
时间:2023-01-25 02:06:29

I want to browse the date wise folder in a script. The folders are created daily as per sys date like 20111221, 20111031 etc. My problem is I am not able to browse the folder from script, it is showing path error.


I am trying to browse D:\Sites\Sum\%DATE:~-4%%DATE:~4,2%%DATE:~7,2%\

我正在尝试浏览D:\ Sites \ Sum \%DATE:〜-4 %% DATE:~4,2 %% DATE:~7,2%\

Pls help

1 个解决方案



Probably it is a problem with the date format. %DATE% returns the current date using the short date format, that is fully (endlessly) customizable. One user may configure its system to return Fri040811, and another user may choose 08/04/2011...it's a complete nightmare for a BAT programmer.

可能这是日期格式的问题。 %DATE%使用短日期格式返回当前日期,即完全(无限)可自定义。一个用户可以将其系统配置为返回Fri040811,而另一个用户可以选择08/04/2011 ......这对于BAT程序员来说是一个完整的噩梦。

A possible solution is to use WMIC. WMIC Path Win32_LocalTime Get Day,Hour,Minute,Month,Second,Year /Format:table returns the date in a convenient way to directly parse it with a FOR.

一种可能的解决方案是使用WMIC。 WMIC路径Win32_LocalTime获取日,小时,分钟,月,秒,年/格式:表以方便的方式返回日期,以便用FOR直接解析它。

FOR /F "skip=1 tokens=1-6" %%A IN ('WMIC Path Win32_LocalTime Get Day^,Hour^,Minute^,Month^,Second^,Year /Format:table') DO (
   SET FD=%%F%%D%%A



Probably it is a problem with the date format. %DATE% returns the current date using the short date format, that is fully (endlessly) customizable. One user may configure its system to return Fri040811, and another user may choose 08/04/2011...it's a complete nightmare for a BAT programmer.

可能这是日期格式的问题。 %DATE%使用短日期格式返回当前日期,即完全(无限)可自定义。一个用户可以将其系统配置为返回Fri040811,而另一个用户可以选择08/04/2011 ......这对于BAT程序员来说是一个完整的噩梦。

A possible solution is to use WMIC. WMIC Path Win32_LocalTime Get Day,Hour,Minute,Month,Second,Year /Format:table returns the date in a convenient way to directly parse it with a FOR.

一种可能的解决方案是使用WMIC。 WMIC路径Win32_LocalTime获取日,小时,分钟,月,秒,年/格式:表以方便的方式返回日期,以便用FOR直接解析它。

FOR /F "skip=1 tokens=1-6" %%A IN ('WMIC Path Win32_LocalTime Get Day^,Hour^,Minute^,Month^,Second^,Year /Format:table') DO (
   SET FD=%%F%%D%%A