
时间:2022-03-09 02:08:29

At some point in my script, I'd like the bat script to delete itself. This requires that the script know its name and then to use that name to delete itself. Is this possible?


5 个解决方案



None of the existing answers provide a clean way for a batch file to delete itself and exit without any visible error message.


Simply including del "%~f0" does delete the script, but it also results in an ugly "The batch file cannot be found." error message.


If it is OK for the script to close the parent CMD process (the console window), then the following works fine without any error message:


del "%~f0"&exit

But it is a bit more complicated if you want the script to delete itself and exit without closing the parent CMD process, and without any error message.


Method 1: Start a second process that runs within the same console window that actually performs the delete. The EXIT /B is probably not necessary, but I put it in to maximize the probability that the batch script will close before the STARTed process attempts to delete the file.

方法1:在实际执行删除操作的同一控制台窗口中启动第二个进程。EXIT /B可能不是必需的,但是我将它放入到最大限度,以便在开始的进程尝试删除文件之前关闭批处理脚本。

start /b "" cmd /c del "%~f0"&exit /b

Method 2: Create and transfer control to another temp batch file that deletes itself as well as the caller, but don't use CALL, and redirect stderr to nul.


>"%~f0.bat" echo del "%~f0" "%~f0.bat"
2>nul "%~f0.bat"



If I'm not mistaken, %0 will be the path used to call the batch file.




Tested and working:


del %0



%0 gives you the relative path the from the directory where the bat file was started. So if you call it


mybats\delyourself.bat tango roger

%0 will contain mybats\delyourself.bat

% 0将包含mybats \ delyourself.bat

del %0 works if you haven't changed your current directory.

如果没有更改当前目录,那么del %0就可以工作了。

%~f0 exapnds to the full path to the file.

%~f0 exapnds到文件的完整路径。



For me it was important, that I have no errorLevel 1 after I exited the batch file. I found an suitable and easy answer this way: DeleteMyself.cmd:

对我来说很重要的一点是,在我退出批处理文件之后,我没有errorLevel 1。我找到了一个合适的、简单的答案:DeleteMyself.cmd:

START CMD /C DEL DeleteMyself.cmd

Test batch if DeleteMyself.cmd is returning errorLevel 0. TestDeleteMyself.cmd:

如果DeleteMyself检验批。cmd返回errorLevel 0。TestDeleteMyself.cmd:

call DeleteMyself.cmd
echo Errorlevel: %errorLevel%



None of the existing answers provide a clean way for a batch file to delete itself and exit without any visible error message.


Simply including del "%~f0" does delete the script, but it also results in an ugly "The batch file cannot be found." error message.


If it is OK for the script to close the parent CMD process (the console window), then the following works fine without any error message:


del "%~f0"&exit

But it is a bit more complicated if you want the script to delete itself and exit without closing the parent CMD process, and without any error message.


Method 1: Start a second process that runs within the same console window that actually performs the delete. The EXIT /B is probably not necessary, but I put it in to maximize the probability that the batch script will close before the STARTed process attempts to delete the file.

方法1:在实际执行删除操作的同一控制台窗口中启动第二个进程。EXIT /B可能不是必需的,但是我将它放入到最大限度,以便在开始的进程尝试删除文件之前关闭批处理脚本。

start /b "" cmd /c del "%~f0"&exit /b

Method 2: Create and transfer control to another temp batch file that deletes itself as well as the caller, but don't use CALL, and redirect stderr to nul.


>"%~f0.bat" echo del "%~f0" "%~f0.bat"
2>nul "%~f0.bat"



If I'm not mistaken, %0 will be the path used to call the batch file.




Tested and working:


del %0



%0 gives you the relative path the from the directory where the bat file was started. So if you call it


mybats\delyourself.bat tango roger

%0 will contain mybats\delyourself.bat

% 0将包含mybats \ delyourself.bat

del %0 works if you haven't changed your current directory.

如果没有更改当前目录,那么del %0就可以工作了。

%~f0 exapnds to the full path to the file.

%~f0 exapnds到文件的完整路径。



For me it was important, that I have no errorLevel 1 after I exited the batch file. I found an suitable and easy answer this way: DeleteMyself.cmd:

对我来说很重要的一点是,在我退出批处理文件之后,我没有errorLevel 1。我找到了一个合适的、简单的答案:DeleteMyself.cmd:

START CMD /C DEL DeleteMyself.cmd

Test batch if DeleteMyself.cmd is returning errorLevel 0. TestDeleteMyself.cmd:

如果DeleteMyself检验批。cmd返回errorLevel 0。TestDeleteMyself.cmd:

call DeleteMyself.cmd
echo Errorlevel: %errorLevel%