
时间:2022-08-29 01:55:13

I have a classic ASP application currently secured using ASP.NET Forms Authentication running on IIS 6, the problem is our purposes require this application implement a Single-Signon security model using Entrust TruePass which uses Client Certificates I believe. Can this be implemented using ASP.NET Http Modules or do I have to write an ISAPI filter? Are there other options available?

我有一个经典的ASP应用程序,目前使用在IIS 6上运行的ASP.NET Forms Authentication进行保护,问题是我们的目的是要求此应用程序使用Entrust TruePass实现单点登录安全模型,该模型使用我认为的客户端证书。这可以使用ASP.NET Http Modules实现,还是必须编写ISAPI过滤器?还有其他选择吗?

2 个解决方案


In order to fire the HttpModule you have to have IIS send the request to aspnet_isapi.dll and then the regular asp.dll. In most cases if there is an endpoint in .net it won't pass the request back to IIS but in IIS6 you can define a handler for wildcards see this article on securing non .net stuff using forms authentication https://web.archive.org/web/20111127051259/http://www.15seconds.com/issue/070104.htm

为了激活HttpModule,您必须让IIS将请求发送到aspnet_isapi.dll然后再发送常规的asp.dll。在大多数情况下,如果.net中有端点,它将不会将请求传递回IIS,但在IIS6中,您可以为通配符定义处理程序,请参阅本文,使用表单身份验证保护非.net内容https://web.archive .ORG /网络/ 20111127051259 / HTTP://www.15seconds.com/issue/070104.htm

So what you would do is create your module, register in web.config and use it to do the authntication, and as long as the end point doesn't match anything .net will handle then it should let it go back to IIS to go to asp.dll


[Link above is via Internet Archive Nov 2011. Article was previously at http://www.15seconds.com/issue/070104.htm ]

[以上链接是通过Internet Archive 2011年11月。文章以前在http://www.15seconds.com/issue/070104.htm]


First off let me state that I don't know a whole lot about HTTPModules, but I would think you could write your own implementation of IHttpModule to handle the TruePass. See this link for more information: MSDN HttpModules.

首先让我说我对HTTPModules一无所知,但我认为你可以编写自己的IHttpModule实现来处理TruePass。有关更多信息,请参阅此链接:MSDN HttpModules。

From my experience, the biggest hassle of going back and forth between classic ASP and .NET is dealing with Session information. Something stored in a classic ASP session variable can't be read by .NET and vice versa. But since your FormsAuthentication is most likely using cookies, you have a means of going back and forth now.


I'm not sure about other options. If your business requirements are to keep the classic asp code and to use the TruePass, then I would think you could make it work.


Hope that helps.



In order to fire the HttpModule you have to have IIS send the request to aspnet_isapi.dll and then the regular asp.dll. In most cases if there is an endpoint in .net it won't pass the request back to IIS but in IIS6 you can define a handler for wildcards see this article on securing non .net stuff using forms authentication https://web.archive.org/web/20111127051259/http://www.15seconds.com/issue/070104.htm

为了激活HttpModule,您必须让IIS将请求发送到aspnet_isapi.dll然后再发送常规的asp.dll。在大多数情况下,如果.net中有端点,它将不会将请求传递回IIS,但在IIS6中,您可以为通配符定义处理程序,请参阅本文,使用表单身份验证保护非.net内容https://web.archive .ORG /网络/ 20111127051259 / HTTP://www.15seconds.com/issue/070104.htm

So what you would do is create your module, register in web.config and use it to do the authntication, and as long as the end point doesn't match anything .net will handle then it should let it go back to IIS to go to asp.dll


[Link above is via Internet Archive Nov 2011. Article was previously at http://www.15seconds.com/issue/070104.htm ]

[以上链接是通过Internet Archive 2011年11月。文章以前在http://www.15seconds.com/issue/070104.htm]


First off let me state that I don't know a whole lot about HTTPModules, but I would think you could write your own implementation of IHttpModule to handle the TruePass. See this link for more information: MSDN HttpModules.

首先让我说我对HTTPModules一无所知,但我认为你可以编写自己的IHttpModule实现来处理TruePass。有关更多信息,请参阅此链接:MSDN HttpModules。

From my experience, the biggest hassle of going back and forth between classic ASP and .NET is dealing with Session information. Something stored in a classic ASP session variable can't be read by .NET and vice versa. But since your FormsAuthentication is most likely using cookies, you have a means of going back and forth now.


I'm not sure about other options. If your business requirements are to keep the classic asp code and to use the TruePass, then I would think you could make it work.


Hope that helps.
