ASP.Net MVC与Classic ASP(不是ASP.Net - 原始ASP)有何不同

时间:2022-05-21 01:38:20

I'm trying to get a high-level understanding of ASP.Net MVC, and it has started to occur to me that it looks a lot like the original ASP script. Back in the day, we were organizing our "model"/business logic code into VBScript classes, or into VB COM components.

我试图对ASP.Net MVC有一个高层次的理解,它开始发生在我看来它看起来很像原始的ASP脚本。在当天,我们将“模型”/业务逻辑代码组织到VBScript类或VB COM组件中。

Of course, now we have the additional power of c# and the .net framework classes. Besides the high-level oo and other capabilities in c# and .Net, what are the other major differences between the original ASP and ASP.Net MVC?

当然,现在我们拥有c#和.net框架类的额外功能。除了c#和.Net中的高级oo和其他功能外,原始ASP和ASP.Net MVC之间的其他主要区别是什么?

4 个解决方案



There are three main differences: URL mapping, separation of logic from presentation, and strong typing.


URL Mapping

With classic ASP there is a smooth transition from writing HTML pages to writing HTML pages with dynamic content. As with static HTML files, each URL has a direct mapping to a file in the filesystem. The same thing is more or less true of ASP.NET, for what it's worth.


In ASP.NET MVC, each "family" of URLs maps to a Controller object (stored in the /Controllers directory, by default), where each member of the family calls a method when accessed. At the end of each method (typically), you tell it to render a particular view (stored in a folder named after the controller in the /Views directory), which is a lot like a classic ASP page with all of the logic separated out.

在ASP.NET MVC中,URL的每个“族”映射到Controller对象(默认情况下存储在/ Controllers目录中),其中该族的每个成员在访问时调用方法。在每个方法的末尾(通常),你告诉它渲染一个特定的视图(存储在/ Views目录中以控制器命名的文件夹中),这很像一个经典的ASP页面,所有逻辑都被分离出来。

This gives you logical and SEO-friendly URLs and groups related functionality together.


Separation of Logic from Presentation

In classic ASP it's common to find pages where a bit of HTML is included at the top, and then a database connection is opened and some things are read from the database while being output to the user, and then some more html, and then another database statement, and so on.


In ASP.NET MVC, your business logic (e.g. validation) goes in the model layer (you can choose from one of several dozen, but popular choices are LINQ-to-SQL and LINQ-to-Entity-Framework), your human interface logic goes in the controller (e.g. populating a State/Province menu based on the Country selection), and your presentation (the actual HTML you can hand to a designer to edit) goes in the view.

在ASP.NET MVC中,您的业务逻辑(例如验证)进入模型层(您可以选择几十种,但流行的选择是LINQ-to-SQL和LINQ-to-Entity-Framework),您的人机界面逻辑进入控制器(例如,根据国家/地区选择填充州/省菜单),您的演示文稿(您可以交给设计人员编辑的实际HTML)进入视图。

Aside from keeping things organized, this helps a great deal with being able to write automated tests for things. You can send a mocked-up object to your view and make sure it looks good, you can send bad data to your model and make sure it complains, and you can make sure that the object your controller sends out to your view is consistent with what it reads from the model.


Strong Typing and Compilation

ASP.NET is strongly typed and compiled. This is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it will catch a lot of stupid programmer mistakes at compile time. On the other hand it, that means you're left with "infinity minus one" possible errors in your code (unit testing can make it infinity minus some larger number). Also, you'll have to do things like:


if (MyArray.Length > 0)

rather than

if (MyArray.Length)

But IMHO that's a small price to pay for the speed and sanity-checking you get from strong typing.


The bigger downside to compiled languages in a big framework is that deployment becomes much more of a production than it is with something like Classic ASP. You can't just copy a couple of files to the web server to update your app. You typically have to take the webserver down (hopefully you have a redundant pair) and recompile, which can take minutes.

在一个大框架中编译语言的更大缺点是,部署变得比使用Classic ASP更具生产力。您不能只是将几个文件复制到Web服务器以更新您的应用程序。您通常必须关闭Web服务器(希望您有一个冗余对)并重新编译,这可能需要几分钟。



ASP.NET MVC has a lot of plumbing infrastructure: for example, the routing engine which automatically invokes the right controller and action and can extract bits from the URL to pass as action arguments; or the convention-based location of views. It also provides more structure for passing data from the controller into the view (the ViewData object).

ASP.NET MVC有很多管道基础设施:例如,路由引擎自动调用正确的控制器和动作,并可以从URL中提取位作为动作参数传递;或基于会议的观点位置。它还提供了更多结构,用于将数据从控制器传递到视图(ViewData对象)。

Also, crucially, MVC supports view engines. You can write raw HTML with helpers in it, but you can also use view engines like Web Forms, Spark, NHaml, etc. which allow you to write more concise view code, create reusable components (e.g. Web Forms controls), etc. This wasn't possible in ASP Classic.

此外,至关重要的是,MVC支持视图引擎。您可以在其中编写带有帮助程序的原始HTML,但您也可以使用Web窗体,Spark,NHaml等视图引擎,它们允许您编写更简洁的视图代码,创建可重用的组件(例如Web窗体控件)等。在ASP Classic中是不可能的。



Classic ASP used VBScript, which does not have classes. It's not object-oriented at all.




Very often with different technologies we can achieve the same final result. To create simple sites is almost irrelevant to the choice of technology. But when you want to make a large complex site the presence or absence of a framework that allows to optimize the code, keep well organized and efficiently divide may play a role crucial and greatly reduce the work.


ASP Classic does not achieve the same results reached by asp net mvc.

ASP Classic没有达到asp net mvc达到的相同结果。

If we omit the obvious differences between c # vb script I would say that the difference main is that you can keep your code better organized.


As with classic ASP is very easy to make "spaghetti code and, with asp mvc, on the contrary, it is very easy to keep everything tidy and separate the code business logic from display.

与经典的ASP一样,很容易制作“意大利面条代码,相反,使用asp mvc,很容易保持一切整洁,并将代码业务逻辑与显示分开。

Not only that.


Asp Net Mvc seamlessly integrates with technologies such as that EntityFramework allow a further breakdown and organization of the code.

Asp Net Mvc与EntityFramework等技术无缝集成,允许进一步细分和组织代码。



There are three main differences: URL mapping, separation of logic from presentation, and strong typing.


URL Mapping

With classic ASP there is a smooth transition from writing HTML pages to writing HTML pages with dynamic content. As with static HTML files, each URL has a direct mapping to a file in the filesystem. The same thing is more or less true of ASP.NET, for what it's worth.


In ASP.NET MVC, each "family" of URLs maps to a Controller object (stored in the /Controllers directory, by default), where each member of the family calls a method when accessed. At the end of each method (typically), you tell it to render a particular view (stored in a folder named after the controller in the /Views directory), which is a lot like a classic ASP page with all of the logic separated out.

在ASP.NET MVC中,URL的每个“族”映射到Controller对象(默认情况下存储在/ Controllers目录中),其中该族的每个成员在访问时调用方法。在每个方法的末尾(通常),你告诉它渲染一个特定的视图(存储在/ Views目录中以控制器命名的文件夹中),这很像一个经典的ASP页面,所有逻辑都被分离出来。

This gives you logical and SEO-friendly URLs and groups related functionality together.


Separation of Logic from Presentation

In classic ASP it's common to find pages where a bit of HTML is included at the top, and then a database connection is opened and some things are read from the database while being output to the user, and then some more html, and then another database statement, and so on.


In ASP.NET MVC, your business logic (e.g. validation) goes in the model layer (you can choose from one of several dozen, but popular choices are LINQ-to-SQL and LINQ-to-Entity-Framework), your human interface logic goes in the controller (e.g. populating a State/Province menu based on the Country selection), and your presentation (the actual HTML you can hand to a designer to edit) goes in the view.

在ASP.NET MVC中,您的业务逻辑(例如验证)进入模型层(您可以选择几十种,但流行的选择是LINQ-to-SQL和LINQ-to-Entity-Framework),您的人机界面逻辑进入控制器(例如,根据国家/地区选择填充州/省菜单),您的演示文稿(您可以交给设计人员编辑的实际HTML)进入视图。

Aside from keeping things organized, this helps a great deal with being able to write automated tests for things. You can send a mocked-up object to your view and make sure it looks good, you can send bad data to your model and make sure it complains, and you can make sure that the object your controller sends out to your view is consistent with what it reads from the model.


Strong Typing and Compilation

ASP.NET is strongly typed and compiled. This is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it will catch a lot of stupid programmer mistakes at compile time. On the other hand it, that means you're left with "infinity minus one" possible errors in your code (unit testing can make it infinity minus some larger number). Also, you'll have to do things like:


if (MyArray.Length > 0)

rather than

if (MyArray.Length)

But IMHO that's a small price to pay for the speed and sanity-checking you get from strong typing.


The bigger downside to compiled languages in a big framework is that deployment becomes much more of a production than it is with something like Classic ASP. You can't just copy a couple of files to the web server to update your app. You typically have to take the webserver down (hopefully you have a redundant pair) and recompile, which can take minutes.

在一个大框架中编译语言的更大缺点是,部署变得比使用Classic ASP更具生产力。您不能只是将几个文件复制到Web服务器以更新您的应用程序。您通常必须关闭Web服务器(希望您有一个冗余对)并重新编译,这可能需要几分钟。



ASP.NET MVC has a lot of plumbing infrastructure: for example, the routing engine which automatically invokes the right controller and action and can extract bits from the URL to pass as action arguments; or the convention-based location of views. It also provides more structure for passing data from the controller into the view (the ViewData object).

ASP.NET MVC有很多管道基础设施:例如,路由引擎自动调用正确的控制器和动作,并可以从URL中提取位作为动作参数传递;或基于会议的观点位置。它还提供了更多结构,用于将数据从控制器传递到视图(ViewData对象)。

Also, crucially, MVC supports view engines. You can write raw HTML with helpers in it, but you can also use view engines like Web Forms, Spark, NHaml, etc. which allow you to write more concise view code, create reusable components (e.g. Web Forms controls), etc. This wasn't possible in ASP Classic.

此外,至关重要的是,MVC支持视图引擎。您可以在其中编写带有帮助程序的原始HTML,但您也可以使用Web窗体,Spark,NHaml等视图引擎,它们允许您编写更简洁的视图代码,创建可重用的组件(例如Web窗体控件)等。在ASP Classic中是不可能的。



Classic ASP used VBScript, which does not have classes. It's not object-oriented at all.




Very often with different technologies we can achieve the same final result. To create simple sites is almost irrelevant to the choice of technology. But when you want to make a large complex site the presence or absence of a framework that allows to optimize the code, keep well organized and efficiently divide may play a role crucial and greatly reduce the work.


ASP Classic does not achieve the same results reached by asp net mvc.

ASP Classic没有达到asp net mvc达到的相同结果。

If we omit the obvious differences between c # vb script I would say that the difference main is that you can keep your code better organized.


As with classic ASP is very easy to make "spaghetti code and, with asp mvc, on the contrary, it is very easy to keep everything tidy and separate the code business logic from display.

与经典的ASP一样,很容易制作“意大利面条代码,相反,使用asp mvc,很容易保持一切整洁,并将代码业务逻辑与显示分开。

Not only that.


Asp Net Mvc seamlessly integrates with technologies such as that EntityFramework allow a further breakdown and organization of the code.

Asp Net Mvc与EntityFramework等技术无缝集成,允许进一步细分和组织代码。