批处理脚本 - 创建.XML文件 - 基于文件夹中的每个.DWG文件的名称

时间:2022-10-26 02:32:18

I'd like to create a Batch file that would search a folder and create .XML files based on the .DWG file names. It would also add the file name to (2) difference locations within the .XML (see below).



  1. A folder contains (100) .DWG files numbered A1.dwg ~ A100.dwg
  2. 文件夹包含编号为A1.dwg~A100.dwg的(100).DWG文件

  3. The Batch file would find these file names and create the corresponding .XML file
  4. 批处理文件将找到这些文件名并创建相应的.XML文件

  5. Within the .XML file (2) lines would be edited based on the file name
  6. 在.XML文件(2)中,将根据文件名编辑行

XML Contents for file "A26":


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<File Name="A26"><Version>1</Version><Description>A26</Description><Region><Cell Level="1" Division="1"/><Cell Level="1" Division="1"/></Region></File>

XML Contents for file "A42":


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<File Name="A42"><Version>1</Version><Description>A42</Description><Region><Cell Level="2" Division="1"/><Cell Level="2" Division="1"/></Region></File>

XML Contents for file "A74":


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<File Name="A74"><Version>1</Version><Description>A74</Description><Region><Cell Level="3" Division="1"/><Cell Level="3" Division="1"/></Region></File>

I was able to put together the following based on another inquiry, however, it's not working for me... anything you can offer would be much appreciated.


BTW, "targetdir=C:\USC VILLAGE" is the location I'm trying to output these files, but I'd like to be able to edit this path and create these files anywhere if possible.

BTW,“targetdir = C:\ USC VILLAGE”是我正在尝试输出这些文件的位置,但我希望能够编辑此路径并在可能的情况下在任何地方创建这些文件。

SET "targetdir=C:\USC VILLAGE"
SET /a filecount=0
SET "and_subdirs="
PUSHD "%targetdir%"
FOR %and_subdirs% %%a IN (
 ) DO (
  SET /a filecount+=1
  >"%%~dpna.xml" (
   ECHO(^<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   ECHO(         <File Name="%%~na">
   ECHO(         <Version>1</Version>
   ECHO(         <Description>%%~nxa"</Description>
   ECHO(         </File^>
IF NOT DEFINED and_subdirs IF %filecount%==0 SET "and_subdirs=/r"& GOTO again
ECHO(%filecount% files found
IF DEFINED and_subdirs ECHO(Subdirectories were scanned


Thanks, DOrtega

2 个解决方案



I know this is not quite what you ask for, but I'm going to offer it anyway. It's perl, rather than batch because:


  • Perl will run on Windows too.
  • Perl也将在Windows上运行。

  • Perl handles XML a lot better than batch ever can.
  • Perl处理XML比批处理要好得多。

To get this to run 'from scratch you would need to:


  • Install perl (from somewhere like: http://www.activestate.com/activeperl/downloads )
  • 安装perl(来自某个地方:http://www.activestate.com/activeperl/downloads)

  • install XML::Twig - if you're running Activeperl via ppm install XML-Twig.
  • 安装XML :: Twig - 如果您通过ppm安装XML-Twig运行Activeperl。

I'm unclear how you figured out cell level and division, so have used placeholder values. It should be easy to modify this accordingly.



use strict;
use warnings;

use XML::Twig;
use File::Find;

#read search and output dirs from command line, but use defaults if not present. 
my ( $search_dir, $output_dir ) = @_;
$search_dir = 'C:\\temp\\dwg' unless defined $search_dir;
$output_dir = 'C:\\temp'      unless defined $output_dir;

sub process_file {
    return unless m/\.dwg$/;
    print "Processing $File::Find::name\n";
    my $base_name = $_;
    #extract the 'A24' bit. 
    $base_name =~ s#\.dwg$##gi;  
    print "Using $base_name\n";

    #start assembling XML:
    my $xml = XML::Twig->new( pretty_print => 'indented' );

    #create a 'File' roote element.
        XML::Twig::Elt->new( 'File', { "Name", $File::Find::name } ) );

    #insert Version and description into root element.
    $xml->root->insert_new_elt( 'Version',     1 );
    $xml->root->insert_new_elt( 'Description', $base_name );

    #create a region element, with subelements 'Cell'
    my $region = $xml->root->insert_new_elt( 'last_child', 'Region' );
        {   'Level'    => 1,
            'Division' => 1,

    open( my $output_file, ">", "$output_dir/$base_name.xml" ) or warn $!;
    print {$output_file} $xml->sprint;

find( \&process_file, $search_dir );



Your script could work if you will escape all < (less than) and > (greater than) characters with ^ Escape character properly within all echo commands (not in the >"%%~dpna.xml" ( line) as follows:

如果您将在所有echo命令(而不是在“%% ~dpna.xml”(行)中)正确地使用^ Escape字符转义所有<(小于)和>(大于)字符,则脚本可以正常工作,如下所示:

  >"%%~dpna.xml" (
    ECHO(^<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?^>
    ECHO(^<File Name="%%~na"^>
    ECHO(    ^<Version^>1^</Version^>
    ECHO(    ^<Description^>%%~nxa^</Description^>

However, I doubt the output file could be forced to UTF-8 encoding with CLI batch (read more in this CHCP article at least).


I'd follow Sobrique's recommendation: switch to another, xml properly handling tool...




I know this is not quite what you ask for, but I'm going to offer it anyway. It's perl, rather than batch because:


  • Perl will run on Windows too.
  • Perl也将在Windows上运行。

  • Perl handles XML a lot better than batch ever can.
  • Perl处理XML比批处理要好得多。

To get this to run 'from scratch you would need to:


  • Install perl (from somewhere like: http://www.activestate.com/activeperl/downloads )
  • 安装perl(来自某个地方:http://www.activestate.com/activeperl/downloads)

  • install XML::Twig - if you're running Activeperl via ppm install XML-Twig.
  • 安装XML :: Twig - 如果您通过ppm安装XML-Twig运行Activeperl。

I'm unclear how you figured out cell level and division, so have used placeholder values. It should be easy to modify this accordingly.



use strict;
use warnings;

use XML::Twig;
use File::Find;

#read search and output dirs from command line, but use defaults if not present. 
my ( $search_dir, $output_dir ) = @_;
$search_dir = 'C:\\temp\\dwg' unless defined $search_dir;
$output_dir = 'C:\\temp'      unless defined $output_dir;

sub process_file {
    return unless m/\.dwg$/;
    print "Processing $File::Find::name\n";
    my $base_name = $_;
    #extract the 'A24' bit. 
    $base_name =~ s#\.dwg$##gi;  
    print "Using $base_name\n";

    #start assembling XML:
    my $xml = XML::Twig->new( pretty_print => 'indented' );

    #create a 'File' roote element.
        XML::Twig::Elt->new( 'File', { "Name", $File::Find::name } ) );

    #insert Version and description into root element.
    $xml->root->insert_new_elt( 'Version',     1 );
    $xml->root->insert_new_elt( 'Description', $base_name );

    #create a region element, with subelements 'Cell'
    my $region = $xml->root->insert_new_elt( 'last_child', 'Region' );
        {   'Level'    => 1,
            'Division' => 1,

    open( my $output_file, ">", "$output_dir/$base_name.xml" ) or warn $!;
    print {$output_file} $xml->sprint;

find( \&process_file, $search_dir );



Your script could work if you will escape all < (less than) and > (greater than) characters with ^ Escape character properly within all echo commands (not in the >"%%~dpna.xml" ( line) as follows:

如果您将在所有echo命令(而不是在“%% ~dpna.xml”(行)中)正确地使用^ Escape字符转义所有<(小于)和>(大于)字符,则脚本可以正常工作,如下所示:

  >"%%~dpna.xml" (
    ECHO(^<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?^>
    ECHO(^<File Name="%%~na"^>
    ECHO(    ^<Version^>1^</Version^>
    ECHO(    ^<Description^>%%~nxa^</Description^>

However, I doubt the output file could be forced to UTF-8 encoding with CLI batch (read more in this CHCP article at least).


I'd follow Sobrique's recommendation: switch to another, xml properly handling tool...
