
时间:2022-06-01 19:55:46

Please explain me what are the problems (if any), by putting the following declaration at the very top of the HTML page


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

3 个解决方案



Its not good because it will cause IE6 to go into quirks mode.



And if you've ever worked with IE6 in quirks mode you would know what a painful experience that is.




If used, it should be placed at the top. In fact, if it's needed, it pretty much must be placed at the top in order for the rest of the document to be read properly.


It's not needed if your document is UTF-8 or UTF-16. But if otherwise, you should use it. My opinion is you should use it anyway.


The only reason not to use it would be for IE6 users, as IE6 will go into 'quirks mode' if you have that declaration.


But honestly... IE6 is a quirk mode anymore.

但老实说...... IE6已经是一种怪癖模式了。

Don't potentially mess up other more modern parsers for the benefit of an old one.




You can put it on the very top, but you should be aware of the consequences.


  • Some (older) browsers will try to download your page instead of display it
  • 某些(较旧的)浏览器会尝试下载您的页面而不是显示它

  • In some browsers, if your XHTML code has an error, it will not try to display it "best effort" like in HTML. Instead, you will get a cryptic XML error.
  • 在某些浏览器中,如果您的XHTML代码有错误,它将不会尝试像HTML中那样“尽力而为”。相反,您将收到一个神秘的XML错误。

Also, if you are using XML/XHTML, please make sure you send the right content-type header as well (e.g. application/xml instead of text/html).

此外,如果您使用XML / XHTML,请确保您也发送正确的内容类型标头(例如application / xml而不是text / html)。



Its not good because it will cause IE6 to go into quirks mode.



And if you've ever worked with IE6 in quirks mode you would know what a painful experience that is.




If used, it should be placed at the top. In fact, if it's needed, it pretty much must be placed at the top in order for the rest of the document to be read properly.


It's not needed if your document is UTF-8 or UTF-16. But if otherwise, you should use it. My opinion is you should use it anyway.


The only reason not to use it would be for IE6 users, as IE6 will go into 'quirks mode' if you have that declaration.


But honestly... IE6 is a quirk mode anymore.

但老实说...... IE6已经是一种怪癖模式了。

Don't potentially mess up other more modern parsers for the benefit of an old one.




You can put it on the very top, but you should be aware of the consequences.


  • Some (older) browsers will try to download your page instead of display it
  • 某些(较旧的)浏览器会尝试下载您的页面而不是显示它

  • In some browsers, if your XHTML code has an error, it will not try to display it "best effort" like in HTML. Instead, you will get a cryptic XML error.
  • 在某些浏览器中,如果您的XHTML代码有错误,它将不会尝试像HTML中那样“尽力而为”。相反,您将收到一个神秘的XML错误。

Also, if you are using XML/XHTML, please make sure you send the right content-type header as well (e.g. application/xml instead of text/html).

此外,如果您使用XML / XHTML,请确保您也发送正确的内容类型标头(例如application / xml而不是text / html)。