
时间:2021-02-25 02:44:17

In my app I need to get the previous 4am, not the 4am of the current date.
For example:


  • if it's March 05, 10:00 am then I should expect to get back: March 05, 4:00 am
  • 如果它是3月5日上午10:00,那么我应该期待回来:3月5日凌晨4:00
  • if it's March 05, 02:00 am then I should expect to get back: March 04, 4:00 am
  • 如果它是3月05日凌晨02:00,那么我应该期待回来:3月4日凌晨4:00

To achieve that I'm using Calendar.nextDate. It works well for everyday of the month except the last day of each month.


This is an example of the happy path, where it works as expected:

let components = DateComponents(hour: 4, minute: 0, second: 0)

let date =  Calendar.current.date(from: DateComponents(year: 2018,
                                                       month: 03, 
                                                       day: 05, 
                                                       hour: 13, 
                                                       minute: 25, 
                                                       second: 0))!
let result = Calendar.current.nextDate(after: date, 
                                       matching: components,
                                       matchingPolicy: .nextTime,
                                       direction: .backward)



date = "Mar 5, 2018 at 1:25 PM"
result = "Mar 5, 2018 at 4:00 AM"

This is an example of the dark sad path, where it does NOT act as expected:

let components = DateComponents(hour: 4, minute: 0, second: 0)

let date =  Calendar.current.date(from: DateComponents(year: 2018,
                                                       month: 03, 
                                                       day: 31, 
                                                       hour: 13, 
                                                       minute: 25, 
                                                       second: 0))!
let result = Calendar.current.nextDate(after: date, 
                                       matching: components,
                                       matchingPolicy: .nextTime,
                                       direction: .backward)



date = "Mar 31, 2018 at 1:25 PM"
result = "Mar 30, 2018 at 4:00 AM"
// it should give me this instead: "Mar 31, 2018 at 4:00 AM"

Any idea why this is happening? is it a bug in Apple's code, should I report it? or am I using this wrong?
If it's an Apple bug, is there another way of achieving what I need in the meantime?



After looking at some Swift source code, I noticed that the issue is not with the Calendar.nextDate() function specifically. nextDate() uses Calendar.enumerateDates() and that's where the real issue is. I couldn't find the source code for that function though. This is the same bug using Calendar.enumerateDates():

在查看了一些Swift源代码之后,我注意到问题不在于Calendar.nextDate()函数。 nextDate()使用Calendar.enumerateDates(),这就是真正的问题所在。我找不到该功能的源代码。这是使用Calendar.enumerateDates()的相同错误:

let components = DateComponents(hour: 4, minute: 0, second: 0)

let date =  Calendar.current.date(from: DateComponents(year: 2018,
                                                       month: 03, 
                                                       day: 31, 
                                                       hour: 13, 
                                                       minute: 25, 
                                                       second: 0))!

Calendar.current.enumerateDates(startingAfter: inputDate,
                                matching: components, 
                                matchingPolicy: .nextTime, 
                                direction: .backward) { (date, exactMatch, stop) in
    let result = date
    // result = "Mar 30, 2018 at 4:00 AM"
    stop = true

Also, this is a similar issue: Swift's Calendar.enumerateDates gives incorrect result when starting on February


1 个解决方案



This does appear to be a bug that should be reported to Apple. Be sure you include a runnable test app demonstrating the issue. Note that this bug only appears in iOS. In macOS (at least a macOS playground), the code works as expected.

这似乎是一个应该向Apple报告的错误。确保您包含一个可运行的测试应用程序来演示该问题。请注意,此错误仅出现在iOS中。在macOS(至少是一个macOS playground)中,代码按预期工作。

In the meantime there is a fairly simple workaround.


Change your code to use .forward instead of .backward. This will give the next date instead of the previous date. There does not seem to be any bugs going in that direction. Then use:


Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .day, value: -1, date: result)

to get your desired result by going back one day.




This does appear to be a bug that should be reported to Apple. Be sure you include a runnable test app demonstrating the issue. Note that this bug only appears in iOS. In macOS (at least a macOS playground), the code works as expected.

这似乎是一个应该向Apple报告的错误。确保您包含一个可运行的测试应用程序来演示该问题。请注意,此错误仅出现在iOS中。在macOS(至少是一个macOS playground)中,代码按预期工作。

In the meantime there is a fairly simple workaround.


Change your code to use .forward instead of .backward. This will give the next date instead of the previous date. There does not seem to be any bugs going in that direction. Then use:


Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .day, value: -1, date: result)

to get your desired result by going back one day.
