatives to Gkrellm.


I would like a program that will let me watch the I/O CPU, Memory, processes, etc of a remote server running Linux. I am on a Mac.

我想要一个程序让我看一下运行Linux的远程服务器的I / O CPU,内存,进程等。我在Mac上。

4 个解决方案



If you're looking for something simple, and almost certainly already installed on the Linux box, you could SSH into the Linux machine and use tools like top, vmstat, and lsof to see what it's up to.




If you still want to test Gkrellm on Mac, you can follow this procedure


# sudo port install gkrellm

If you have this error :


Error: Target org.macports.activate returned: Registry error: xorg-xproto 7.0.16_0 not registered as installed. [...] Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

错误:返回目标org.macports.activate:注册表错误:xorg-xproto 7.0.16_0未注册为已安装。 [...]错误:处理期间遇到状态1。

Do this

# sudo port clean xorg-xproto
# sudo port install xorg-xproto

And continue install


# sudo port install gkrellm

Now if you have this error :


Error: Target org.macports.configure returned: configure failure: shell command " cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_gnome_gtk-doc/work/gtk-doc-1.11" && ./configure --prefix=/opt/local --with-xml-catalog=/opt/local/etc/xml/catalog " returned error 1 [...] Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

错误:返回目标org.macports.configure:配置失败:shell命令“cd”/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_gnome_gtk-doc/work/gtk-doc-1.11“&& ./configure - -prefix = / opt / local --with-xml-catalog = / opt / local / etc / xml / catalog“返回错误1 [...]错误:处理期间遇到状态1。

Do this

# sudo port clean gtk-doc
# sudo port install gtk-doc

And last

# sudo port install gkrellm

To start gkrellm


# gkrellm



You could use Growl for this purpose. It's possible to send Growl messages from a unix machine by using netgrowl.py, which masquerades as the growlnotify program, but all written in python.


You could then have a process running on the server that monitors the other bits, and posts notifications when limits are exceeded, or whatever.


It would be a hand-coded solution, but we are on Stack Overflow, so programming-related stuff is the go :)

这将是一个手动编码的解决方案,但我们在Stack Overflow,所以与编程相关的东西是去:)

(Oh, and the netgrowl.py page has a few links to similar projects in other languages, if that's your thing, too).




You are propably looking for a more rigid monitoring tool like zabbix. https://zabbix.org

您正在寻找像zabbix这样更严格的监控工具。 https://zabbix.org



If you're looking for something simple, and almost certainly already installed on the Linux box, you could SSH into the Linux machine and use tools like top, vmstat, and lsof to see what it's up to.




If you still want to test Gkrellm on Mac, you can follow this procedure


# sudo port install gkrellm

If you have this error :


Error: Target org.macports.activate returned: Registry error: xorg-xproto 7.0.16_0 not registered as installed. [...] Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

错误:返回目标org.macports.activate:注册表错误:xorg-xproto 7.0.16_0未注册为已安装。 [...]错误:处理期间遇到状态1。

Do this

# sudo port clean xorg-xproto
# sudo port install xorg-xproto

And continue install


# sudo port install gkrellm

Now if you have this error :


Error: Target org.macports.configure returned: configure failure: shell command " cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_gnome_gtk-doc/work/gtk-doc-1.11" && ./configure --prefix=/opt/local --with-xml-catalog=/opt/local/etc/xml/catalog " returned error 1 [...] Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

错误:返回目标org.macports.configure:配置失败:shell命令“cd”/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_gnome_gtk-doc/work/gtk-doc-1.11“&& ./configure - -prefix = / opt / local --with-xml-catalog = / opt / local / etc / xml / catalog“返回错误1 [...]错误:处理期间遇到状态1。

Do this

# sudo port clean gtk-doc
# sudo port install gtk-doc

And last

# sudo port install gkrellm

To start gkrellm


# gkrellm



You could use Growl for this purpose. It's possible to send Growl messages from a unix machine by using netgrowl.py, which masquerades as the growlnotify program, but all written in python.


You could then have a process running on the server that monitors the other bits, and posts notifications when limits are exceeded, or whatever.


It would be a hand-coded solution, but we are on Stack Overflow, so programming-related stuff is the go :)

这将是一个手动编码的解决方案,但我们在Stack Overflow,所以与编程相关的东西是去:)

(Oh, and the netgrowl.py page has a few links to similar projects in other languages, if that's your thing, too).




You are propably looking for a more rigid monitoring tool like zabbix. https://zabbix.org

您正在寻找像zabbix这样更严格的监控工具。 https://zabbix.org