
时间:2021-12-11 02:28:31

I've done a lot of searching on this but still can't quite put it all together.


I'm trying create an Excel VBA program that populates a spreadsheet based on a user inputting regular expressions so that I can process the files with other vba programs.

我正在尝试创建一个Excel VBA程序,根据用户输入正则表达式填充电子表格,以便我可以使用其他vba程序处理这些文件。

So for example, if I want to populate a folder with all Autodesk Inventor file types , I would use:

例如,如果我想填充包含所有Autodesk Inventor文件类型的文件夹,我会使用:


and from what I have read, if I want a regex to skip a file in a folder OR containing a string, I would use something like:



but like I mentioned, I am having trouble putting this together so that it is a single reg ex call -- and also, if there are multiple strings that I want it to skip (ie; the folders OldVersions and Legacy)

但就像我提到的那样,我无法将它们放在一起以便它是一个单一的注册调用 - 而且,如果有多个字符串我希望它跳过(即;文件夹OldVersions和Legacy)

I think I would like to keep it as regex although I'm guessing I could also use wScript.Shell (or whatever that object is) but It would be nice to just get familiar with regular expressions for now.


The code I am using is the same from this post, but instead I added a parameter to pass the pattern to the top level code by pulling it from a cell in excel.


List files of certain pattern using Excel VBA

使用Excel VBA列出某些模式的文件

Again, any help would be greatly appreciated!


Thanks again, all!


Edit: Latest attempt....


Private Sub FindPatternMatchedFiles()

objFile = "C:\OldVersions\TestFile.iam"

Dim objRegExp As Object
Set objRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

'objRegExp.Pattern = "(.*\.(iam|ipt|ipn|idw))(?!(\z))."
objRegExp.Pattern = "(^((?!OldVersions).)*$)(.*\.(iam|ipt|ipn|idw))"

objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True

res = objRegExp.test(objFile)
MsgBox (res)

'Garbage Collection
Set objRegExp = Nothing
End Sub

1 个解决方案



To exclude matching strings having \OldVersions\ or \Legacy\, just add anchors and a negative lookahead at the start:

要排除具有\ OldVersions \或\ Legacy \的匹配字符串,只需在开头添加锚点和否定前瞻:


See the regex demo



  • ^ - start of string
  • ^ - 字符串的开头

  • (?!.*\\(?:OldVersions|Legacy)\\) - a negative lookahead failing the match if there is \ + either OldVersions or Legacy + \ after 0+ chars other than \r and \n (.*).
  • (?!。* \\(?:OldVersions | Legacy)\\) - 如果除了\ r和\ n之外的0 +字符之后有+ + OldVersions或Legacy + \,那么负面前瞻会使匹配失败。

  • .* - 0+ chars other than \r and \n, as many as possible, up to the last...
  • 。* - 除了\ r和\ n之外的0 +字符,尽可能多,直到最后...

  • \. - literal .
  • \。 - 字面意思

  • (?:iam|ipt|ipn|idw) - one of the alternatives in the non-capturing group
  • (?:iam | ipt | ipn | idw) - 非捕获组中的替代方案之一

  • $ - end of string.
  • $ - 结束字符串。



To exclude matching strings having \OldVersions\ or \Legacy\, just add anchors and a negative lookahead at the start:

要排除具有\ OldVersions \或\ Legacy \的匹配字符串,只需在开头添加锚点和否定前瞻:


See the regex demo



  • ^ - start of string
  • ^ - 字符串的开头

  • (?!.*\\(?:OldVersions|Legacy)\\) - a negative lookahead failing the match if there is \ + either OldVersions or Legacy + \ after 0+ chars other than \r and \n (.*).
  • (?!。* \\(?:OldVersions | Legacy)\\) - 如果除了\ r和\ n之外的0 +字符之后有+ + OldVersions或Legacy + \,那么负面前瞻会使匹配失败。

  • .* - 0+ chars other than \r and \n, as many as possible, up to the last...
  • 。* - 除了\ r和\ n之外的0 +字符,尽可能多,直到最后...

  • \. - literal .
  • \。 - 字面意思

  • (?:iam|ipt|ipn|idw) - one of the alternatives in the non-capturing group
  • (?:iam | ipt | ipn | idw) - 非捕获组中的替代方案之一

  • $ - end of string.
  • $ - 结束字符串。