检查列表中的单词并删除pandas dataframe列中的单词

时间:2022-07-30 01:42:21

I have a list as follows,


remove_words = ['abc', 'deff', 'pls']

The following is the data frame which I am having with column name 'string'



0    abc stack overflow
1    abc123
2    deff comedy
3    definitely
4    pls lkjh
5    pls1234

I want to check for words from remove_words list in the pandas dataframe column and remove those words in the pandas dataframe. I want to check for the words occurring individually without occurring with other words.

我想检查pandas dataframe列中remove_words列表中的单词,并删除pandas数据帧中的这些单词。我想检查单独出现的单词,而不是用其他单词出现。

For example, if there is 'abc' in pandas df column, replace it with '' but if it occurs with abc123, we need to leave it as it is. The output here should be,

例如,如果pandas df列中有'abc',请将其替换为'',但如果它与abc123一起出现,我们需要保持原样。这里的输出应该是,


0    stack overflow
1    abc123
2    comedy
3    definitely
4    lkjh
5    pls1234

In my actual data, I have 2000 words in the remove_words list and 5 billion records in the pandas dataframe. So I am looking for the best efficient way to do this.


I have tried few things in python, without much success. Can anybody help me in doing this? Any ideas would be helpful.



2 个解决方案



Try this:

In [98]: pat = r'\b(?:{})\b'.format('|'.join(remove_words))

In [99]: pat
Out[99]: '\\b(?:abc|def|pls)\\b'

In [100]: df['new'] = df['string'].str.replace(pat, '')

In [101]: df
               string              new
0  abc stack overflow   stack overflow
1              abc123           abc123
2          def comedy           comedy
3          definitely       definitely
4            pls lkjh             lkjh
5             pls1234          pls1234



Totally taking @MaxU's pattern!

完全采用@ MaxU的模式!

We can use pd.DataFrame.replace by setting the regex parameter to True and passing a dictionary of dictionaries that specifies the pattern and what to replace with for each column.


pat = '|'.join([r'\b{}\b'.format(w) for w in remove_words])

df.assign(new=df.replace(dict(string={pat: ''}), regex=True))

               string              new
0  abc stack overflow   stack overflow
1              abc123           abc123
2          def comedy           comedy
3          definitely       definitely
4            pls lkjh             lkjh
5             pls1234          pls1234



Try this:

In [98]: pat = r'\b(?:{})\b'.format('|'.join(remove_words))

In [99]: pat
Out[99]: '\\b(?:abc|def|pls)\\b'

In [100]: df['new'] = df['string'].str.replace(pat, '')

In [101]: df
               string              new
0  abc stack overflow   stack overflow
1              abc123           abc123
2          def comedy           comedy
3          definitely       definitely
4            pls lkjh             lkjh
5             pls1234          pls1234



Totally taking @MaxU's pattern!

完全采用@ MaxU的模式!

We can use pd.DataFrame.replace by setting the regex parameter to True and passing a dictionary of dictionaries that specifies the pattern and what to replace with for each column.


pat = '|'.join([r'\b{}\b'.format(w) for w in remove_words])

df.assign(new=df.replace(dict(string={pat: ''}), regex=True))

               string              new
0  abc stack overflow   stack overflow
1              abc123           abc123
2          def comedy           comedy
3          definitely       definitely
4            pls lkjh             lkjh
5             pls1234          pls1234