
时间:2021-10-17 02:32:14

Any ideas how to echo or type the last 10 lines of a txt file?


I'm running a server change log script to prompt admins to state what they're doing, so we can track changes. I'm trying to get the script to show the last 10 entries or so to give an idea of what's been happening recently. I've found a script that deals with the last line, as shown below, but can't figure out what to change in it to display the last 10 lines. Script:


@echo off
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (c:\log09.txt) do (
set var=%%a
echo !var!

Example of log file:


06/02/2009, 12:22,Remote=Workstation-9,Local=,
mdb,bouncing box after updates,CAS-08754,
07/02/2009, 2:38,Remote=,Local=SERVER1,
mdb,just finished ghosting c drive,CAS-08776,
07/02/2009, 3:09,Remote=,Local=SERVER1,
mdb,audit of server,CAS-08776,

Any thoughts? The script works great, just need it to pipe more lines to the screen.


10 个解决方案


Hopefully this will save Joel's eyes :)


@echo OFF

:: Get the number of lines in the file
set LINES=0
for /f "delims==" %%I in (data.txt) do (
    set /a LINES=LINES+1

:: Print the last 10 lines (suggestion to use more courtsey of dmityugov)
set /a LINES=LINES-10
more +%LINES% < data.txt


This answer combines the best features of already existing answers, and adds a few twists.


The solution is a simple batch implementation of the tail command.


The first argument is the file name (possibly with path information - be sure to enclose in quotes if any portion of path contains spaces or other problematic characters).

第一个参数是文件名(可能带有路径信息 - 如果路径的任何部分包含空格或其他有问题的字符,请确保用引号括起来)。

The second argument is the number of lines to print.


Finally any of the standard MORE options can be appended: /E /C /P /S /Tn. (See MORE /? for more information).

最后,可以附加任何标准的MORE选项:/ E / C / P / S / Tn。 (有关更多信息,请参阅更多/?)。

Additionally the /N (no pause) option can be specified to cause the output to be printed continuosly without pausing.

此外,可以指定/ N(无暂停)选项以使输出连续打印而不会暂停。

The solution first uses FIND to quickly count the number of lines. The file is passed in via redirected input instead of using a filename argument in order to eliminate the printout of the filename in the FIND output.


The number of lines to skip is computed with SET /A, but then it resets the number to 0 if it is less than 0.

要跳过的行数用SET / A计算,但如果小于0则将数字重置为0。

Finally uses MORE to print out the desired lines after skipping the unwanted lines. MORE will pause after each screen's worth of lines unless the output is redirected to a file or piped to another command. The /N option avoids the pauses by piping the MORE output to FINDSTR with a regex that matches all lines. It is important to use FINDSTR instead of FIND because FIND can truncate long lines.

最后使用MORE在跳过不需要的行后打印出所需的行。除非将输出重定向到文件或通过管道传输到另一个命令,否则MORE将在每个屏幕的行数之后暂停。 / N选项通过使用匹配所有行的正则表达式将MORE输出传递给FINDSTR来避免暂停。使用FINDSTR而不是FIND很重要,因为FIND可以截断长行。

:: tail.bat File Num [/N|/E|/C|/P|/S|/Tn]...
::   Prints the last Num lines of text file File.
::   The output will pause after filling the screen unless the /N option
::   is specified
::   The standard MORE options /E /C /P /S /Tn can be specified.
::   See MORE /? for more information
@echo OFF
set file=%1
set "cnt=%~2"
shift /1
shift /1
set "options="
set "noPause="
if "%~1" neq "" (
  if /i "%~1" equ "/N" (set noPause=^| findstr "^") else set options=%options% %~1
  shift /1
  goto :parseOptions
for /f %%N in ('find /c /v "" ^<%file%') do set skip=%%N
set /a "skip-=%cnt%"
if %skip% lss 0 set skip=0
more +%skip% %options% %file% %noPause%


You should probably just find a good implementation of tail. But if you really really insist on using CMD batch files and want to run on any NT machine unmolested, this will work:


@echo off
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (c:\tmp\foo.txt) do (
set var9=!var8!
set var8=!var7!
set var7=!var6!
set var6=!var5!
set var5=!var4!
set var4=!var3!
set var3=!var2!
set var2=!var1!
set var1=!var!
set var=%%a
echo !var9!
echo !var8!
echo !var7!
echo !var6!
echo !var5!
echo !var4!
echo !var3!
echo !var2!
echo !var1!
echo !var!


There are several windows implementations of the tail command. It should be exactly what you want.


This one sounds particularly good:


They range from real-time monitoring to the last x lines of the file.


Edit: I noticed that the included link is to a package It should work, but here are some more versions:



If file is too large it can take too long to get count of lines another way is to use find and pass it a nowhere string


$find /v /c "%%$%!" yourtextfile.txt

this would result an output like this


$---------- yourtextfile.txt: 140

then you can parse output using for like this


$for /f "tokens=3" %i in ('find /v /c "%%$%!" tt.txt') do set countoflines=%i

then you can substract ten lines from the total lines



After trying all of the answers I found on this page none of them worked on my file with 15539 lines.


However I found the answer here to work great. Copied into this post for convenience.


@echo off
for /f %%i in ('find /v /c "" ^< C:\path\to\textfile.txt') do set /a lines=%%i
set /a startLine=%lines% - 10
more /e +%startLine% C:\path\to\textfile.txt

This code will print the last 10 lines in the "C:\path\to\textfile.txt" file.

此代码将打印“C:\ path \ to \ textfile.txt”文件中的最后10行。

Credit goes to OP @Peter Mortensen

归功于OP @Peter Mortensen


using a single powershell command:


powershell -nologo "& "Get-Content -Path c:\logFile.log -Tail 10"

applies to powershell 3.0 and newer

适用于powershell 3.0及更新版本


I agree with "You should use TAIL" answer. But it does not come by default on Windows. I suggest you download the "Windows 2003 Resource Kit" It works on XP/W2003 and more.

我同意“你应该使用TAIL”的答案。但它在Windows上默认不会出现。我建议你下载“Windows 2003资源工具包”它适用于XP / W2003等。

If you don't want to install on your server, you can install the resource kit on another machine and copy only TAIL.EXE to your server. Usage is sooooo much easier.


C:\> TAIL -10 myfile.txt


Here's a utility written in pure batch that can show a lines of file within a given range.To show the last lines use (here the script is named tailhead.bat):


call tailhead.bat -file "file.txt" -begin -10


Any ideas how to echo or type the last 10 lines of a txt file?


The following 3-liner script will list the last n lines from input file. n and file name/path are passed as input arguments.

以下3行脚本将列出输入文件中的最后n行。 n和文件名/路径作为输入参数传递。

# Script last.txt
var str file, content ; var int n, count
cat $file > $content ; set count = { len -e $content } - $n
stex -e ("["+makestr(int($count))) $content

The script is in biterscripting. To use, download biterscripting from , save this script as C:\Scripts\last.txt, start biterscripting, enter the following command.

该脚本是biterscripting。要使用,请从http://www.biterscripting.com下载biterscripting,将此脚本保存为C:\ Scripts \ last.txt,启动biterscripting,输入以下命令。

script last.txt file("c:\log09.txt") n(10)

The above will list last 10 lines from file c:\log09.txt. To list last 20 lines from the same file, use the following command.

以上将列出文件c:\ log09.txt中的最后10行。要列出同一文件中的最后20行,请使用以下命令。

script last.txt file("c:\log09.txt") n(20)

To list last 30 lines from a different file C:\folder1\somefile.log, use the following command.

要列出来自不同文件C:\ folder1 \ somefile.log的最后30行,请使用以下命令。

script last.txt file("C:\folder1\somefile.log") n(30)

I wrote the script in a fairly generic way, so it can be used in various ways. Feel free to translate into another scripting/batch language.



Hopefully this will save Joel's eyes :)


@echo OFF

:: Get the number of lines in the file
set LINES=0
for /f "delims==" %%I in (data.txt) do (
    set /a LINES=LINES+1

:: Print the last 10 lines (suggestion to use more courtsey of dmityugov)
set /a LINES=LINES-10
more +%LINES% < data.txt


This answer combines the best features of already existing answers, and adds a few twists.


The solution is a simple batch implementation of the tail command.


The first argument is the file name (possibly with path information - be sure to enclose in quotes if any portion of path contains spaces or other problematic characters).

第一个参数是文件名(可能带有路径信息 - 如果路径的任何部分包含空格或其他有问题的字符,请确保用引号括起来)。

The second argument is the number of lines to print.


Finally any of the standard MORE options can be appended: /E /C /P /S /Tn. (See MORE /? for more information).

最后,可以附加任何标准的MORE选项:/ E / C / P / S / Tn。 (有关更多信息,请参阅更多/?)。

Additionally the /N (no pause) option can be specified to cause the output to be printed continuosly without pausing.

此外,可以指定/ N(无暂停)选项以使输出连续打印而不会暂停。

The solution first uses FIND to quickly count the number of lines. The file is passed in via redirected input instead of using a filename argument in order to eliminate the printout of the filename in the FIND output.


The number of lines to skip is computed with SET /A, but then it resets the number to 0 if it is less than 0.

要跳过的行数用SET / A计算,但如果小于0则将数字重置为0。

Finally uses MORE to print out the desired lines after skipping the unwanted lines. MORE will pause after each screen's worth of lines unless the output is redirected to a file or piped to another command. The /N option avoids the pauses by piping the MORE output to FINDSTR with a regex that matches all lines. It is important to use FINDSTR instead of FIND because FIND can truncate long lines.

最后使用MORE在跳过不需要的行后打印出所需的行。除非将输出重定向到文件或通过管道传输到另一个命令,否则MORE将在每个屏幕的行数之后暂停。 / N选项通过使用匹配所有行的正则表达式将MORE输出传递给FINDSTR来避免暂停。使用FINDSTR而不是FIND很重要,因为FIND可以截断长行。

:: tail.bat File Num [/N|/E|/C|/P|/S|/Tn]...
::   Prints the last Num lines of text file File.
::   The output will pause after filling the screen unless the /N option
::   is specified
::   The standard MORE options /E /C /P /S /Tn can be specified.
::   See MORE /? for more information
@echo OFF
set file=%1
set "cnt=%~2"
shift /1
shift /1
set "options="
set "noPause="
if "%~1" neq "" (
  if /i "%~1" equ "/N" (set noPause=^| findstr "^") else set options=%options% %~1
  shift /1
  goto :parseOptions
for /f %%N in ('find /c /v "" ^<%file%') do set skip=%%N
set /a "skip-=%cnt%"
if %skip% lss 0 set skip=0
more +%skip% %options% %file% %noPause%


You should probably just find a good implementation of tail. But if you really really insist on using CMD batch files and want to run on any NT machine unmolested, this will work:


@echo off
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (c:\tmp\foo.txt) do (
set var9=!var8!
set var8=!var7!
set var7=!var6!
set var6=!var5!
set var5=!var4!
set var4=!var3!
set var3=!var2!
set var2=!var1!
set var1=!var!
set var=%%a
echo !var9!
echo !var8!
echo !var7!
echo !var6!
echo !var5!
echo !var4!
echo !var3!
echo !var2!
echo !var1!
echo !var!


There are several windows implementations of the tail command. It should be exactly what you want.


This one sounds particularly good:


They range from real-time monitoring to the last x lines of the file.


Edit: I noticed that the included link is to a package It should work, but here are some more versions:



If file is too large it can take too long to get count of lines another way is to use find and pass it a nowhere string


$find /v /c "%%$%!" yourtextfile.txt

this would result an output like this


$---------- yourtextfile.txt: 140

then you can parse output using for like this


$for /f "tokens=3" %i in ('find /v /c "%%$%!" tt.txt') do set countoflines=%i

then you can substract ten lines from the total lines



After trying all of the answers I found on this page none of them worked on my file with 15539 lines.


However I found the answer here to work great. Copied into this post for convenience.


@echo off
for /f %%i in ('find /v /c "" ^< C:\path\to\textfile.txt') do set /a lines=%%i
set /a startLine=%lines% - 10
more /e +%startLine% C:\path\to\textfile.txt

This code will print the last 10 lines in the "C:\path\to\textfile.txt" file.

此代码将打印“C:\ path \ to \ textfile.txt”文件中的最后10行。

Credit goes to OP @Peter Mortensen

归功于OP @Peter Mortensen


using a single powershell command:


powershell -nologo "& "Get-Content -Path c:\logFile.log -Tail 10"

applies to powershell 3.0 and newer

适用于powershell 3.0及更新版本


I agree with "You should use TAIL" answer. But it does not come by default on Windows. I suggest you download the "Windows 2003 Resource Kit" It works on XP/W2003 and more.

我同意“你应该使用TAIL”的答案。但它在Windows上默认不会出现。我建议你下载“Windows 2003资源工具包”它适用于XP / W2003等。

If you don't want to install on your server, you can install the resource kit on another machine and copy only TAIL.EXE to your server. Usage is sooooo much easier.


C:\> TAIL -10 myfile.txt


Here's a utility written in pure batch that can show a lines of file within a given range.To show the last lines use (here the script is named tailhead.bat):


call tailhead.bat -file "file.txt" -begin -10


Any ideas how to echo or type the last 10 lines of a txt file?


The following 3-liner script will list the last n lines from input file. n and file name/path are passed as input arguments.

以下3行脚本将列出输入文件中的最后n行。 n和文件名/路径作为输入参数传递。

# Script last.txt
var str file, content ; var int n, count
cat $file > $content ; set count = { len -e $content } - $n
stex -e ("["+makestr(int($count))) $content

The script is in biterscripting. To use, download biterscripting from , save this script as C:\Scripts\last.txt, start biterscripting, enter the following command.

该脚本是biterscripting。要使用,请从http://www.biterscripting.com下载biterscripting,将此脚本保存为C:\ Scripts \ last.txt,启动biterscripting,输入以下命令。

script last.txt file("c:\log09.txt") n(10)

The above will list last 10 lines from file c:\log09.txt. To list last 20 lines from the same file, use the following command.

以上将列出文件c:\ log09.txt中的最后10行。要列出同一文件中的最后20行,请使用以下命令。

script last.txt file("c:\log09.txt") n(20)

To list last 30 lines from a different file C:\folder1\somefile.log, use the following command.

要列出来自不同文件C:\ folder1 \ somefile.log的最后30行,请使用以下命令。

script last.txt file("C:\folder1\somefile.log") n(30)

I wrote the script in a fairly generic way, so it can be used in various ways. Feel free to translate into another scripting/batch language.
