I've moved to an SSL and now my popup menu on the nav doesn't work. It did work before hand. I can't see why it's not working. I didn't do anything to the CSS or javascript code.
// Mobile menu toggle
$('body>nav ul').slideToggle();
//Checkboxes customization
if ($(this).is(':checked')) $(this).addClass('checked');
else $(this).removeClass('checked');
//landing page popups
$('#signup-popup, #cover').show();
$('#cover, .fa-times').click(function(){
$('#cover, #signup-popup').hide();
$('#login-popup, #cover').show();
$('#cover, .fa-times').click(function(){
$('#cover, #login-popup').hide();
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<i class="fa fa-reorder"></i>
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<div class="buttons">
<input type="button" class="button green" value="SIGN UP" id="signup">
<input type="button" class="button" value="LOGIN" id="login">
<div id="signup-popup">
<h3>LET'S GET STARTED <i class="fa fa-times"></i></h3>
<div class="part">
<a href="https://www.serviceposts.com/site/management/cust_reg.php"><img src="images/SP_Signup_03.png" alt=""/></a>
<input type="button" class="button green" value="I am a Consumer">
<p><a href="https://www.serviceposts.com/site/management/cust_reg.php" class="blue">Make My Service Match Today</a></p>
<div class="part">
<a href="https://www.serviceposts.com/site/management/bus_reg.php"><img src="images/SP_Signup_05.png" alt=""/></a>
<a href="https://www.serviceposts.com/site/management/bus_reg.php"><input type="button" class="button orange" value="I am a Service Provider"></a>
<p><a href="https://www.serviceposts.com/site/management/bus_reg.php" class="blue">Make My Service Match Today</a></p>
<div id="login-popup">
<h3>LOGIN<i class="fa fa-times"></i></h3>
<form action="https://www.serviceposts.com/site/welcome.php" method="post">
<label for="username1">Username</label>
<input type="text" id="username1" name="uname"/>
<label for="password1">Password</label>
<input type="password" id="password1" name="txtpassword"/>
<input type="submit" class="button green" value="LOGIN"/>
<a href="#">Forgot username or password?</a>
Is there a good tokenizer for javascript/css/html?
javascript / css / html是否有一个好的标记器?
2 个解决方案
The best practice is adding a redirect from http to https (web server will redirect all clients requests to https, if we forget change protocol in your app configuration):
Apache exemple:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName www.example.com
Redirect "/" "https://www.example.com/"
</VirtualHost >
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName www.example.com
# ... SSL configuration goes here
</VirtualHost >
nginx exemple:
server {
listen *:80;
server_name example.com;
proxy_set_header Host example.com;
location / {
rewrite ^(.*)$ https://example.com$1 permanent;
server {
listen *:443 ssl;
server_name example.com;
proxy_set_header Host example.com;
location / {
This is mostly a cashing issue, or URL-rewrite issue. If you are using a framework such as WordPress then this is a URL issue, since the links are stored in database, all you need to do is change main URL to be with https.
If not, then you got a caching issue, just purge cache and refresh your page.
Please note that if you purchase an CDN with your SSL that you disable the auto-minify option.0
The best practice is adding a redirect from http to https (web server will redirect all clients requests to https, if we forget change protocol in your app configuration):
Apache exemple:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName www.example.com
Redirect "/" "https://www.example.com/"
</VirtualHost >
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName www.example.com
# ... SSL configuration goes here
</VirtualHost >
nginx exemple:
server {
listen *:80;
server_name example.com;
proxy_set_header Host example.com;
location / {
rewrite ^(.*)$ https://example.com$1 permanent;
server {
listen *:443 ssl;
server_name example.com;
proxy_set_header Host example.com;
location / {
This is mostly a cashing issue, or URL-rewrite issue. If you are using a framework such as WordPress then this is a URL issue, since the links are stored in database, all you need to do is change main URL to be with https.
If not, then you got a caching issue, just purge cache and refresh your page.
Please note that if you purchase an CDN with your SSL that you disable the auto-minify option.0